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Learnings on mobile marketing, national and international cases. Best of Wireless April 27 th 2005

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1 Learnings on mobile marketing, national and international cases. Best of Wireless April 27 th 2005

2 The role of mobile in the communication mix

3 While mass media will continue to play an important role to achieve mindshare and differentiation – especially in the customer acquisition phase…

4 … new media can help to build the ‘good brand feelings’ that lead to brand preference by involving the consumer in ways that mass media never could. They make it easier to create meaningful ‘engaging’ brand experiences to different audience sets. “The solution includes: Precision (talking to the right people) Relevance (assure your message resonates) Empowerment (putting consumers in control) Reciprocity (delivering value in all interactions).” J. Walter Smith – President –

5 Once you have started to create brand attachment, continue to use a ‘relational’ approach in new media - based on true customer understanding and dialogue - to emotionally bond the customer and as such achieve repeated and increased sales.

6 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 VALUEVALUE 100 200 300 1000 Emotional Attachment MindshareRelevanceDifferentiationAttachment Traditional Media New Media Once you have started to create brand attachment, continue to use a ‘relational’ approach in new media - based on true customer understanding and dialogue - to emotionally bond the customer and as such achieve repeated and increased sales. Mobile Games DVD iDTV E-mail Websites Chat Blogs iPods/MP3 etc…

7 It’s about using old media in new ways, new media for old goals and new media for new goals. It’s about combining left brain marketing skills traditionally associated with direct marketing, with the right brain marketing creativity of traditional advertising in a ‘new’ digital head. The mobile phone is the relationship tool by excellence

8 Making connections is also what drives the success of mobile phones, tipping the scales in the Spanish Election. Text messaging was not only successful in assembling crowds, on pre- and election day – when demonstrations are illegal - SMS traffic increased by 40%. Source: Herald Tribune

9 The fusion of the mobile phone, the PC and the Internet is beginning to make new forms of collective action possible on new scales, at new tempos, in new places, with groups that have not been able to organize before. This will change society. Making connections is also what drives the success of mobile phones, tipping the scales in the Spanish Election. Text messaging was not only successful in assembling crowds, on pre- and election day – when demonstrations are illegal - SMS traffic increased by 40%.

10 Mobile phones are everywhere. They are an integral part of our personal and professional lives. W-Europe counts 400 mio mobile subscribers, more than fixed-line! 80% of W-Europeans have a mobile.

11 Mobile penetration in Europe 2002-2003 Source: Netsize 2004 Mobile phones are everywhere. They are an integral part of our personal and professional lives. W-Europe counts 400 mio mobile subscribers, more than fixed-line! 80% of W-Europeans have a mobile.

12 SMS continues to be a tremendous success. 15 billion SMS are sent every month. While the average European mobile phone user exchanges 35 SMS per month, Ireland recorded an average of 82 SMS’s per end-user per month in 2003.

13 Average SMS sent per user per month in 2 nd half 2003 Source: Netsize 2004 SMS continues to be a tremendous success. 15 billion SMS are sent every month. While the average European mobile phone user exchanges 35 SMS per month, Ireland recorded an average of 82 SMS’s per end-user per month in 2003.

14 European youth spent 10% of their income on mobile products. 95% of mobile users aged 19-24 are using SMS. For the future buying generation the mobile phone is more than just a communication tool, but key to socially connect and live.

15 Youth Spending on mobile products (as % of leisure spending) Source: Youth Mobile Report 2004 + Netsize 2004 European youth spent 10% of their income on mobile products. 95% of mobile users aged 19-24 are using SMS. For the future buying generation the mobile phone is more than just a communication tool, but key to socially connect and live.

16 Soon people will do much more than just talk and text. Mobile phones will become true multimedia ‘business and entertainment’ consoles, even payment devices. More simplicity and killer content applications will initiate the boom.

17 European spent on mobile (ringtones, logos, news, sport results, stock exchange prices) versus web content 310 mio 1.7 bio 590 mio 3.3 bio Source: Jupiter MMXI Web ContentMobile Content Soon people will do much more than just talk and text. Mobile phones will become true multimedia ‘business and entertainment’ consoles, even payment devices. More simplicity and killer content applications will initiate the boom.

18 But while mobile marketing clearly offers unrivalled potential in terms of reach, personal impact and viral-ness, it hasn’t truly kicked-off around Europe yet… consumer interest does exist.

19 Source: Empower Interactive May 2004 But while mobile marketing clearly offers unrivalled potential in terms of reach, personal impact and viral-ness, it hasn’t truly kicked-off around Europe yet… consumer interest does exist. Agencies planning to offer mobile messaging to clients European mobile users, willing to receive SMS marketing and promotional offers on their handsets Agencies offering mobile messaging to clients today

20 Mobile marketing has a good track-record as sales promotion or TV involvement tool, but unlike Asia, Europe knows few cases in branding, CRM, channel/staff motivation, product development… MC: D’s (McDonald) txt club members received free, limited edition ringtones for special events i.e. World Cup and offers ‘Free McFlurry available when you show this text message at your nearest McDonald’s today!” First Direct UK sends customers sms alerts when new deposits arrive on their account. Carrefour France sends its senior management financial performance via SMS every morning. Inspired by an av. response rate of 11% for sms campaigns, Coke launched the TXT 2 COLLECT Music in the UK. SMS2Mail – implemented for Delhaize, Belgacom, Electrabel IBM… - makes it easy for consumers to respond. Welcome to the McTxt club. U’ll get news of product offers + fun chances 2win exclusv prizes. See full t&cs @

21 Mobile as a brand activation and sales promotion tool Welcome to the McTxt club. U’ll get news of product offers + fun chances 2win exclusv prizes. See full t&cs @ Cfr : Ford Fiesta minisite Amex Blue movie Proximus Motion Signs movie

22 Source: Youth Mobile Report 2004 + Netsize 2004 Mobile as a tool for product and service development

23 Source: Netsize 2004 Mobile as CRM tool

24 Lessons learned: The mobile is a way to get close to the consumer’s heart The consumer allows it !! It stays very, very private – use it with care It builds strong engaging relationships that translate in a bottom line win

25 While the consumer might be personally reachable 24/7 – he is more than ever in control of to who, to what, when and how he’ll listen. Or he’ll talk first… advertisers better be ready to answer. Welcome to the All-Ways On Consumer !

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