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Shirley Clark and Patricia Reed July 20, 2006 10:00 am - 11:15 am 2006 BPW National Conference Dallas, Texas Embracing New Frontiers: Looking at the Future:

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Presentation on theme: "Shirley Clark and Patricia Reed July 20, 2006 10:00 am - 11:15 am 2006 BPW National Conference Dallas, Texas Embracing New Frontiers: Looking at the Future:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Shirley Clark and Patricia Reed July 20, 2006 10:00 am - 11:15 am 2006 BPW National Conference Dallas, Texas Embracing New Frontiers: Looking at the Future: Innovative Research, Strategies and Thinking Learn to Lead Changes in Your Workplace to Advance and Retain Women Leaders

2 Who is Choose 2 Lead? Non-profit that seeks to change 21 st century lives The founding partners, Patricia Reed and Shirley Clark, have over 45 combined years of experience in business, government, consulting and non-profit organizations and have relocated with their husbands and children 10 times. C2L was founded on a vision that women, armed with information, can be strong catalysts for personal and professional changes Recent research for the U.S. Department of Labor has focused on experienced women “opting out” of the workforce and win-win workplace solutions

3 Background We believe that the face of the workforce has changed and the workplace hasn’t kept up: Workers are more diverse than ever before One-size-fits-all jobs and old-school management models are inadequate for today’s workers –dual-earner families a prime example Technology has provided tools for change, yet is underutilized

4 Background Women are not reaching their career potential and represent an underutilized asset: Many women leave opportunities and income on the table in order to make their dual-earner family work Some leave altogether, although they have a lot to offer Once off the track, getting back on presents challenges Some women leaders feel stymied by the old boys’ network

5 Background Need to reframe the issue: it is not just a women’s issue or is it always about flexibility Workplace needs to meet the needs of employers as well as of diverse employees Studies on women and the workplace show progress yet generally don’t examine the underlying fundamental issue of workplace culture Win-win workplace practices have been shown to lead to increased loyalty, productivity and retention

6 Beyond Quarterly Results How can leaders be best prepared to deal with global competitiveness? Focus on human resources Retention: Gen X&Y, retirement eligible, mid-career women Future pipeline of workers High cost of benefits, hiring and training Leverage technology to bring relief to supply and demand issues of human capital Lead and embrace change – cultural and operational

7 Creative Programs and Approaches Exist! Innovative win-win programs include: Targeted recruiting and innovative hiring strategies to gain competitive advantage through diversity in thought Older workers as mentors Alumni staff to fill interim resource needs and keep employees’ skills fresh Job banks and seminars to match non-traditional workers with non-traditional positions Local client focus to minimize travel Team and product approaches to projects “Best of” lists don’t necessarily provide an accurate picture of the degree of innovation out there.

8 Great Concepts, but what are the Roadblocks? Not widely “spread” within company Marginalization by co-workers Career stopper Attempts to negotiate a personal deal fail; don’t have tools to make the case Options don’t fit needs Marketability

9 Barriers to Organizational Change Lack of compelling business case Old-school views on work and workers View that employees are commodities and not assets Misunderstanding of the differences between flexible and restructured Fear that everyone will want reduced hours or that only some can benefit No plan or model to implement Limited resources to research or plan change Lack of management experience in how to manage a non-traditional workforce HR issues such as health insurance, accounting structures

10 Women Leaders can be Catalysts Be realistic, bold and positive Manage with everyone’s interests in mind: shareholders, managers and employees Arm employees and executive leadership with compelling reasons for change Test out innovations: rotations, product-driven team projects, mentoring, job redefinition, women’s forums, alumni and on-ramp programs Cooperate with other women Spread the word at every opportunity LEAD by example

11 Questions for Discussion Who is being groomed to be the future leaders? How can we ensure that women’s participation in senior roles and boards will increase? How can we convince organizations that competitiveness starts with diversity of thought and leadership style? What is the role of technology in organizational change and success?

12 Our Challenge to You Work with us to change 21 st century lives:

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