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Dan Cotter (DHS) Ivan DeLoatch (FGDC) FGDC Steering Committee Meeting

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1 National Spatial Data Infrastructure Activities Building a New Strategic Plan for the NSDI
Dan Cotter (DHS) Ivan DeLoatch (FGDC) FGDC Steering Committee Meeting June 13, 2013

2 NSDI Strategic Plan – Purpose/Scope
Develop a concise, updated strategic plan to guide the Federal government’s activities toward the further development of the National Spatial Data Infrastructure (NSDI) Scope: Validate and build consensus around a shared vision of the NSDI Define the role of the Federal government to further the development of the NSDI Collaboratively define the roles and relationships among Federal agencies and non-Federal partners and stakeholders Identify 4-5 strategic goals, informed by the geospatial community, for the Federal government to pursue in the next 3 years Develop follow-up implementation plans and performance measures to achieve these goals

3 NSDI Strategic Plan Drivers
OMB Circular A-16 GAO Report (GAO-13-94): Geospatial Information – OMB and Agencies Need to Make Coordination a Priority to Reduce Duplication (November 2012) NGAC Paper: Toward A National Geospatial Strategy (December 2012) Digital Government Strategy Open Government Directive Open Data Policy

4 GAO Recommendation (GAO-13-94)
…The Secretary of the Interior, as the FGDC chair should establish a time frame for creating and updating a strategic plan to improve coordination and reduce duplication, and create and implement the plan within the established time frame. The plan, at a minimum, should include: a vision statement for the NSDI outcome-oriented goals and objectives that address all aspects of the NSDI a description of how the goals and objectives are to be achieved, including a description of the resources needed to achieve the goals and objectives and how the FGDC is to work with other agencies to achieve them performance measures for achieving the stated goals; and external factors that could affect the achievement of the goals and objectives.

5 Project Team and Partners
Roles and Responsibilities Executive Sponsors Anne Castle (DOI, FGDC Chair), Scott Bernard (OMB, FGDC Vice-Chair), Dan Cotter (DHS), Ivan DeLoatch (FGDC) Project Core Team John Mahoney (FGDC), Ken Shaffer (FGDC), Jerry Johnston (DOI rep), Steve Lewis (DOT rep), Tony LaVoi (DOC rep), Lew Summers (DHS/Coordination Group Vice Chair), Tricia Gibbons (Facilitator, LEAD Alliance) FGDC Executive Committee Serve as key consultation group for the strategic planning process on behalf of the FGDC Steering Committee; provide direction and validate findings FGDC Coordination Group Provide interagency coordination & communication; provide ongoing input to the planning process and the plan National Geospatial Advisory Committee Validate approach, provide input on context setting and strategic direction; provide feedback on the work of the writing team. Gather input from NGAC member organizations. Non-Federal Partners Provide input and feedback, validate approach

6 National Geospatial Advisory Committee
Dr. Robert Austin, NGAC Chair City of Tampa, FL Mr. Bert Granberg State of Utah Mr. Matthew O’Connell GeoEye Dr. Jerry Johnston, NGAC Vice-Chair U.S. Department of the Interior Mr. Frank Harjo Muscogee (Creek) Nation Mr. Patrick Olson Aero-Metric, Inc. Mr. Talbot J. Brooks Delta State University, MS Mr. Michael Jones Google, Inc. Mr. Mark Reichardt Open Geospatial Consortium, Inc. Mr. Richard Clark State of Montana Mr. Jack H. Maguire County of Lexington, SC Dr. Douglas Richardson Association of American Geographers Dr. Keith Clarke University of California, Santa Barbara Dr. E. Donald McKay Illinois State Geological Survey Mr. Anthony Spicci State of Missouri Mr. Steve Coast Microsoft Corporation Dr. Carolyn J. Merry The Ohio State University Mr. Gary Thompson State of North Carolina Mr. Jack Dangermond ESRI Ms. Anne Hale Miglarese PlanetiQ, Inc. Mr. Gene Trobia State of Arizona Mr. David DiSera EMA, Inc. Mr. Roger Mitchell MDA Information Systems, Inc. Ms. Molly Vogt Oregon Metro Prof. Joanne Irene Gabrynowicz University of Mississippi Law School Dr. Michele Motsko National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Mr. David Wyatt Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians Mr. Matthew Gentile Deloitte Financial Advisory Services, LLP Dr. Timothy Nyerges University of Washington Ivan DeLoatch NGAC Designated Federal Officer (DFO) Federal Geographic Data Committee

7 NGAC Study Questions Provide input to review, validate, and provide perspectives to help develop a shared vision of the NSDI. Provide input to help define the current and future role of the Federal government in advancing the development of the NSDI, and provide input to help collaboratively define the roles and relationships among Federal agencies and non-Federal partners and stakeholders. Provide input to help define key external factors and trends in the geospatial community which will have an impact on the continued development of the NSDI. NOTE: FGDC will also ask for feedback and comment on the goals and objectives of the NSDI plan as they are developed through the planning process. *From 2013 FGDC Guidance to NGAC

8 NGAC Action Plan Subcommittee Assignments NSDI Plan: Vision
Federal Role+ External Factors Geo Platform A-16 Guidance Portfolio Mgt Landsat (LAG) Federal Liaisons D. Cotter (DHS) I. DeLoatch, (FGDC) Federal Liaison J. Johnston (DOI) A. Gardner (NASA) T. Newman (USGS) Co-Chairs R. Austin K. Clarke M. O’Connell A. Spicci D. McKay P. Olson (K. Green) R. Mitchell Members D. DiSera (Lead) T. Brooks M. Gentile D. Richardson M. Reichardt G. Trobia (Lead) J. Dangermond A. Miglarese M. Vogt B. Granberg (Lead) D. Clark F. Harjo M. Jones C. Merry S. Coast J. Gabrynowicz J. Maguire D. Wyatt M. Motsko T. Nyerges G. Thompson *External Members

9 NSDI Plan Timeline *Opportunities for public/partner input Timeframe
Activity Dec – Feb Project Start-up - COMPLETED Feb – Sept * Outreach to external partners, key individuals, professional meetings, social media, etc. - IN PROGRESS March 5 * Strategic Visioning Workshop - COMPLETED March 7 * NSDI Leaders Forum - COMPLETED Feb - March Develop expanded outline of Strategic Plan – COMPLETED March 19 * FGDC Steering Committee Meeting - COMPLETED April 3 * NGAC Webinar Meeting - COMPLETED April-May NGAC Subcommittee input – COMPLETED Develop initial draft Strategic Plan (v1) – COMPLETED June * NGAC Meeting - COMPLETED June 13 * FGDC Steering Committee Meeting - NOW June 19* NSDI Leaders Forum – Follow Up Meeting June 24 FGDC Steering Committee Feedback Due June - July Develop revised draft Strategic Plan (v2) July – Aug * Public Comment Period Sept * NGAC Meeting (planned) Sept 12 * FGDC Steering Committee Meeting Sept - Oct Develop Final Review Draft Strategic Plan (v3) Oct NGAC Endorsement of Strategic Plan FGDC Approval of Strategic Plan Nov - Dec Final review/approval of Strategic Plan *Opportunities for public/partner input

10 NSDI Strategic Plan – Draft v1 (6-5-13)
Table of Contents Introduction Strategic Plan Overview Background A Shared Vision for the NSDI Roles and Responsibilities of the Federal Sector Partners External Factors Strengths, Challenges, and Opportunities Strategic Goals Strategic Goal 1: Shared Services Strategic Goal 2: Accountability and Effective Management Strategic Goal 3: Leadership of the National Geospatial Community Implementation of the Strategic Plan Implementation Strategies and Performance Measurement Approach

11 Strategic Goal 1 Develop National Shared Services Capabilities
Objective 1.1: Develop geospatial interoperability reference architecture Ongoing joint effort led by the FGDC, Program Manager for the Information Sharing Environment (PM-ISE) and the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency Unclassified, Secure-But-Unclassified, and Classified Domains Reuse of existing architectural artifacts, including FICAM Draft expected by September 30, 2013 Objective 1.2: Institutionalize the Geospatial Platform Objective 1.3: Expand the use of cloud computing Objective 1.4: Promote the use of consolidated acquisition vehicles for interagency and governmental purposes

12 Strategic Goal 2 Ensure Accountability and Effective Management of Federal Geospatial Resources Objective 2.1: Advance portfolio management process for National Geoplatform Data Assets (NGDA) Define Federal roles and responsibilities for National data management, including metadata and data delivery, accounting for A-16 Supplemental guidance portfolio management requirement, Open Data policy, Geospatial Platform, and other relevant requirements. Objective 2.2: Develop process to identify potentially duplicative investments and opportunities for collaborative investments Advance the use and function of the Geospatial Marketplace function

13 Strategic Goal 3 Convene Leadership of the National Geospatial Community Objective 3.1: Lead and participate in the development and coordination of national and international standards applicable to the geospatial community Including with non-traditional geospatial communities (Volunteered Geospatial Data, Internet of Things, Big Data, …) Objective 3.2: Convene the leadership of the geospatial and non-geospatial communities to develop shared approaches to critical National issues NGAC, other key organizations and stakeholders Objective 3.3: Raise awareness of the NSDI and its impact on critical National issues Promote benefits of NSDI

14 How you can help…
The most important thing we need from you right now is your input on the draft document Please provide to the FGDC Secretariat by June 24, 2013 For more information or to provide input, visit:

15 Comments & Questions

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