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Deploying Chromebooks RICK NICHOLAS A.

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Presentation on theme: "Deploying Chromebooks RICK NICHOLAS A."— Presentation transcript:


2 Getting Started Getting a pile of Chromebooks…. Now what?

3 Jefferson Schools Environment Microsoft Active Directory / Server 2012 On-premise Exchange 2013 Accounts for Staff and Students (Grades 5-12) District Wide Cisco Wireless Lightspeed Systems Internet Filter 500+ HP Chromebook 14” We are co-running Google Apps and Office 365 to our users.

4 Why Chromebooks? Actually designed for multiple users Quick boot and login (under 10 seconds) Auto Updating / Almost No “Imaging” Easy to Manage / Almost No Touch Fully Cloud Based Standard on the web and users are not locked to 1 platform for applications Support is guaranteed for 3 years after EOL of device

5 Google Apps for Education Account Necessary to use the Chromebook Management Console and the ability to sync users. Free to sign up. Need to define and validate your domain name settings in the management console under Domain Settings > Domain Names.

6 Google Apps Directory Sync (GADS) This program will synchronize the users you define to Google Apps. Install the application on Windows/Linix/Solaris with link below. Use the Configuration wizard to create a config file for what to sync and set up a windows scheduled task to run sync during an interval. C:\Program Files\Google Apps Directory Sync\sync-cmd.exe -a -c GoogleConfig.xml

7 Google Apps Directory Sync (GADS) Notes Make sure when opening the configurator app, to open the config file once created. Syncing users/groups, an “email address" needs to be listed for item to sync into google. Exclusions Tab on Groups/Users. Verify and set accordingly. Want to set it higher than the default or it won’t sync when you make massive changes (remove senior accounts)

8 Google Apps Directory Sync (GADS) Notes If you want sub folders/organizations in Google Management, be sure to use the / rather than the \. See below.

9 Google Apps Directory Sync (GADS) Notes When done, be sure to test by going to the Sync tab and pressing Simulate sync. Verify the log file.

10 Google Apps Password Sync (GAPS) Needed for Microsoft Active Directory. Works on Server 2003, 2008, 2012 (AD DS…. Not AD LDS) IMPORTANT… This does not work on 2008/2012 Server Core. The GUI must be installed on the server. MUST be installed on ALL Active Directory servers!!!!! When a user changes their password, GAPS pushes the password change to Google Apps immediately. GAPS is one directional, so no passwords are changed on AD.

11 Why Chromebook Mangement Console? This is not free… Why should you purchase this? Allows you to track assets Pre-install and block apps Define policies based on user and device groups Control User Access (prevent outside users from logging in, disable Guest Mode, designate certain users permissions to a device) Configure Network Access across all devices Customize User features

12 Chromebook Mangement Console License Details One time fee per device (approx. $30) The license lasts for the lifetime* of the device Lifetime Policy –

13 Chromebook Enterprise Management To use the Chromebook Enterprise Management, you must purchase a license from a google vendor. This is not instant and can take a few days before the licenses is ready to use. The first purchase could take longer since Google validates your Apps domain. Navigate to Domain Settings > Sub & Billing to verify licenses.

14 Chrome Management Console Demo what you can do and some of the settings…

15 How we deployed our 500+ Chromebooks Unboxed all the Chromebooks. Grouped, marked, and Inventoried Chromebooks with a sharpie. Set up power and a switch to prepare 32 Chromebooks at a time. We plugged a network cable in to enroll the device since the wireless settings were defined in our policy. At the initial login screen, press Ctrl + Alt + E and the Enterprise Enrollment screen will appear. Type in an Google Apps administrator account and password to enroll the device. In the management console, we moved the Chromebook to the proper suborganization folder.

16 How we deployed our 500+ Chromebooks (cont) (Optional) In the Chrome web browser, go to chrome:chrome and this will show you if an update is available to install on the device. Unplugged our network cable to verify the device connected to WiFi with the settings it pulled down.

17 Network / Wireless Policies In Management Console, navigate to Settings > Chrome Management > Networks > For Devices. Click Add Wi-Fi button and configure the settings as shown.

18 802.1x / RADIUS Integration We use Lightspeed Systems internet filter and Cisco Wireless with 802.1x. When users log in, the wireless passes the users credentials to our web filter using the RADIUS Accounting Server settings on the Wireless gear.

19 Printing Google Cloud Print (BETA) Installed Chrome Browser on our print server In Chrome, go to Settings, under Google Cloud Print go to manage print settings

20 Printing (cont) Cloud Print will detect installed network printers on the print server. Select the desired printer and select the share option. Then type in the group email or individual emails to give access to the printer for the Chromebooks.

21 Useful / Cool Tools In a web browse, type… chrome:policyManually refresh the policy and verify settings chrome:chromeCheck OS version and manually update chrome:imageburnerCreate a USB update to “reimage/reflash” OS

22 Some Potential Issues User Account is deactivated Cloud Print Crashes on Print Server

23 Questions?

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