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Management is a process of planning, organizing, motivating, coordinating and controlling the activities of a business enterprise for the attainment of.

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2 Management is a process of planning, organizing, motivating, coordinating and controlling the activities of a business enterprise for the attainment of pre-determined goals. It is a very long process which starts with the establishment of business and continues till the pre-determined goals are attained. Therefore, it is very difficult to define the scope of management process. However, a Committee of the Ministry of Education of England had defined nine areas of the scope of management. These areas may be defined as under. FUNCTIONS OF MANAGEMENT PROCESS

3 1.Production Management The production management is concerned with the determination of quality and quantity to be produced, production schedules etc. It also includes the analysis and quality control of the product. 2.Financial Management Financial management is concerned with the management of finances with to a yield the maximum return on the capital employed

4 3.Marketing Management Marketing is a business activity which directs the flow of goods and services from producer to the users so as to satisfy both in their pursuit and goal. Marketing management is responsible for the performance of marketing activities which include a number of functions such as marketing research, storage, transportation, advertising, selling, distribution, promotion etc. in order to satisfy the customer needs and wants. 4.Personnel Management Personnel management is mainly related to the management of human activities of a business enterprise. Personnel management is responsible for the performance of staffing activities which include a number of functions such as manpower planning, recruitment, selection, placement, training and development, appraisal of performance, remuneration of employees and motivation of workforce.

5 5.Development Management Development management is related to the management of unit engaged in conducting various and industrial surveys, carry out researches, suggest ways and means for innovations so as to achieve the objectives of the organization with the utmost satisfaction and maximum benefit. 6.Purchasing Management Purchasing management refers to the function of materials management which is mainly concerned with the purchase, storage, control and accounting of materials. 7.Transport Management Transport management refers to collection and dispatch of material and also to facilitate the movement of men and materials for better and smooth working.

6 8.Maintenance Management Maintenance management is responsible for keeping the wheel of industry moving which is in fact occupies a key position in industrial undertaking. Maintenance management includes the proper maintenance of building, plant and machinery of the enterprise so that activities of the enterprise may go on without interruption. 9.Office Management It includes the arrangement for effective communication, proper recording arrangement and the placement of employees on their jobs.

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