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Are you ready to sell the Common Core State Standards Offerings? Today is the day.

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Presentation on theme: "Are you ready to sell the Common Core State Standards Offerings? Today is the day."— Presentation transcript:

1 Are you ready to sell the Common Core State Standards Offerings? Today is the day.

2 Agenda Testing your CCSS Knowledge Baby “CCSS” or CCSS 101 Beginning the CCSS discussion Pearson’s CCSS Assets Building a CCSS Implementation Plans The Casual CCSS Presentation FYIs Wrap-up and Next Steps

3 TRUE OR FALSE Let us play a game of TRUE OR FALSE to test your knowledge of the Common Core State Standards.

4 These standards amount to a national curriculum for our schools.

5 Montana has adopted the CCSS.

6 The standards recognize that both content and skills are important.

7 The CCSS have bipartisan support.

8 States can change up to 15% of the standards to personalize them.

9 The standards are internationally benchmarked.

10 Texas has adopted the CCSS.

11 No teachers were involved in writing the standards.

12 The standards tell teachers what to teach and for how long.

13 Academic discussion is a key part of the listening standards.

14 Media and technology are integral parts of the ELA standards.

15 SS, Science, and Technical Subjects are included even though there are not specific standards for these areas.

16 Adopting the CCSS will bring all states down to the lowest common denominator. (MA will take a step down)


18 Common Core State Standards “Baby CCSS” PDAE Training May 19, 2011

19 Common Core State Standards: Initiative Overview Common Core State Standards Services 5/19/1119 The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a voluntary, state-led initiative to develop common standards in K-12 English language arts and Mathematics. The initiative is led by the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) and the National Governors’ Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center).

20 Common Core State Standards: Guiding Principles Prepare students for college and career Draw upon the best practices and standards of leading states and countries Higher, clearer, and fewer Research and evidence based Include emphasis on knowledge and skills Common Core State Standards Services l 03/18/1120

21 Is state led – coordinated by National Governors’ Association and Council of Chief State School Officers Outlines consistent standards across adopting states Currently focuses primarily on Math and ELA Includes rigorous content and a focus on the application of knowledge as a true measure of understanding Aligned with college and career expectations Informed by top performing countries and states Is research-based But first, a few Common Core basics

22 The standards focus primarily on what content should be taught, not too much on how it should be taught. The standards provide deep focus on new student behavior and practices. New assessments should (will) impact everything. But these really drove what we did.

23 Common Core State Standards: Rationale for Common Standards Preparation Equity/Student Mobility Clarity/Comparability Competition Sharing of Resources/Economies of Scale Common Core State Standards Services l 03/18/1123

24 Common Core State Standards: Adoption and Implementation Must adopt 100% of the core in English language arts and mathematics States may add additional standards, up to 15%. 3 Years to adhere Common Core State Standards Services l 03/018/1124

25 Common Core State Standards: Development Process and Timeline May 2009 – 48 states & 3 territories sign-on to develop standards September 2009–June 2010 Standards written by small group of of authors ○ External and state feedback throughout the drafting process March 2010 Draft K-12 standards released for public comment June 2010 Final standards released Today Common Core State Standards Services l 05/19/11 25

26 So far, 43 States and DC have formally adopted the Common Core State Standards.

27 Common Core State Standards: Development Feedback and Review Feedback received by: K-12 teachers Postsecondary faculty State curriculum and assessment experts Researchers General public National organizations, including: American Council on Education American Federation of Teachers Campaign for High School Equity Conference Board of the Mathematical Sciences Modern Language Association National Council of Teachers in Mathematics and English National Education Association Common Core State Standards Services l 03/18/1127

28 Common Core State Standards: International Evidence Base Mathematics Belgium Canada China Chinese Taipei England Finland Hong Kong India Ireland Japan Korea Singapore English Language Arts Australia Canada England Finland Hong Kong Ireland Singapore Common Core State Standards Services l 03/18/1128

29 What is next for the Common Core State Standards? Aligned assessment systems: Assessments must be developed to measure student progress. Currently 2 consortia developing assessment systems for the Common Core. Implementation expected 2014. Development of curricular supports and materials: Instructional materials needed that align to the standards. Professional development of teachers and leaders: Educators must be given resources, tools, and time to adjust classroom practice. States continue to adopt the Common Core and align current policies and practices: Federal, state, and district policies will need to be reexamined to ensure they support alignment of the common core state standards with student achievement. Common Core State Standards Services l 03/18/1129

30 Common Core State Standards: Advances in English Language Arts Standards Activity: Read through the Key Points in the CCSS ELA. How would you talk about this to a Director of Curriculum and Instruction? Common Core State Standards Services l 03/18/1130

31 Common Core State Standards: Advances in Mathematics Standards Activity: Read through the Key Points in the CCSS Mathematics. How would you talk about this to a Superintendent? Common Core State Standards Services l 03/18/1131

32 For more information, visit: or Common Core State Standards Services l 03/18/1132

33 CCSS Awareness and Action Meter DON’T KNOW THEY NEED TO BE AWARE AWARE, Leaders know, but no action taken yet PRELIMINARY ACTION Preliminary steps taken, leadership trained ACTION Training for Leaders and Teachers ENLIGHTENMENT Implementation plans. Training for teachers and leaders. Partnerships with solutions providers.

34 Beginning the Conversation…

35 Pearson’s CCSS Assets

36 5 Reasons why Pearson should be their CCSS implementation partner 1.The right spectrum of professional development for administrators and teachers 2.Close association with key authors and thought leaders behind the CCSS 3.Advice and support from A&I, the world’s leading assessment company 4.Consultative services from America’s Choice, the leader in school improvement 5.Support for managing implications to teacher effectiveness

37 Our Competition…

38 Pearson CCSS Implementation Support Services Teacher Compass Teacher Observation & PD Alignment Tool CCSS PD for Leaders CCSS PD for Teachers CCSS Consultative Services

39 Leading the Way Series Workshops for Leaders 1. Implementation of the Math CCSS 2. Implementation of the ELA CCSS 3. Assessment 4. Special Populations (ELL, SPED) 5. Academic Behavior Teacher-focused Workshops for Mathematics* 6. Foundational Overview of CCSS for Math 7. Focusing on the Mathematical Practices 8. CCSS in a Standards-based Classroom 9. Performance-based Assessments for Math 10. Using the Interactive Whiteboard with the 8 Mathematical Practices Teaching for Conceptual Understanding: 11. Operations and Base Ten 12. Understanding Fractions 13. Ratio and Proportional Relationships Teacher-focused Workshops for English Language Arts* 14. Foundational Overview of CCSS for ELA1 or 15. Digging into the Reading Standards 16. Digging into the Writing Standards 17. Performance-based Assessments for ELA 18. Speaking and Listening Standards and Language Standards 19. ELA Standards for History/Social Studies (Secondary only) 20. ELA Standards for Science/Technical Writing (Secondary only) *Workshops are appropriately grade-banded where necessary Professional Development Workshops Introductory 2-days 1 or 2-days

40 Professional Development to Support the Successful Implementation of the Common Core State Standards for English Language Arts

41 Professional Development to Support the Successful Implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics

42 Strategic Planning & Consultative Services Call your Regional PD Rep to learn more! Diagnostic Assessment Building-level assistance to support effective classroom implementation Whole-school design and implementation support

43 CCSS Awareness and Action Meter RECOMMENDATIONS CCSS Awareness and Action Meter RECOMMENDATIONS DON’T KNOW THEY NEED TO BE AWARE AWARE, Leaders know, but no action taken yet PRELIMINARY ACTION Preliminary steps taken, leadership trained ACTION Training for Leaders and Teachers ENLIGHTENMENT Implementation plans. Training for teachers and leaders. Partnerships with solutions providers. Diagnostic and consultative services Intro PD for Leaders Consultative Services Intro PD for Teachers More PD for Leaders Consultative Services In-depth PD for Teachers Consultative Services In-depth PD for Teachers Consultative Services

44 Available Now Observe and track teacher performance against new CCSS standards Coming Soon Link teacher evaluations to online PD resources to sustain Common Core understandings and practices How will the Common Core impact teacher evaluations and the definition of “teacher effectiveness”? Mobile capable!

45 Improve academic achievement for English learners

46 Check out your annotated PD Catalogs for dates! Download the full annotated version at Common Core State Standard Services l 00/00/0046

47 Leading the Way Series Workshops for Leaders 1. Implementation of the Math CCSS 2. Implementation of the ELA CCSS 3. Assessment 4. Special Populations (ELL, SPED) 5. Academic Behavior (winter 2011/2012) Teacher-focused Workshops for Mathematics* 6. Foundational Overview of CCSS for Math 7. Focusing on the Mathematical Practices 8. CCSS in a Standards-based Classroom 9. Performance-based Assessments for Math 10. Using the Interactive Whiteboard with the 8 Mathematical Practices Teaching for Conceptual Understanding: 11. Operations and Base Ten 12. Understanding Fractions 13. Ratio and Proportional Relationships Teacher-focused Workshops for English Language Arts* 14. Foundational Overview of CCSS for ELA 15. Digging into the Reading Standards 16. Digging into the Writing Standards 17. Performance-based Assessments for ELA 18. Speaking and Listening Standards and Language Standards 19. ELA Standards for History/Social Studies (Secondary only) 20. ELA Standards for Science/Technical Writing (Secondary only) *Workshops are appropriately grade-banded where necessary Professional Development Workshops Introductory 2-days 1 or 2-days “Our budgets and time are limited. What’s the essential package?”

48 BUILDING AN IMPLEMENTATION PLAN Putting this all together…

49 Choose a district to build a 3 year Implementation Plan for CCSS. District A: District in Need of Improvement and does not have a clear plan for CCSS. District B: District Leadership has participated in State-led CCSS trainings and some teachers have attended. District is considered “high performing.” District C: District is looking for Enhancement Services around the CCSS.

50 Presenting you Plans…

51 But don’t just take our word for it. “We have been working with Pearson for several years to support our teachers with English Learners…. With the CCSS, we decided to go with who we trust – Pearson-- and we know that our Principals and Teachers will be prepared to meet these rigorous standards.” — Bronx, NY “For the past several months, our network has been talking about how to prepare our leaders and teachers for the implementation of the CCSS. Pearson offers an array of offerings to help us every step of the way to success.” — Philadelphia, PA “It was intensive. And it was worth it.” — Syracuse, NY

52 Common Core State Standard Services l 03.18.1152


54 Webinar Follow-up: June 1, 2011 at 5:00pm EDT Look for the invitation. Common Core State Standard Services l 03.18.1154

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