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Lake Paajarvi (southern Finland, Europe 60º04 N, 25º08 E) Lake Pääjärvi Automated monitoring station southern boreal vegetation zone (airT 3.6ºC, precip.

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1 Lake Paajarvi (southern Finland, Europe 60º04 N, 25º08 E) Lake Pääjärvi Automated monitoring station southern boreal vegetation zone (airT 3.6ºC, precip 660 mm/a ) dimictic, humic, oligo-mesotrophy A 13.4 km 2, z max 85 m ice cover ~150 d Nov/Dec-Apr/May Buoy Station met-variables 2001 temp, O 2, pH, conductivity, chl-a, color (DOC) 2006/7 photos: llpo Hakala

2 Lake Vesijärvi, southern Finland lake A 111 km 2, Catchment A 509 km 2 Max depth 42 m, Mean depth 6 m Mean retention time 5.4 yrs Long history of pollution and partial recovery Map: / Nevicom

3 Water temperature (5,10,15,20,25,30m) Dissolved oxygen II Chlorophyll a (2, 7 12 m) Turbidity II Frequency: every 3-hrs, open water period 2 new stations to the lake in 2007 Mittausasema Automatic monitoring station at Vesijärvi 2004->

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