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Lower Mokelumne River l Description of Watershed l Beneficial Uses l Pollution Sources l Potential Pollution Management Strategies.

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Presentation on theme: "Lower Mokelumne River l Description of Watershed l Beneficial Uses l Pollution Sources l Potential Pollution Management Strategies."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lower Mokelumne River l Description of Watershed l Beneficial Uses l Pollution Sources l Potential Pollution Management Strategies

2 Description of Watershed l Approximate Area l Land Uses l Typical Flow Rates l Major Fish Species

3 Approximate Area l Topography –Mountainous –Flat l Water Sources –Upper Mokelumne River EBMUD Melting snow l Drainage Area = 627 mi 2

4 Land Uses l Agriculture70% l Urban/Suburban10% l Undeveloped20%

5 Typical Flow Rates l 50% Exceeds 437 l 10% Exceeds1,680 l Max Flow (1986)6,060 l Min Flow (1977) 23 l Avg. Annual Flow730 l Avg. Daily Flow876 l Dry Weather Flow105

6 Major Fish Species l * Special Concern Species l Chinook Salmon l Rainbow Trout l Green Sturgeon* l Pacific Lamprey l River Lamprey* l Prickly Sculpin l Sacramento Blackfish l Sacramento Squawfish l Sacramento Sucker l Tule Perch l White Sturgeon

7 Beneficial Uses l Agriculture l Recreation l Migration l Spawning l Wildlife Habitat l Power Generation

8 Agriculture l Irrigation (Canals) –58 MGD to Woodbridge Irrigation District l Stock Watering –Camanche Dam Capacity 431,500 ac-ft –Woodbridge Dam 2,464 ac-ft

9 Recreation l Contact –Lodi Lake –Camanche Reservoir –New Hope Landing l Canoeing and Rafting

10 Migration l Fish Ladders

11 Spawning l Mokelumne River Fish Hatchery –Built by EBMUD as part of water rights deal –approx. 4 million Salmon and Steelhead Trout per year

12 Wildlife Habitat l Grazing l Hunting

13 Power Generation l East Bay Municipal Utilities District –Hydroelectric Power - 40 million KW- hour/year –Enough to meet needs of 10,400 people

14 Pollution Sources l EPA Index of Watershed Indicators –Rank 4: Less serious water quality problems - High vulnerability to stressors such as pollutant loadings l Point Source l Non-Point Source

15 Point Sources l No CERCLA Sites l Gravel Mining –2 major dredge tailing areas w/many gravel pits l Industrial Waste Ponds –4 main areas l Sewage Waste Ponds –2 locations l Lodi Treatment Plant (4 discharge points)

16 Non-Point Source l Agriculture –Fertilizers –Pesticides l Farming –Grazing animals l City of Lodi (Storm sewers?) l Boating (New Hope Landing)

17 Potential Pollution Management Strategies l Excavate Dredge Tailings l Grazing Control l Limit boating activities l Limit pesticide/fertilizer use l ?????

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