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G REEN P UBLIC P ROCUREMENT, A E UROPEAN P ERSPECTIVE Johannes Imminger – CEEP Policy Officer Sustainability.

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Presentation on theme: "G REEN P UBLIC P ROCUREMENT, A E UROPEAN P ERSPECTIVE Johannes Imminger – CEEP Policy Officer Sustainability."— Presentation transcript:

1 G REEN P UBLIC P ROCUREMENT, A E UROPEAN P ERSPECTIVE Johannes Imminger – CEEP Policy Officer Sustainability

2 OUTLINE  Short introduction to CEEP:  CEEP membership and structure  Current CEEP priorities  Green Public Procurement  The New Public Procurement Package  Relevant provisions  Next Steps

3 I NTRODUCTION TO CEEP: A European federation, based on two pillars: - Cross-industry social partner representing public service employers in the European Social Dialogue - Lobby organisation representing public service providers towards the European institutions  CEEP combines both missions to increase its influence towards the EU

4 CEEP MEMBERS : ... are enterprises, federations and authorities ... come from the EU, Norway and Turkey (associated member)  … are partly representing sectors: HOSPEEM, EFEE and EBU. ... represent around 500.000 SGIs providers in Europe; ... contribute to more than 26% of the EU GDP; ... employ more than 30% of the total workforce; ... provide SGIs regardless of their legal status or ownership; ... operate often with control from the state; ... compete often with other providers;

5 CEEP S TRUCTURE :  3 Boards and their respective Task Forces: Public Services Enterprises, Internal Market & Competition Local Enterprises Services of General Interest & Statistics Social Affairs Health & Safety Macro-economics Social Protection Vocational Training Sustainability Communications Energy Environment Transport Water

6 Current CEEP Priorities – Examples:  European Investment Package  International Trade Negotiations: TTIP, TiSA, CETA etc.  Energy Union/ European energy and climate policy framework/ EU contribution to COP21 in Paris  Circular Economy Package/ Review of waste legislation  Review of Drinking Water Directive  Digitalisation of public services

7 OUTLINE  Introduction to CEEP:  CEEP membership and structure  Current CEEP priorities  Green Public Procurement  The context: New Public Procurement Package  Relevant provisions  Next Steps

8 T HE CONTEXT: N EW P UBLIC P ROCUREMENT P ACKAGE  Public Procurement Package  The revision of EU Public Procurement rules  A proposal for a new Directive on the award of concession contracts  Timeline:  At EU-level: December 2011 – February 2014  At national level: April 2016 (implementation)  Strong involvement of CEEP

9 P UBLIC P ROCUREMENT & EU 2020 ‘Europe 2020, a strategy for smart, sustainable and inclusive growth’ (the ‘Europe 2020 strategy’): public procurement as one of the market-based instruments to be used to achieve smart, sustainable and inclusive growth while ensuring the most efficient use of public funds.

10 C LEARER R ULES F OR G REEN P ROCUREMENT  Public procurement Directive  Article 67 Contract award criteria (assessment on the basis of the most economically advantageous tender MEAT): best value for money (rather than the lowest price)  Concessions Directive  Article 41: award criteria may include, inter alia, environmental, social or innovation-related criteria.

11 C LEARER R ULES F OR G REEN P ROCUREMENT  CEEP supports a voluntary, not mandatory approach  Article 43 Public Procurement Directive: Possibility for contracting authorities to require a specific label  CEEP-CSR Label project since 2008

12 N EXT S TEPS  Implementation of the Directive until 18 april 2016 (art. 51). Member States are free to set mandatory environmental criteria.  On-going negotiations on trade agreements (EU- Candada, EU-US): threat or opportunity?  Non-discriminatory access to public contracts  EP position adopted on the 8 July: [...] TTIP should promote common sustainability standards for public procurement [...]

13  Contact :   @ceep_eu  ceep  /CEEPeu T HANK Y OU !

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