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Colorado Youth Rugby AGM 2009-2010. AGENDA 930 Roll Call Welcome AGM discussion rules Rocky Mtn Rugby Supply Jack Vail CHSAA & Girls HS Coaches of Excellence.

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Presentation on theme: "Colorado Youth Rugby AGM 2009-2010. AGENDA 930 Roll Call Welcome AGM discussion rules Rocky Mtn Rugby Supply Jack Vail CHSAA & Girls HS Coaches of Excellence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Colorado Youth Rugby AGM 2009-2010

2 AGENDA 930 Roll Call Welcome AGM discussion rules Rocky Mtn Rugby Supply Jack Vail CHSAA & Girls HS Coaches of Excellence (60 mins)Rod Olsen7 1055 Bathroom break High School Girls SBRO Treasurer’s Report CIPP Registration Form Youth Conference on the Game Coach Certification Coaching Courses Schedules & Policies Safety Tiebreaker rules for league standings and competition review Competition Points proposed format 2010- vote B- side matches TRY Rugby Election of officers- Development Director/ Boys Rep and Safety Director 100p Closing

3 Rocky Mtn Rugby Supply Jack Vail - presenter

4 CHSAA & Girls HS Rugby

5 Coaches of Excellence Rod Olsen

6 High School Girls We had some downsizing over the years and now we are seeing growth 2 new clubs in 09 with Boulder/Standley Lake & Glendale 2008= 164 participants to 2009= 215 participants In 2010 it looks the East HS Girls team will be resurrected

7 SBRO Upload Documents

8 Treasurer’s Report

9 Treasurer’s Report cont

10 CIPP Registration Form First NameLast nameD.O.B.AddressCityZipPhone no.e-mailH.S.Attending CIPP #

11 Youth Conference on the Game J.R. Lapierre and Kat Burgess will attend Some key items on the Agenda Overview of the Coach Development Program Head Injuries, Injury Prevention, Comparative Injury Studies Youth Case Studies on Player Recruitment & Retention Summer Sevens Items not on the agenda but will be discussed during breakout sessions Collaborative national media exposure, ESPN RISE magazine – Sports Illustrated Kids Competition dates for HS & U19- primarily for the boys at this state Key point !!! GRANTS – USA rugby wants us to grow programs, we want to grow our programs, but it takes money. CYR gives $23,000+ annually in dues, we need some of that back to pay for initiatives to grow CYR and this will be the next hot button the SBRO’s will be pushing.

12 Coach Certification Herk Koranski

13 Coaching Courses Certification course Jan 23-24, Arrowwood Elementary, Highlands Ranch Register online; Go to and click on Register for a Coaching Workshop. Costs = $180 for intro and $200 for developing, If paying after Jan 7th you’ll pay $230 for intro & $250 for developing (Please Note: Registration closes the Wednesday before the workshop at 12pm MTN. At this time only walk-in registration is available at the $300 rate.) CYR will subsidize the cost for 20 NEW (never been certified) coaches 7- HS Boys 7- HS Girls 6- TRY ** must register by January 4, 2010 Continuing Education Courses (CEU’s) These courses are where you get credits for maintaining your certification after you have been certified. The courses are roughly 2 hours long depending. Ie; Lineout seminar, scrum seminar We could organize CEU’s prior to your seasons For the girls have a session in August For the boys have a session in January/ February How many would like to take advantage of this? IF ENOUGH PEOPLE AREN’T SIGNED UP BY THE DEADLINES -USA RUGBY WILL CANCEL THE CLINICS

14 Schedules & Policies Changing match schedules once the season has started For any changes- you must send in the match change request form the request will be reviewed by the Exec Committee If the match gets changed, you will be assessed a $50 admin fee If the board determines it was impossible to play the match due to weather conditions or special circumstances, including possible makeup dates, no fees will be assessed Girls schedule- The girls voted at the Girls Preseason coaches mtg to do their own schedule. Your schedules are due by March 1st. Boys schedule –Changes to the 2010 schedule must be finalized by Jan. 15th. –In the future the schedule will be drafted in July for finalization by Oct 1st. Any issues with this schedule?

15 Safety

16 Tiebreaker rules for league standings and competition review Points system for league standings Tie breaker rules for league standing and seeding Tie breaker resolution for qualifier /playoffs and finals

17 2 tier league format & B- side matches 2 Tier league for Boys –Premier Division & Club Division –Promotion / relegation format to be finalized –POLL taken resulted in 12 in favor of 2 tiers –VOTE needed to move forward –B- side matches

18 T.R.Y. Rugby What’s needed to grow more programs? Players, coaches, refs We’ll be looking at creating more coaches and refs through the TRY program. Certification of parents as coaches with the goal that as their kids get older they may become coaches on the high school level. Secondly, there are high schools programs already affiliated with TRY groups, it will pay dividends down the road. That’s not to say the HS coaches have to commit to coaching a TRY team, but consider being a mentor/advisor to the parent/coach and this could provide a feeder system for you. Some coaches have already thought of this. Kids are coming from what programs? Glendale Rugby and the clinics they do- roughly thousands of kids introduced to the game The clinics I do and the clinics to teach PE teachers using Rookie Rugby Parks and Rec programs (ie: Denver) Community programs (ie: highlands ranch) YMCA After school programs Neighborhood programs Rookie Rugby program instruction to PE teachers to conduct at schools at elementary and middle school levels Other affiliations we are working on are the Police Athletic League & various youth football leagues.

19 Election of officers Development Director/ Boys Rep Duties 1. Recruit new coaches and new coaches for new teams 2. Prepare recruitment flyer 3. Follow up with coaches for new teams- meet with them. 4. Work with Executive Director on developing new team packet that can be sent to anyone interested in starting a new team 5. Maintain follow up with coaches Safety Director Duties 1. Safety inspections of all girls / boys club med kits and forms. 2. Collect injury data for girls Fall / boys Spring Season. 3. Injury stats tabulation 4. Be watchful of any developing safety related issues in both seasons. 5. Remind everyone we need a medical person at every tournament / event.

20 New business/ Comments

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