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© 2007 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency), all rights reserved. Use without permission is prohibited. Update on.

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Presentation on theme: "© 2007 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency), all rights reserved. Use without permission is prohibited. Update on."— Presentation transcript:

1 © 2007 Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Canadian Food Inspection Agency), all rights reserved. Use without permission is prohibited. Update on CFIA Seed Section Activities (2010-2011) Wilhelmina Drost, Senior Specialist, Seed Standards CSAAC Annual Meeting June 28-29, 2011 Montreal, Québec

2 2 Official Tag Printing by RSEs RSE must complete and submit the application entitled “Request Form for the Grant of a Licence to Print Official Seed Tags and Resulting Licence Agreement Terms and Conditions” to seek approval from the CFIA for printing Official Tags. The RSE must receive a written approval from the CFIA in the form of a Licence Agreement prior to printing Official Tags. To-date 17 RSEs are licensed to print tags. Program recently updated to allow: Printing of tags outside of Canada For RSEs to distribute tags to other RSEs Ability to add multiple third-party printers

3 3 Interagency Certified Official Tag – CFIA 5627 The CFIA has approved a new interagency certified tag (CFIA/ACIA 5627) which will be available for use in summer 2011. The new interagency certified seed tag is both compliant with Seeds Act and Regulations and AOSCA’s labelling specifications. The new interagency certified tag will specify the seed is certified, and will also correspond to the accepted blue colour that is associated with certified status in seed.

4 4 Seed Import Training via a Net-based meeting was provided to RSEs who are Authorized Importers in Nov 2010 and Jan 2011. Continued updates to the AIRS import information system. Increased monitoring of imported seed, specifically seed mixtures and Grade Table XV mixtures. Updates to ABCs of Seed Importation information document. Unregistered varieties of Schedule III crop kinds cannot be imported as common seed. If importing seed that will be cleaned after arriving in Canada, contact the Grains & Oilseed Section of CFIA prior to import.

5 5 Identification of unknown species Seeds found in imported or domestic seed samples, that are unknown to seed analysts or unidentifiable to a species level, should be sent to the National Seed Herbarium - SSTS for identification. Seed photo inquiries are accepted. Please include the crop kind and country of production if known.

6 6 The Weed Seeds Order Secondary Consultation The CFIA Seed Section released a Secondary Consultation document on June 17, 2011. Stakeholders are asked to submit their response prior to Sept 15, 2011. The WSO is being revised for several reasons: Limit introduction of new weedy species via the seed pathway. Protect Canada’s export markets from future weed problems. Clarify the definitions of WSO classes (outside regulations). review the classifications of all species currently listed in the WSO Some weeds are now considered crops WSO must continue to address the threat of weeds and invasive plants in both the agricultural and non-agricultural marketplace (wildflower mixtures, wildlife baiting mixtures and land reclamation mixtures)

7 7 WSO Secondary Consultation – Primary apply to all Grade Tables CFIA proposes Primary Noxious Class 2 weeds apply to all Grade Tables. Currently, Primary noxious standards do not apply to: Table XIV (Lawn or turf mixtures of two or more kinds of seeds) and Table XV (Ground cover mixtures composed of seed of two or more kinds other than cereal mixtures, forage mixtures, and lawn or turf mixtures). Primary Noxious species are too harmful to be permitted in Lawn, turf, and ground cover mixtures. In particular, previously Prohibited species (Leafy spurge, Jimson weed, Johnsongrass)

8 8 WSO Next Steps The Regulatory change process has been initiated. Stakeholder feedback will be incorporated into the Regulatory Impact Analysis Statement leading to pre-publication in Canada Gazette, Part I for a 75 day comment period. Revisions to the Weed Seeds Order would come into effect following publication in Canada Gazette, Part II, or upon a “coming into force” date published in Canada Gazette, Part II. Heal-all

9 9 Use of Variety Names (1) New guidance document ‘Use of Variety Names and the Import and Sale of Unregistered Varieties’ on CFIA Seed Section website. Pedigreed or common seed of an unregistered variety of a crop kind listed in Schedule III to the Seeds Regulations shall only be sold in Canada under ‘closed-loop’ conditions (section 5(4) of the Seeds Regulations): the seed is for the production of pedigreed seed; or the variety is entered into variety registration trials, for the production of a crop for evaluation of its suitability for processing.

10 10 Use of Variety Names (2) Schedule II to the Seeds Regulations lists over 70 crop kinds that may only be named as to variety when the seed is of pedigreed status Common seed of crop kinds listed in Schedule II shall not be named as to variety Common seed of crop kinds not listed in Schedule II may be named as to variety

11 11 2011 Pilot for Soybean Crop Inspection The CFIA, CSGA, CSI, and CSTA are exploring options for efficient and effective seed certification in Canada Conducting a pilot project during the 2011 growing season for Certified soybean seed crop inspection in Southern Ontario Expanding the current authorized seed crop inspection services from hybrid corn and hybrid canola to include soybeans The CFIA will continue to retain overall responsibility for seed certification in Canada, including monitoring and audits of all seed crop inspection activities. Results of the pilot project will be reviewed by CFIA, CSGA, CSI, and CSTA to determine any next steps.

12 12 Proposed Amendments to Seeds Regulations Clarify Requirements for Sale of Plant Pest Tolerance Management Varietal Blends The proposed amendments pre-published in Canada Gazette, Part I on November 6, 2010: Clarify the grading, labelling and advertising requirements for PPTM varietal blends Apply to PPTM varietal blends for crop kinds listed in any of Tables I to II.1 and IV to VII of Schedule I to the Seeds Regulations. Would come into effect at publication in Canada Gazette, Part II in the near future.

13 13 Seed Sector Value Chain Round Table AAFC has agreed to establish a Seed Sector VCRT First meeting is being planned for early October 2011 Membership is being finalized (20-30 representatives) Intended to identify issues and establish priorities for working groups Building on work of the National Forum on Seed CSAAC may be invited to participate

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