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Professionalism, Leadership and Research Integrity - the answer is values Dr Fiona Denney Assistant Director King's College London Graduate School.

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Presentation on theme: "Professionalism, Leadership and Research Integrity - the answer is values Dr Fiona Denney Assistant Director King's College London Graduate School."— Presentation transcript:

1 Professionalism, Leadership and Research Integrity - the answer is values Dr Fiona Denney Assistant Director King's College London Graduate School

2 Agenda Professionalism, leadership and research integrity – the bigger picture and where are we now? Where do we need to look for solutions? Why values are the answer and where they need to come from Practicalities – lead into group discussions

3 Where are we now? Research ethics - compliance approach Difficult decisions - belong to someone else An era of rights without responsibilities Limits to innovation yet higher risks of misconduct A discussion about what are "you" for in the university?

4 Looking for solutions in different places Change the regulations or change the culture? Things that might help to change the culture: Concordat to Support Research Integrity Researcher Development Framework / HR Excellence in Research badge Internationalization and increased global collaborations Discussions on professionalism and leadership

5 Professionalism and Leadership Professionals set and maintain their own standards Good leaders operate with integrity and for the best of the people involved (e.g.“servant leadership”) Research leaders are committed to the integrity of the discipline Researchers and academics tend to be "value-led" So we need to speak to their values

6 Values - how do we capture this? What values are important to researchers? Find out. Link with integrity of discipline and research Invest in leadership development Empower and make our researchers responsible themselves Equip them to be empowered and to lead The case for mistakes and failure

7 Developing future research leaders Assume they can do it Help them identify their values and visions Help them translate those into practicalities Address problems proactively and creatively Encourage and support them to step up to the plate Ongoing peer support and mentoring

8 Practicalities - what can you do? Group C – Making the concepts of “professionalism”, “leadership” and “integrity” meaningful for all researchers at all levels. How do we do this? Are the Researcher Development Framework, Concordats and other documents on RI the keys? How would we use them? Group D – Whose responsibility: supervisors, students, institutions? And what exactly should each group take responsibility for?

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