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History of Wildlife Conservation. Intro to National Parks: PBS Video 

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1 History of Wildlife Conservation

2 Intro to National Parks: PBS Video   According to the segment, what is the park’s purpose?  What types of environments compare to your idea of a “park”  Which of those environments would you like to know more about?  Which parks are near us?  Which parks have you been near?

3  Wildlife conservation based on Public Trust Doctrine  certain resources are preserved for public use (public resource)--- gov’t owns and preserves  EX: fish, water, scenic places too valuable to be held in private ownership NEWS JULY 18, 2014: A California court has issued a ruling requiring the regulation of groundwater withdrawals that harm the Scott River. This marks the first time a state court has decided the public trust doctrine applies to groundwater interconnected to nearby rivers, attorneys involved in the case told Bloomberg BNA July 17.

4  Wildfire used heavily by Native Americans until Europeans arrived in 1400’s Fire is essential to maintaining native species diversity. Also affects nutrient cycling.

5  1500’s-1700’s settlers experienced “unlimited” supplies of forests, grasslands, and wildlife  1800’s subjugation (defeat) of Native Americans, conversion of wildlife habitat to farms and ranches

6  Roosevelt era (1930s)---set aside millions in public parks and forests  1930’s wildlife/game research and management began with funding by hunters

7  1960’s public outrage over pesticide use led to bills to enhance environmental quality  1963 Clear Air Act  1965 Water Quality Act  1969 National Environmental Policy Act  1973 Endangered Species Act  1989 Wetlands Conservation Act  1990 Oil Pollution Act  1992 Energy Policy Act

8  Current: Debate over state versus federal authority, public good versus private property rights

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