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Starting an After-School Program, from the Ground Up Evan Donovan Metropolitan Baptist Church After-School Program.

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Presentation on theme: "Starting an After-School Program, from the Ground Up Evan Donovan Metropolitan Baptist Church After-School Program."— Presentation transcript:

1 Starting an After-School Program, from the Ground Up Evan Donovan Metropolitan Baptist Church After-School Program

2 We begin with a vision...

3 ...but may be defeated by details.


5 “For which of you...does not sit down and count the cost ?” -Jesus, Luke 14:28 You will face challenges.

6 You need to know what lies ahead. Funding Program Planning (for grant) Grant Application Child Care Choices Voucher Application Collecting Payments from Parents Grant Reporting Licensure CORI Process SACC Licensure Other Licenses (as stated in grant) In-Kind Donations (ongoing) SolicitTrackThankNetwork Staff/Volunteer RecruitmentIntake Training/ Orientation DevelopmentSupervisionRecognition Student RecruitmentIntakeSupervision Parent/School Partnerships Celebration of Success

7 Plan well in advance… Boston Public Schools opens Sept. 6 - You must be well on your way before then! Initial Program Planning Population to serve? Typical program day (begin with end in mind) CORI Process Designate Individual > Gather Documents > Apply > WF: Approval by EEC Office Grant Application Research > Plan Budget > WF: Board Approval > Submit > WF: BMA Approval Staff/Volunteer Search > Hiring > Training > Development (ongoing) SACC Licensure (required prior to opening) Study Docs >Setup Site > Schedule Visit > Visit by Licensor > WF: Approval

8 …and lay the foundation for success. The day-to-day is your reason for being, but don’t get caught up in each day’s crisis. Day-to-Day Operations Lesson & activity planning Online resources Purchased curricula Staff training & development Instructional Resources In-kind donations Purchases: Books, environment, technology Material Resources Staff & Volunteers Staffing Resources Grants (application & reporting) Vouchers Payments for care Financial Resources CORI Process EEC Licensure (SACC) Feeding Permit, Fire Permit, Occupancy, IPM Plan Licensing & Partnerships Data Resources

9 Elements of a Successful Program I. BMA Grant Application A. Guide to Narrative Sections B. Projected Budget & Budget Narrative C. Required Attachments II. Licensing A. EEC 1. CORI Process 2. License to Operate a School-Age Child Care Program B. Other Licenses (Occupancy, Fire Inspection, Feeding Permit, IPM Plan) III. Staff & Volunteers A. Recruitment 1. Sample Advertising Materials 2. Potential Sources of Volunteers B. Required Forms (including CORI) C. Training & Development D. Supervision & Recognition continued on next slide

10 Elements of a Successful Program (continued) IV. Student A. Recruitment 1. Means of Getting the Word Out 2. Importance of Partnerships 3. Sample Advertising Materials B. Intake 1. Required Information 2. Setting Up Student Files C. Supervision 1. Curriculum & Lesson Planning 2. Scheduling the Day a. Special Activities b. Importance of Unstructured Play Time c. Spiritual Instruction (Memory Verses, Bible Lessons) continued on next slide

11 Elements of a Successful Program (continued) IV. Student C. Supervision 2. Scheduling the Day d. Homework Assistance i. Tips for Effective Tutoring ii. Adapting to the TERC Math Curriculum iii. Tools for Tracking Students’ Progress iv. Importance of School Partnership e. Technology Instruction (including sample lesson plans) f. Reading Time i. Tracking Students’ Progress in Free Silent Reading Time ii. Incorporating Read-Alouds & Literacy Activities into Your Schedule D. Behavior Management continued on next slide

12 Elements of a Successful Program (concluded) V. In-Kind Donations A. Sources B. 4-Step Process C. Tracking Donations VI. Partnership: Child Care Choices A. Contacting the Agency B. Parts of the Application C. Completing the RFR (monthly reimbursement request) VII. Grant Reporting A. Parts of the Report B. Data Required for Completion C. Narration Section D. Special Event Reporting Form

13 Encouragement for Ministry “Do not despise the day of small things: the Lord rejoices to see the plumb line in the hand of Zerubbabel.” - Zech. 4:9-10 “… not by might, nor by human power, but by My Holy Spirit.” - Zech. 4:6

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