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Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

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1 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design

2 Computer programming Methodologies 1 Popular modeling techniques include Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) and Model-Driven Architecture (MDA). The Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a notation used for both the OOAD and MDA.

3 Edward Yourdon Publications 1 1996. Case Studies in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. With Carl Argila. Prentice-Hall.

4 Object-oriented analysis and design 1 Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) is a software engineering approach that models a system as a group of interacting objects

5 Object-oriented analysis and design - Literature 1 Grady Booch. "Object-oriented Analysis and Design with Applications, 3rd edition": uct.aspx?isbn=020189551X Addison- Wesley 2007.

6 Object-oriented analysis and design - Literature 1 Brett McLaughlin, Gary Pollice, David West. Head First Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. O'Reilly, 2006.

7 Martin Fowler 1 Martin Fowler (born 1963) is a British software engineer, author and international speaker on software development, specializing in object-oriented analysis and design, UML, patterns, and agile software development methodologies, including extreme programming.

8 Circle-ellipse problem - The problem 1 It is a central tenet of object-oriented analysis and design that subtype polymorphism, which is implemented in most OO languages via inheritance, should be used to model object types which are subsets of each other; this is commonly referred to as the is-a relationship

9 IDEF4 - Dimensions of IDEF4 Design Objects 1 IDEF4 uses an object-oriented design method or procedure that is very similar to Rumbaugh’s Object Method Technique and Schlaer/Mellor’s Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOA/OOD) technique. However, there are some crucial differences:

10 Service-oriented modeling - Service-oriented modeling and architecture 1 SOMA builds on current techniques in areas such as domain analysis, functional areas grouping, variability-oriented analysis (VOA) process modeling, component-based development, object- oriented analysis and design and use case modeling

11 Enterprise engineering - Unified Modeling Language (UML) 1 Many within the Object-oriented analysis and design community also use UML for enterprise modeling purposes

12 Software development methodology - Other practices 1 Object-oriented development methodologies, such as Grady Booch's object-oriented design (OOD), also known as object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD). The Booch model includes six diagrams: class, object, state transition, interaction, module, and process.

13 Peter Chen - Computer-aided software engineering 1 The ER model also serves as the foundation of some of the recent work on Object-oriented analysis and design methodologies and Semantic Web. The UML modeling language has its roots in the ER model.

14 Grady Booch - Booch method 1 Booch developed the Booch method of software development, which he presents in his 1991/94 book, Object Oriented Analysis and Design. He advises adding more classes to simplify complex code. The Booch method is a technique used in software engineering. It is an object modeling language and methodology that was widely used in object- oriented analysis and design. It was developed by Booch while at Rational Software.

15 Behavior-driven development 1 In software engineering, behavior-driven development (abbreviated BDD) is a software development process based on test-driven development (TDD). Behavior-driven development combines the general techniques and principles of TDD with ideas from domain-driven design and object-oriented analysis and design to provide software developers and business analysts with shared tools and a shared process to collaborate on software development, with the aim of delivering "software that matters".

16 Behavior-driven development - Behavioral specifications 1 In this area BDD chooses to use a semi- formal format for behavioral specification which is borrowed from user story specifications from the field of object- oriented analysis and design

17 Systems design - Overview 1 Object-oriented analysis and design methods are becoming the most widely used methods for computer systems design. The UML has become the standard language in object-oriented analysis and design. It is widely used for modeling software systems and is increasingly used for high designing non- software systems and organizations.

18 Anti-pattern - Software design 1 Ambiguous viewpoint: Presenting a model (usually Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD)) without specifying its viewpoint

19 Object Constraint Language - Description 1 OCL is a descendant of Syntropy, a second-generation object-oriented analysis and design method. The OCL 1.4 definition specified a constraint language. In OCL 2.0, the definition has been extended to include general object query language definitions.

20 Martin Fowler 1 'Martin Fowler' (born 1963) is a British software engineer, author and international speaker on software development, specializing in object oriented programming|object-oriented analysis and design, Unified Modeling Language|UML, Design pattern (computer science)|patterns, and agile software development methodologies, including extreme programming.

21 Booch method 1 The 'Booch method' is a technique used in software engineering. It is an object modeling language and methodology that was widely used in object-oriented analysis and design. It was developed by Grady Booch, while at Rational Software (now part of IBM).

22 Logical data model - History 1 Since that time, an Object-oriented analysis and design|object-oriented approach to data modelling – where data is described in terms of classes, attributes, and associations – has also been introduced.

23 Object Windows Library - Advantages 1 * Well designed Object-oriented analysis and design|Object oriented framework, provides real encapsulation of Windows APIs, allows inheritance and polymorphism.

24 Polymorphism in object-oriented programming 1 *Subtyping (or inclusion polymorphism) is a concept wherein a name may denote instances of many different classes as long as they are related by some common superclass.Booch, et all 2007 Object- Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications. Addison-Wesley. In object- oriented programming, this is often referred to simply as polymorphism.

25 System designer - Overview 1 Object-oriented analysis and design methods are becoming the most widely used methods for computer systems design. The Unified Modeling Language|UML has become the standard language in object-oriented analysis and design. It is widely used for modeling software systems and is increasingly used for high designing non-software systems and organizations.

26 Platinum Technology - Protosoft 1 In November 1995, Protosoft was acquired by Platinum Technology for 40 million U.S. dollars. Protosoft was founded by Dr. Anthony Lekkos and Erick Rivas in 1990 to develop and market Paradigm Plus, an object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD) modeling product and associated Automatic programming|code generation and reverse engineering tools.

27 Object-oriented analysis 1 'Object-oriented analysis and design' (OOAD) is a popular technical approach to analyzing, designing an application, system, or business by applying the Object-oriented programming|object- oriented paradigm and visual modeling throughout the Software development process|development life cycles to foster better stakeholder communication and product quality.

28 Object-oriented analysis - History 1 Since then, the Unified Process family has become probably the most popular methodology and reference model for object-oriented analysis and design.

29 Object-modeling technique 1 The 'object-modeling technique' ('OMT') is an object modeling language|object modeling approach for Computer software|software modeling and designing. It was developed around 1991 by James Rumbaugh|Rumbaugh, Blaha, Premerlani, Eddy and Lorensen as a method to develop Object-oriented analysis and design|object- oriented systems and to support object- oriented programming. Describes Object model or static structure of the system.

30 Craig Larman - Books 1 * 2001 - Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and the Unified Process - ISBN 0-13-092569-1

31 Craig Larman - Books 1 * 2004 - Applying UML and Patterns: An Introduction to Object-Oriented Analysis and Design and Iterative Development - ISBN 0-13-148906-2

32 Visibility (computer science) - Encapsulation 1 In his book on object-oriented design, Grady Booch defined encapsulation as the process of compartmentalizing the elements of an abstraction that constitute its structure and behavior; encapsulation serves to separate the contractual interface of an abstraction and its implementation.Grady Booch, Object- Oriented Analysis and Design with Applications,. Addison-Wesley, 2007, ISBN 0-201-89551-X, p. 51-52

33 Decomposition (computer science) - Overview 1 * According to Grady Booch|Booch, algorithmic decomposition is a necessary part of object-oriented analysis and design, but object-oriented systems start with and emphasize decomposition into classes.Grady Booch (1994). Object- oriented Analysis and Design (2nd ed.). Redwood Cita, CA: Benjamin/Cummings. pp.16-20.

34 Antipattern - Software design 1 *Ambiguous viewpoint: Presenting a model (usually Object-oriented analysis and design (OOAD)) without specifying its viewpoint

35 Ed Yourdon - Publications 1 * 1996. Case Studies in Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. With Carl Argila. Prentice-Hall.

36 Shlaer-Mellor - Overview 1 Most familiar were Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD) by Grady Booch, Object Modeling Technique (OMT) by James Rumbaugh, Object-Oriented Software Engineering by Ivar Jacobson and Object-Oriented Analysis (OOA) by Shlaer and Mellor.Andreas Zendler (1997) Advanced Concepts, Life Cycle Models and Tools for Objeckt-Oriented Software Development

37 Shlaer-Mellor - Overview 1 The general solution taken by the object- oriented analysis and design methods to these particular problems with structured analysis and design, was to switch from functional decomposition to Shlaer–Mellor method#Semantic decomposition|semantic decomposition.Hassan Gomaa (2011) Software Modeling and Design: UML, Use Cases, Patterns, and Software Architectures

38 Shlaer-Mellor - Criticisms 1 Graham (1994) described Shlaer–Mellor method as early example of object- oriented analysis, that could not really be regarded as Object-oriented analysis and design|object-oriented

39 Colette Rolland - Work 1 Roland's research interests are in the areas of information modeling, databases, temporal data modeling, object-oriented analysis and design, requirements engineering and specially change engineering, method engineering, Computer-aided software engineering|CASE and CAME tools, change management and enterprise modelling|enterprise knowledge development.

40 For More Information, Visit: m/the-object-oriented- analysis-and-design- toolkit.html m/the-object-oriented- analysis-and-design- toolkit.html The Art of Service

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