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1 CS 430 Database Theory Winter 2005 Lecture 1: Introduction.

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1 1 CS 430 Database Theory Winter 2005 Lecture 1: Introduction

2 2 What’s a Database “Collection” of “related” “data” Contains data about some aspect of the “real world”  Refers to a Universe of Discourse (UoD) A “logically coherent” collection of data Has a “specific purpose”

3 3 Typical Characteristics of Databases (1 of 3) “Large”  Typically bigger than a spreadsheet  May be very large Example, IRS Tax return database:  About 200M returns per year, 5 year retention  About 1K-10K bytes per return (guess)  About 1 – 10 Terabytes (without overhead) Shared  More than single user and single application

4 4 Typical Characteristics (2 of 3) Structured  More than a simple flat table Self describing  Contains Metadata (data about data) describing the data contained in the database  Metadata maintained separately from applications that use and manipulate the data  Has a Catalog which is a “database” of the Metadata

5 5 Typical Characteristics (3 of 3) Supports multiple views of the data  Different users and applications can view the data differently ACID properties  Atomicity – Atomic transactions (updates are all or nothing)  Consistency – Enforces integrity constraints  Isolation – Transactions are isolated from each other  Durability – Data from completed transactions is never lost

6 6 A Little History of Databases (1 of 3) Mid to late 1960s - first databases  Applications Maintain parts data for Lunar Lander Airline reservations  Multiple data models Hierarchical, Network, Inverted File System Early, mid 1970s - Relational data model  Edgar Codd – Father of Relation database  Basis for SQL (Structured or Standard Query Language)

7 7 History (2 of 3) 1979 – Oracle Version 2  Initial version (marketing decision)  Incomplete and slow Late 1980s – IBM DB2 Version 1  Used to define the SQL standard Late 1980s – Object Oriented databases  Created to manage data for “non-traditional” applications

8 8 History (3 of 3) 1990s – Object Relational Databases  Pioneered by Michael Stonebraker Today  Dominant technology: Relational DBMS (RDBMS) Oracle, MS SQL Server, IBM DB2, … MySQL, PostgreSQL, … OO capabilities being added to RDBMS  New: Object-Relational Mapping Software Try to handle “impedance mismatch” between RDBMS and OO programming languages

9 9 Database Applications (1 of 2) Traditional  Business applications Personnel, accounting,... Student and Course data  Traditional data types Numbers, strings, dates Data warehousing  Large “historical” databases for analytic support Manufacturing Control  Real-time issues

10 10 Database Applications (2 of 2) Non-traditional  Image and Video  GIS (Geographic Information Systems)  Engineering CAD (Computer Aided Drafting or Design)  Time Series Stock market data  Full text search  Environmental and Remote Sensing

11 11 Data Base Management System (DBMS) Software that manages and or facilitates  Data definition E.g. creating and maintaining the catalog  Data construction E.g. loading data into the database  Data manipulation Applications retrieving and updating the database  Data sharing  ACID properties

12 12 DBMS In Context Database System Users/Programmers DBMS Software Query Processing Application Program Interface Access/Update Stored Data Application Programs External Queries Metadata Catalog The Data Elmasri and Navathe, Figure 1.1, Page 6

13 13 Database People (Actors) (1 of 2) Data Administrator  Responsible for correctness of the data Database Administrator  Configure DBMS, manage data storage, DBMS performance tuning Database Designer  Design the database All three of these may be same person or group of people

14 14 Database People (2 of 2) Application Analysts and Developers  Responsible for analyzing, designing, building, and maintaining database applications End Users  Use the database to accomplish useful work

15 15 Why use a DBMS? (1 of 2) Manage redundancy  If the same data is stored multiple times (often enough, without periodic reconciliation) it is guaranteed to be inconsistent Access Control  Not all the users can view and/or update all the data Persistent storage of program data  Rather than having to implement your own DBMS internal to your application

16 16 Why a DBMS? (2 of 2) Efficiency  DBMS vendors have done a lot of work to make their products work efficiently  Mixed blessing (see “Why not to use a DBMS?”) Enforce integrity constraints  Defined and enforced once Share data  Among multiple applications, GUIs, users ACID Properties  Difficult to implement correctly

17 17 Why not to use a DBMS? Learning curve  “It takes four years to learn to be an Oracle DBA” Overhead costs (time and space)  Generality  Concurrency and transactions  Multiple application and user access  Complex data structures Rule of thumb: Using an RDBMS doubles the space required for the data (e.g. versus a text file)

18 18 Course Administration Course web site   Email: Textbook  Elmasri, Navathe, Fundamentals of Database Systems, Fourth Edition Assignments  Use MySQL Most convenient form of access?  Get hands dirty: Design a database Create database and load the data Write a database application

19 19 Course Outline (1 of 2) Introduction to Databases  Chapters 1 and 2 Introduction to Data Modeling  Chapter 3 (partial) Relation Data Model, Algebra, and Calculus  Chapters 5, 6 Functional Dependencies and Normalization  Chapters 10 and 11 (partial)

20 20 Course Outline (2 of 2) SQL Database Programming  Chapters 8 and 9 Entity-Relationship Modeling  More of chapters 3, 4, and 7 Overview: What’s inside a DBMS?  CS530, Chapters 13-19 Overview of additional topics  Object-Oriented and Object Relational DBMSs  XML in Databases

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