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KITSAP SMP TASK FORCE Reconvened Meeting #1 November 9, 2011 Draft SMP Progress Update.

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Presentation on theme: "KITSAP SMP TASK FORCE Reconvened Meeting #1 November 9, 2011 Draft SMP Progress Update."— Presentation transcript:

1 KITSAP SMP TASK FORCE Reconvened Meeting #1 November 9, 2011 Draft SMP Progress Update

2 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Outline for Tonight (Nov. 9 th )  Review Work To Date  Discuss Existing Development (“Non-Conforming”)  Overview of Buffers and Critical Areas  Homework: Review draft SMP (see Table of Contents handout for draft sections)

3 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Timeline Review [ WE ARE HERE ]

4 Since We Last Met…  Task Force Meetings April 2010 – June 2011  Summer 2011 Work Groups: Shoreline Stabilization (Bulkheads) Piers and Docks Buffer and Critical Areas Ordinance Integration  Continued meeting with cities, tribes and state agencies Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011

5 Task Force Role  Not expected to be experts!  Discuss, not debate.  Comment on sections of interest.  Provide feedback to staff.  Is the SMP language understandable? Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011

6 Existing Structures, Uses, and Lots The “Non-conforming” Issue Took into consideration:  Language from existing SMP and Zoning Code  SSB 5451  Public Comment Highlights:  With limited exceptions, existing, lawfully established uses, structures and lots will be considered “conforming”  New and expanded uses and modifications required to meet “no net loss” standard

7 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Buffers and Critical Areas Work Group agreed that the following CAO (Title 19) sections are generally appropriate to integrate “as-is” into the SMP:  Wetlands  Geological Hazards  Frequently Flooded Areas  Critical Aquifer Recharge Areas

8 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Buffers and Critical Areas Work Group focused on CAO “Fish and Wildlife Habitat Conservation Areas” section (streams and shorelines). Updated SMP will include:  Critical Freshwater and Saltwater Habitats Standards  Vegetation Conservation Buffers

9 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Buffers in General…  Must provide a level of protection to critical areas within the shoreline area that is at least equal to that provided by CAO [WAC 173-26-221(2)(a)(ii)]  Establish adequate buffer zones around fish and wildlife habitats [WAC 173-26-221(2)(c)(iii)(B)]  Protect existing and restore degraded upland ecological functions important to critical habitats, including riparian vegetation [WAC 173-26-221(2)(c)(iii)(B)]  Should be based on an analysis incorporating the most current, accurate, and completer scientific and technical information available. [WAC 173-26-221(5)(b)]

10 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Vegetation Conservation Buffers The intent of vegetation conservation is to:  Protect and restore the ecological functions and ecosystem-wide processes performed by vegetation along the shorelines  Protect human safety and property,  Increase the stability of slopes  Reduce the need for shoreline armoring  Improve the visual and aesthetic qualities of the shoreline  Protect plant and animal species and their habitats, and  Enhance shoreline uses [WAC 173-26-221(5)(b)] Local governments may implement these objectives through a variety of measures, including setback and buffer standards. [WAC 173-26-221 (5)(c)]

11 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Draft Buffer Proposal

12 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Draft Buffer Proposal

13 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Draft Buffer Proposal

14 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Draft Buffer Proposal

15 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Uses and Modifications  Agriculture  Aquaculture  Barrier Structures  Boating Facilities (incl. Marinas)  Commercial Development  Dredging  Fill  Forest Practices  Industrial Development  Mining  Mooring Structures (Piers, Docks, etc.)  Recreation  Residential Development  Shoreline Stabilization (Bulkheads)  Transportation  Utilities

16 Kitsap County SMP Task Force, Nov.9, 2011 Homework  Review Draft SMP, or sections of interest  Email or post comments online  Be prepared to discuss comments/recommendations at next meeting Next Meeting  December meeting – week of December 12 th ?  Task Force comments/recommendations  Public Outreach Plan

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