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Objectives  Testing Concepts for WebApps  Testing Process  Content Testing  User Interface Testing  Component-level testing  Navigation Testing.

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2 Objectives  Testing Concepts for WebApps  Testing Process  Content Testing  User Interface Testing  Component-level testing  Navigation Testing  Configuration Testing  Security Testing  Performance Testing

3 Web-testing?  To understand the testing objectives of web,  Need to understand a set of quality and  Need to understand the environment in which web-application is configured

4 Web Application Quality: Web Quality Usability simplicity Help feature GUI & Aesthetic Functionality Researching retrieving Navigation /browsing Special features Efficiency Response Time, Pg generation speed Graphic generation speed Reliability Correct link processing Error recovery I/O validation Maintainability Ease of correction adaptability extensibility Security

5 Testing Concepts:1  WebApp testing  A collection of related activities to uncover errors  Content (Data)  Capability (functionality)  Quality (non-functionality)

6 Testing Concepts:2  Who does it?  Web designer (or engineer)  Why is important?  Customers loss confidence  Business loss because customer may go to different sites

7 Web-Testing: Challenges  Main difficulty to localize errors due to  OS  NTW  HW/SW

8 Dimensions of Quality  WebApp design Evaluated by  Review/inspection  Testing

9 Evaluation and Quality  Both Static/dynamic testing work with dimension of quality  Content:  Syntactic and semantics  Functions:  Customer expectation is tested  Usability:  ease of use  Compatibility:  test under different HW/SW  Navigability:  ease of navigation (e.g., deadlinks)  Interoperability:  ease of interfacing with different applications  Security: vulnerabilities  maintainability:  ease of change  Performance:  Speed under different OSs

10 Characteristics of errors in Webapp  Localizing error in webapp is different from traditional applications  Characteristics of errors in WebApp  Interfacing errors (PDA/Mobile phone, etc)  Configuration errors  Client/Server errors

11 Testing Strategies?  What kind of testing strategy can be adopted for WebApp?  Is there any testing pattern that can be adopted for Webapp?  Can we use the architecture of a system?

12 Web testing  The steps that can be used to detect errors in webapp  Review Content model  Review Interface model (all use-cases, usability)  Review design for navigation  Review design for maintenance  Test for security  Test for performance  Test for usability concerns  …

13 WebApp Test Planning  planning is a roadmap for all work that follows  A WebApp test plan identifies  A task set to be applied as testing begin  The work products to be created as each task is implemented  The assessment by which the test results is evaluated, recorded, and reused

14 The testing process Test Content Security test Performance testing Conf. test Test Components (pg) Test navigation (link, menu, etc) test Interface Used for Integration testing GUI design, graphic design, Content design, navigation design, Architecture design Component design

15 WebAPP Testing: Process or Task set  Process 1. Review stakeholder needs and key requirements 2. Set the priorities 3. Define testing strategy using the content structure (linear, grid, hierarchy, NTW, etc) 4. Define a test schedule 5. Assign responsibilities for tasks 6. Perform unit test (pages) 7. Perform integration test using navigations and content 8. Perform configuration (assess C-side and S-side for configurability) 9. Perform load or other testing for performance 10. Perform security testing (try to break your own system) 11. Perform Usability testing 12. …

16 Web testing: Content Testing  Content testing objectives include  Uncover syntactic errors  Typographical  Spelling  etc  Use proper tools (e.g. Spell checkers)

17 Content Testing: Test for Semantics errors  Uncover semantics errors by testing  Accuracy of info (executable testing (e.g. DB))  Consistency of info ( Internal vs external).  Testing for offensive material (e.g. copyright, offensive, etc)  Readability  Graphic style  …

18 e.g. test for Accuracy of info in Database (DB)  WebApp works with sophisticated DBMS  e.g. airline reservation system  The objective is to identify the following problems  Mismatch between SQL query and user requests  Communication errors due to remote DB and web- server  Compatibility of raw data from DB to the original requesters

19 Layer of interface and test design Client layer (user interface) Sever layer (webapp) Server layer (data Transformation) Server layer (data mgt) Database layer (data access) DB HTML scripts User Data User Data to SQL Raw Data/SQL Need test cases design methods for each layer of interaction

20 Web Testing: GUI Testing  GUI Testing  V&V of a web-app for GUI takes place  During requirements analysis ( conformance to the user requirements)  During design ( ensure generic quality for all user have been met)  During testing (execute both generic and application specific features of GUI)

21 Checklist for Interface testing  Testing interface structure (or syntax)  Links  Forms  C-side scripting  Dynamic HTML  Pop-up windows  CGI scripts  Streaming content  Cookies (both sides (C/S), content, expiration date)  Application specific interface mechanism (check out request)  …

22 Example  the list of interface features  Animation  Buttons  Color  Control  Dialoged  Fields  Forms  Frames  Graphs  Labels  Links  Menus  Messages  Navigation  Pages  Selectors  Text  Tool bars

23 Usability?  What is usability?  How quickly people can learn to use something  How efficient they are while using it  How memorable it is  How error-prone it is  How much users like using it

24 Testing interface for Usability  Test how good user can interact with webApp?  usability testing  Usability test  designed by web engineer  evaluated by end-users  What is usability measure?  can the site be used at all  Web-wide tasks has been widely used for usability testing

25 Steps to perform Usability Testing  The following process can be used 1. Define a set of usability testing categories (accessibility, comfortably, etc) 2. Identify goals for each categories 3. identify participants who will conduct the tests 4. Develop a mechanism for assessing the usability of the WebApp

26 Qualitative assessment of usability  Qualitative assessment of usability  Ease of use  Easy to learn  Simplicity  Effectiveness  Ease of understandability  Clear  Informative  Ease of Predictability  Inconsistent  Generally uniform  predicable

27 Component level testing (function)  Driven by form level input  Can be tested using Black box techniques  Equivalence partition  Boundary value analysis  Path testing  Needed if the logical complexity of the function is high

28 Compatibility testing  WebApp must work within different environments  Different computers  Display devices  Different OS  Different Browsers

29 Summary  The main objective for webApp testing include  Exercise each of quality/functionality dimensions of WebApp to locate the errors  Tests are driven by users and/or specification in the form of use-case scenarios

30 Open questions  How to perform compatibility testing?  Server side  Client side  How to perform quality testing?  How to specify usability? Security?  What are the coverage criteria for  Content?  GUI?  Navigation?

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