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LO-3: funStep Standard-based Initiative for SMEs Lecturer: Ricardo Gonçalves.

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Presentation on theme: "LO-3: funStep Standard-based Initiative for SMEs Lecturer: Ricardo Gonçalves."— Presentation transcript:

1 LO-3: funStep Standard-based Initiative for SMEs Lecturer: Ricardo Gonçalves

2 2 funStep chronicles. –Past –Present –Future AP236 Catalog Data Information: Instantiation example Business Documents Contents

3 3 Past, present and future of funStep 2007> 2006 2005200420032002200120001999 <1998 SECTORIAL CO-ORDINATION TOWARDS STANDARDS FOR PRODUCT DATA EXCHANGE AND E-BUSINESS Furniture Product and Business Data Workshop (funSTEP & funSTEP2) funStep-AP funStep Application Protocol funStep AP - DIS Development Project targeting a new International Standard AP236 DATA MODEL DATA MODEL DEVELOPME NT CO-operation for consensus, standardization & interoperability to support e-com services in the FURNiture sector c o f u r n ECOS lite E-Commerce Operative Scalable Solutions for SMEs Net working E-BUSINESS A standards-compliant framework to support complete integrated product life-cycle information management and electronic commerce for the furniture manufacturing (fm) industry, in the advent of smart enterprises DEVELOPMENT OF A STEP-BASED PLATFORM FOR DATA EXCHANGE PILOT PROJECT PLC extension funStep Community © ISO10303-AP236 International Standard Innova fun

4 4 Past, present and future of funStep Last December AP236 achieved the final Status 60.60  International Standard!

5 5 INNOVAFUN Past, present and future of funStep

6 ISO 10303-AP236 Furniture catalog and interior design

7 7 ISO 10303-236 Application protocol: Furniture catalog and interior design

8 8 ISO 10303-236: Conformance Classes Product Decomposition: The management of each part of any product. Product Composition: The management of a set of pieces of furniture that makes a Composition, as a pre-defined offer in their catalogues. Documentation assignment: Allows the assignment of all kind of documentation, both digital and non-digital to any product/part defined in the catalogue. Properties and Independent properties definition: It is possible to define all kind of properties such as material, dimensions, prices,... Relationship between all kind of technical information as well with the non-technical one: As for example the commercial information or the period of time in which this information is valid. Multilanguage: The feature of the internalization of the product data information in such way that the product data information could be retrieved in the selected language. CATALOG INFORMATION The ISO 10303-236 standard defines a formalized structure for data catalog information: [CC1]

9 9  Geometry Capability of managing CAD files and representations including the aspectual characteristics without information lose. [CC2]  Parameterized Data Information All the information related to the geometry could be defined in base of variable properties of associated parts. [CC3]  Interior Design Projects Comprises the capability of placing the CAD modelled pieces of furniture in a room space. [CC4] SHAPE PRODUCT DATA REPRESENTATION ISO 10303-236 : Conformance Classes

10 10 ISO/TS 10303-1351 ‘Catalog data information’ Alias_identification 10303-1025 Event 10303-1064 Part_view_definition 10303-1023 Alternative_solution 10303-1109 Event_assignment 10303-1364 Pdm_Material_aspects 10303-1116 Approval 10303-1012 Extended_measure_representation 10303-1106 Person_organization 10303-1011 Assembly_structure 10303-1026 External_class 10303-1275 Person_organization_assignment 10303-1013 Certification 10303-1044 External_model 10303-1033 Plib_class_reference 10303-1291 Classification_assignment 10303-1114 External_properties 10303-1129 Product_breakdown 10303-1248 Classification_with_attributes 10303-1111 File_identification 10303-1127 Product_categorization 10303-1016 Configuration_effectivity 10303-1058 Foundation_representation 10303-1006 Product_class 10303-1103 Contextual_shape_positioning 10303-1027 Functional_breakdown 10303-1216 Product_data_management 10303-1231 Contract 10303-1062 Generic_material_aspects 10303-1681 Product_occurrence 10303-1063 Date_time 10303-1010 Group 10303-1113 Product_replacement 10303-1046 Date_time_assignment 10303-1014 Incomplete_data_reference_mechanism 10303-1349 Product_view_definition 10303-1019 Dimension_tolerance 10303-1050 Independent_property 10303-1036 Product_view_definition_properties 10303-1034 Document_and_version_identificati on 10303-1121 Inertia_characteristics 10303-1350 Product_view_definition_relationship 10303-1041 Document_assignment 10303-1122 Item_definition_structure 10303-1345 Property_assignment 10303-1030 Document_definition 10303-1123 Management_resource_information 10303-1288 Shape_property_assignment 10303-1032 Document_properties 10303-1126 Manufacturing_configuration_effectivity 10303-1147 Specification_based_configuration 10303-1108 Document_structure 10303-1124 Multi_linguism 10303-1105 Specification_control 10303-1112 Effectivity 10303-1057 Part_and_version_identification 10303-1022 Specified_product 10303-1104 Effectivity_application 10303-1059 Part_collection 10303-1115 Time_interval 10303-1065 Elemental_geometric_shape 10303-1004 Part_definition_relationship 10303-1055 Value_with_unit 10303-1054 Part_occurrence 10303-1715

11 Catalog Data Information Instantiation Example

12 12 AP236-CC1: Instantiation Example Let's try to understand with an instantiated example the core of the AP236.CC1 Catalog Data Information

13 13 Product class and Product class relationship hierarchy pc1 ACME Corp. Organization pc2 Coyote Furniture Catalogue pc3 Wardrobe H202 Serie

14 14 Specification and Specification Category sp1 Cherry False sp2 Walnut False sp3 Decapé False sc1 Base colour True sc2 Combine colour True

15 15 Class Category Association True False True

16 16 Specification Inclusion

17 17 UML Package ARM modules diagram

18 18 Product Specification OP254 Wardrobe_254 Wardrobe 6D.300x202 + interior draw OP547 Wardrobe_547 Wardrobe 6D.300x202 + int.draw + mirror

19 19 Independent Properties Aip1 Product price pr1 Price_representation pp1 Product price Points 400.0 Point False Point False 1.38 0.97 Euro False Pound False

20 20 pvd_Wardrobe_254 Product View Definition

21 21 pvd_Wardrobe_254 sbpv_Wardrobe_254 p_Wardrobe_254 Wardrobe 254 Bedroom furniture Design Product View Definition

22 22 External Geometric Model is_OP254 egm_OP254 gcs_mhv_ext external 3 CoordinatesOrigin 0.0, 0.0, 0.0 A_X_Positive 1.0, 0.0, 0.0 PositivePlaneXZ 3 A_Z_Positive 0.0, 0.0, 1.0../images/Wardrobes/ local OP254.dwg df_OP254

23 23 Organization and Person in organization

24 24 Effectivity

25 25 Multi-linguism

26 26 Other interesting concepts…

27 Business Documents e-Business funStep Open Architecture (ebfSOA)

28 28 Typical Procurement Process M2. Quotation M6. Invoice M1. Request for Quotation M3. Order M4. Order Confirmation MANUFACTURER PROVIDER M5. Delivery Note Delivery

29 29 ebfSOA For the improvement of the enterprise interoperability related to the commercial documentation interchange the business process model was developed as a specific application activity model for the commercial data interchange of the enterprises that are inside the furniture sector. This specific ‘business process model’ includes more than fifteen documents were the most relevant are: Despatch Advise Specifies the details for the goods despatched under conditions agreed between the buyer and the seller. InvoiceSent by the supplier to the customer claims the payment for goods or services supplied under conditions agreed between them. OrderSent by the customer to his supplier in order to order goods or services and to specify the relevant quantities, dates and locations of delivery. Order Change RequestInformation sent by the customer to the supplier in order to specify the details concerning modifications to a previously sent purchase Order. Order ResponseSent by the supplier to the buyer in relation to one or more goods items or services in order to acknowledge the receipt of the purchase Order, to confirm its acceptance, to propose any amendments, or to notify non- acceptance of all or part of the purchase Order items. Order Status EnquirySent from a buyer to a supplier based on a request information on the current status of a previously sent Order(s). Order Status Report Used by a supplier to report the status of an Order. QuotationTransmitted by the Supplier to the Buyer in response to a previously received Request for Quotation for the supply of goods or services. It may directly lead to a purchase Order. Receiving AdviseSpecifies details for the goods received under conditions agreed between the buyer and the seller with the function of advising the consignor of the received contents of a consignment. Request for QuotationTransmitted by the customer to his supplier based on a request for the quotation for the supply of goods or services. It may be used to ask for information on the supplier’s payment terms and conditions, and to specify the required quantities, dates and locations of delivery. COMMERCIAL INFORMATION FOR THE AP236 EXTENSION

30 30 ebfSOAdocuments : Order

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