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Baoxian Zhao Hakan Aydin Dakai Zhu Computer Science Department Computer Science Department George Mason University University of Texas at San Antonio DAC.

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Presentation on theme: "Baoxian Zhao Hakan Aydin Dakai Zhu Computer Science Department Computer Science Department George Mason University University of Texas at San Antonio DAC."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baoxian Zhao Hakan Aydin Dakai Zhu Computer Science Department Computer Science Department George Mason University University of Texas at San Antonio DAC 2011 Generalized Reliability-Oriented Energy Management for Real-time Embedded Applications Sponsored by NSF CNS-1016855, CNS-1016974 and CAREER Awards CNS-0546244,CNS-0953005

2 2 Introduction and Motivation Dynamic Voltage Scaling (DVFS) Adjusts CPU voltage and frequency on the fly to save energy Increases task response times Transient faults / soft errors Increasingly common with technology scaling and reduced design margins Reliability: Probability of completing the task successfully DVFS and transient faults Execution at low frequency/voltage levels has a significant and negative effect on the system reliability  Due to the exponentially increased transient fault rates at low supply voltage and frequency levels [ Zhu et al., ICCAD’04]  Due to the increased execution time of the task

3 3 Existing Solutions Reliability-Aware Power Management (RA-PM) [Zhu and Aydin, ICCAD’06, RTAS’07, IEEE TC’09]  Use DVFS only for a subset of tasks; no DVFS for others  For every scaled task, schedule a separate recovery task  Preserve the original reliability of the task set Shared Recovery Technique [Zhao et al ICCAD’09]  Single recovery task shared by all tasks This Work: Generalized Shared Recovery (GSHR) Technique  Targets any reliability level set by the designer  May be lower or much higher than the original reliability  Use multiple shared recovery tasks as appropriate

4 4 A Motivational Example

5 5 Generalized Shared Recovery (GSHR) Energy-Optimal Reliability Configuration Problem Determine optimal frequency assignments f 1, f 2,…, f n, and optimal number (k) of recoveries to: Minimize Energy Subject to: Reliability Constraint Deadline Constraint

6 Our Solutions Uniform Frequency (UF) Assign a unique frequency to all the tasks to meet the deadline and reliability constraints Incremental Reliability Configuration Search (IRCS) Iteratively scale down tasks by one level at a time by comparing their “energy/reliability ratios (ERRs)” ERR is a utility measure giving energy savings per unit reliability degradation Compared against Exhaustive Search (OPT) and traditional RA-PM schemes 6

7 Simulation results The six discrete frequency levels are modeled after Intel Xscale processor, Transient faults follow Poisson distribution : λ 0 =10 -6, f max =1 and f min =0.1

8 8 Conclusions GSHR: A general framework for real-time embedded systems Achieves arbitrary reliability levels with minimum energy consumption Recovery tasks shared by all tasks as needed Ultimate aim: optimal co-management of energy and reliability Please see our poster for additional details!!

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