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1 Game theory and security Jean-Pierre Hubaux EPFL With contributions (notably) from M. Felegyhazi, J. Freudiger, H. Manshaei, D. Parkes, and M. Raya.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Game theory and security Jean-Pierre Hubaux EPFL With contributions (notably) from M. Felegyhazi, J. Freudiger, H. Manshaei, D. Parkes, and M. Raya."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Game theory and security Jean-Pierre Hubaux EPFL With contributions (notably) from M. Felegyhazi, J. Freudiger, H. Manshaei, D. Parkes, and M. Raya

2 Security Games in Computer Networks Security of Physical and MAC Layers Mobile Networks security Anonymity and Privacy Intrusion Detection Systems Sensor Networks Security Security Mechanisms Game Theory and Cryptography Distributed Systems – More information:

3 Security of physical and MAC layers (1/2) 1.Zhu Han, N. Marina, M. Debbah, A. Hjorungnes, “Physical layer security game: How to date a girl with her boyfriend on the same table,” in GameNets 2009. 2.E. Altman, K. Avrachenkov, A. Garnaev, “Jamming in wireless networks: The case of several jammers,” GameNets 2009. 3.W. Trappe, A. Garnaev, “An eavesdropping game with SINR as an object function,” SecureComm 2009. Alice Bob Eavesdropper Payment Players: Bob and his Jamming Friends Objective: Avoid eavesdropping on Bob  Alice communication Cost: Payment to jammer and interference to Bob and Alice Game model: Stackelberg game Game results: Existence of equilibrium and design a protocol to avoid eavesdropping J1J1 J2J2 JNJN

4 Security of physical and MAC layers (2/2) Y.E. Sagduyu, R. Berry, A. Ephremides, “MAC games for distributed wireless network security with incomplete information of selfish and malicious user types,” GameNets 2009. M S SW W Players (Ad hoc or Infrastructure mode): 1.Well-behaved (W) wireless modes 2.Selfish (S) - higher access probability 3.Malicious (M) - jams other nodes (DoS) Objective: Find the optimum strategy against M and S nodes Reward and Cost: Throughput and Energy Game model: A power- controlled MAC game solved for Bayesian Nash equilibrium Game results: Introduce Bayesian learning mechanism to update the type belief in repeated games Optimal defense mechanisms against denial of service attacks in wireless networks

5 Sensor networks security A. Agah, M. Asadi, S. K. Das, “Prevention of DoS Attack in Sensor Networks using Repeated Game Theory,” ICWN 2006. Least damage False Positive False Negative Best Choice for IDS IDS at BS Sensor Node CatchMiss Normal (Fwr Pkts) Malicious (Drop Pkts) Players: 1. IDS (residing at the base station) 2. Sensor nodes (some nodes could act maliciously: drop packets) Game: A repeated game between IDS and nodes to detect the malicious nodes Game Results: Equilibrium calculation in infinite repeated game and using the results to evaluate reputation of nodes

6 Game Theory and Security Mechanism: dealing with uncertainty 1. K. C. Nguyen, T. Alpcan, and T. Basar, “Security games with incomplete information,” in ICC 2009. 2. A. Miura-Ko, B. Yolken, N. Bambos, and J. Mitchell, "Security Investment Games of Interdependent Organizations," Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing, Allerton, IL, September 2008. Players: Attacker and Defender Objective: Find the optimal strategy given the strategy of opponent Strategies: “Attack” or “Not to attack”, “Defend” or “Not to defend” Decision Process: Fictitious Play (FP) game Game model: Discrete-time repeated nonzero-sum matrix game But players observe their opponent’s actions with error Study of the effect of observation errors on the convergence to the NE with classical and stochastic FP games

7 Cryptography Vs. Game Theory IssueCryptographyGame Theory IncentiveNonePayoff PlayersTotally honest/ malicious Always rational Punishing cheaters Outside the model Central part Solution concept Secure protocolEquilibrium Early stoppingProblemNot an issue 7 Y. Dodis, S. Halevi, T. Rubin. A cryptographic Solution to a Game Theoretic Problem. Crypto 2000

8 Crypto and Game Theory 8 CryptographyGame Theory Implement GT mechanisms in a distributed fashion Example: Mediator (in correlated equilibria) Dodis et al., Crypto 2000 Design crypto mechanisms with rational players Example: Rational Secret Sharing and Multi-Party Computation Halpern and Teague, STOC 2004

9 Improving Nash equilibria (1/2) 4, 41, 5 5, 10, 0 9 Chicken Dare 3 Nash equilibria: (D, C), (C, D), (½ D + ½ C, ½ C+ ½ D) Payoffs: [5, 1] [1, 5] [5/2, 5/2] The payoff [4, 4] cannot be achieved without a binding contract, because it is not an equilibrium Possible improvement 1: communication Toss a fair coin  if Head, play (C, D); if Tail, play (D, C)  average payoff = [3, 3] Y. Dodis, S. Halevi, and T. Rabin. A Cryptographic solution to a game theoretic problem, Crypto 2000 Player 1 Player 2

10 Improving Nash equilibria (2/2) 10 Possible improvement 2: Mediator Introduce an objective chance mechanism: choose V1, V2, or V3 with probability 1/3 each. Then: - Player 1 is told whether or not V1 was chosen and nothing else - Player 2 is told whether or not V3 was chosen and nothing else If informed that V1 was chosen, Player 1 plays D, otherwise C If informed that V3 was chosen, Player 2 plays D, otherwise C  This is a correlated equilibrium, with payoff [3 1/3, 3 1/3 ]  It assigns probability 1/3 to (C, C), (C, D), and (D, C) and 0 to (D, D) How to replace the mediator by a crypto protocol: see Dodis et al. 4, 41, 5 5, 10, 0 Chicken Dare Player 1 Player 2

11 Design of cryptographic mechanisms with rational players: secret sharing 11 a. Share issuer S1 Secret S3 S2 Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent 3 b. Share distribution Reminder on secret sharing Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent 3 S1 S2 S3 c. Secret reconstruction S1 S2 S3

12 The temptation of selfishness in secret sharing 12 Agent 1 Agent 2 Agent 3 S1 S2 S3 Agent 1 can reconstruct the secret Neither Agent 2 nor Agent 3 can Model as a game: Player = agent Strategy: To deliver or not one’s share (depending on what the other players did) Payoff function: a player prefers getting the secret a player prefers fewer of the other get it Impossibility result: there is no practical mechanism that would work  Proposed solution: randomized mechanism J. Halpern and V. Teague. Rational Secret Sharing and Multi-Party Computation. STOC 2004

13 Intrusion Detection Systems Subsystem 1 Subsystem 2 Subsystem 3 Attacker Players: Attacker and IDS Strategies for attacker: which subsystem(s) to attack Strategies for defender: how to distribute the defense mechanisms Payoff functions: based on value of subsystems + protection effort T. Alpcan and T. Basar, “A Game Theoretic Approach to Decision and Analysis in Network Intrusion Detection”, IEEE CDC 2003

14 Two detailed examples Revocation Games in Ephemeral Networks [CCS 2008] On Non-Cooperative Location Privacy: A Game-Theoretic Analysis [CCS 2009] 14

15 Misbehavior in Ad Hoc Networks Packet forwarding Routing A M B Large scale High mobility Data dissemination 15 Traditional ad hoc networksEphemeral networks Reputation systems? Solution to misbehavior:

16 Reputation vs. Local Revocation Reputation systems: – Often coupled with routing/forwarding – Require long-term monitoring – Keep the misbehaving nodes in the system Local Revocation – Fast and clear-cut reaction to misbehavior – Reported to the credential issuer – Can be repudiated 16

17 Tools of the Revocation Trade Wait for: – Credential expiration – Central revocation Vote with: – Fixed number of votes – Fixed fraction of nodes (e.g., majority) Suicide: – Both the accusing and accused nodes are revoked Which tool to use? 17

18 How much does it cost? Nodes are selfish Revocation costs Attacks cause damage How to avoid the free rider problem? Game theory can help: models situations where the decisions of players affect each other 18

19 Example: VANET CA pre-establishes credentials offline Each node has multiple changing pseudonyms Pseudonyms are costly Fraction of detectors = 19

20 Revocation Game Key principle: Revoke only costly attackers Strategies: – Abstain (A) – Vote (V): votes are needed – Self-sacrifice (S) benign nodes, including detectors attackers Dynamic (sequential) game 20

21 Game with fixed costs 1 3 2 A V VS S A 3 2 VS A 3 VSAVSAVSA Cost of abstaining Cost of self-sacrifice Cost of voting All costs are in keys/message 21 A: Abstain S: Self-sacrifice V: Vote

22 Assumptions: c > 1 1 3 2 A V VS S A 3 2 VS A 3 VSAVSAVSA Equilibrium Game with fixed costs: Example 1 22 Backward induction

23 Assumptions: v < c < 1, n = 2 1 3 2 A V VS S A 3 2 VS A 3 VSAVSAVSA Equilibrium Game with fixed costs: Example 2 23

24 Theorem 1: For any given values of n i, n r, v, and c, the strategy of player i that results in a subgame-perfect equilibrium is: n i = Number of remaining nodes that can participate in the game n r = Number of remaining votes that is required to revoke Game with fixed costs: Equilibrium Revocation is left to the end, doesn’t work in practice 24

25 Game with variable costs S 1 2 A V V 3 2 S A S 25 Number of stagesAttack damage

26 Theorem 2: For any given values of n i, n r, v, and δ, the strategy of player i that results in a subgame-perfect equilibrium is: Game with variable costs: Equilibrium Revocation has to be quick 26

27 Optimal number of voters Minimize: Duration of attack Abuse by attackers 27

28 Optimal number of voters Minimize: Fraction of active players Duration of attack Abuse by attackers 28

29 RevoGame Estimation of parameters Choice of strategy 29

30 Evaluation TraNS, ns2, Google Earth, Manhattan 303 vehicles, average speed = 50 km/h Fraction of detectors Damage/stage Cost of voting False positives 50 runs, 95 % confidence intervals 30

31 Revoked attackers 31

32 Revoked benign nodes 32

33 Maximum time to revocation 33

34 Conclusion Local revocation is a viable mechanism for handling misbehavior in ephemeral networks The choice of revocation strategies should depend on their costs RevoGame achieves the elusive tradeoff between different strategies 34

35 Two detailed examples Revocation Games in Ephemeral Networks [CCS 2008] On Non-Cooperative Location Privacy: A Game-Theoretic Analysis [CCS 2009] 35

36 Pervasive Wireless Networks 36 Human sensors Vehicular networks Mobile Social networks Personal WiFi bubble

37 Peer-to-Peer Communications 37 1 1 Message Identifier 2 2 WiFi/Bluetooth enabled Signature || Certificate

38 Location Privacy Problem 38 1 Passive adversary monitors identifiers used in peer-to-peer communications 10h00: Millenium Park11h00: Art Institute 13h00: Lunch

39 Previous Work Pseudonymity is not enough for location privacy [1, 2] Removing pseudonyms is not enough either [3] Spatio-Temporal correlation of traces 39 Message Identifier [1] P. Golle and K. Partridge. On the Anonymity of Home/Work Location Pairs. Pervasive Computing, 2009 [2] B. Hoh et al. Enhancing Security & Privacy in Traffic Monitoring Systems. Pervasive Computing, 2006 [3] B. Hoh and M. Gruteser. Protecting location privacy through path confusion. SECURECOMM, 2005 Pseudonym Message

40 Location Privacy with Mix Zones 40 Mix zone 2 2 1 1 2 2 1 1 x x y y ? Temporal decorrelation: Change pseudonym [1] A. Beresford and F. Stajano. Mix Zones: user privacy in location aware services. Percom, 2004 Why should a node participate? Spatial decorrelation: Remain silent

41 Mix Zone Privacy Gain 41 t-t- t=T 1 1 2 2 x x y y BD Number of nodes in mix zone

42 Cost caused by Mix Zones Turn off transceiver Routing is difficult Need new authenticated pseudonyms 42 + + =

43 Problem Tension between cost and benefit of mix zones When should nodes change pseudonym? 43

44 Method Game theory – Evaluate strategies – Predict evolutionof security/privacy Example – Cryptography – Revocation – Privacy mechanisms 44 Rational Behavior Selfish optimization Security protocols Multi-party computations

45 Outline 1.User-centric Model 2.Pseudonym Change Game 3.Results 45

46 Mix Zone Establishment In pre-determined regions [1] Dynamically [2] – Distributed protocol 46 [1] A. Beresford and F. Stajano. Mix Zones: user privacy in location aware services. PercomW, 2004 [2] M. Li et al. Swing and Swap: User-centric approaches towards maximizing location privacy. WPES, 2006

47 User-Centric Location Privacy Model Privacy = A i (T) – PrivacyLoss 47 Privacy Traceable t A i (T 1 ) A i (T 2 )

48 Pros/Cons of user-centric Model Pro – Control when/where to protect your privacy Con – Misaligned incentives 48

49 Outline 1.User-centric Model 2.Pseudonym Change Game 3.Results 49

50 1 1 2 2 Assumptions Pseudonym Change game – Simultaneous decision – Players want to maximize their payoff – Consider privacy upperbound A i (T) = log 2 (n(t)) 50

51 Strategy – Cooperate (C) : Change pseudonym – Defect (D): Do not change pseudonym Game Model Players – Mobile nodes in transmission range – There is a game iif 51

52 Pseudonym Change Game 52 t C D C t1t1 Silent period 3 3 1 1 2 2

53 Payoff Function 53 If C&Not alone, then u i = A i (T)- γ If C&Alone, then u i = u i - - γ If D, then u i = u i - u i = privacy - cost

54 Sequence of Pseudonym Change Games 54 5 6 E2E2 2 3 4 E1E1 7 8 9 E3E3 1 1 E2E2 E1E1 E3E3 uiui A i (T 1 )- γ A i (T 2 )- γ γ

55 Outline 1.User-centric Model 2.Pseudonym Change Game 3.Results 55

56 C -Game Complete information Each player knows the payoff of its opponents 56

57 2-Player C -Game 57 Two pure-strategy Nash Equilibria (NE): (C,C)&(D,D) One mixed-strategy NE

58 Best Response Correspondence 58 2 pure-strategy NE 1 mixed-strategy NE

59 n-Player C -Game All Defection is always a NE A NE with cooperation exists iif there is a group of k users with 59 Theorem The static n-player pseudonym change C -game has at least 1 and at most 2 pure strategy Nash equilibria. in the group of k nodes

60 C -Game Results Result 1: high coordination among nodes at NE Change pseudonyms only when necessary Otherwise defect 60

61 I-Game Incomplete information Players don’t know the payoff of their opponents 61

62 Bayesian Game Theory Define type of player θ i = u i - 62 Predict action of opponents based on pdf over type

63 Modeling of the Environment 63 Low privacy High privacy Medium privacy Each curve models the assumed propensity of other nodes to cooperate

64 A threshold determines players’ action Probability of cooperation is Threshold Strategy 64 t C D θiθi θiθi ~

65 2-Player I-Game Bayesian NE Find threshold θ i * such that Average utility of cooperation = Average utility of defection 65 ~

66 66 Result 2: Large cost increases cooperation probability

67 67 Result 3: Strategies adapt to environment

68 68 Result 4: A large number of nodes n in the mix zone discourages cooperation

69 Conclusion on non-cooperative location privacy Considered problem of selfishness in location privacy schemes based on multiple pseudonyms Results – Non-cooperative behavior reduces the achievable location privacy – If cost is high, users care about coordination – As the number of players increases, selfish nodes tend to not cooperate 69

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