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Dell Confidential Contents  Overview of EMEA Reviews Project  Proof that Reviews Drive Leads  Capacity Analysis for EMEA RAP Lab  EMEA RAP Lab Structure.

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Presentation on theme: "Dell Confidential Contents  Overview of EMEA Reviews Project  Proof that Reviews Drive Leads  Capacity Analysis for EMEA RAP Lab  EMEA RAP Lab Structure."— Presentation transcript:

1 Dell Confidential Contents  Overview of EMEA Reviews Project  Proof that Reviews Drive Leads  Capacity Analysis for EMEA RAP Lab  EMEA RAP Lab Structure  Process flow for Eval Units  Job Description-Transactional PR for EMEA  Q1 Process Improvements for EMEA RAP Lab  Next Steps  Backup EMEA Reviews Process Improvement Project Marisa Manheimer, Transactional Product Group Fiona McCallig, EMEA RAP Lab February 21, 20001

2 Dell Confidential Overview  Goal:  To drive incremental leads to EMEA BUs through media coverage of new product introductions and innovative placement of existing products to keep up the momentum between launches.  Analysis to-date:  Reviews Drive ~10% leads from Core Marcom in UK (conservative measurement)  EMF RAP Lab needs to be structured & resourced for current workload  To meet press review deadlines and facilitate process improvements  No EMEA HSB PR Headcount exists resulting in  Lack of consistent Transactional Messaging to publications  Missed opportunities/leads  Lack of sharing of best practices between LOBs  No prioritization between LOBs for RAP Lab  Low leadership for smaller Bus  Agency management for HSB is limited from COC  Tracking/measurement of results/coverage is only evident in UK/Ireland  Ideal Solution:  Hire HSB PR headcount to add expertise, improve reviews quality, and manage process  Structure & resource RAP Lab headcount appropriately to better manage workload, assure processes improve, and expanded reach to additional BUs then LOBs.  Short-Term Containments in place:  COC is taking a more active role in Reviews (Inspiron and Dimension reviews contact in place)  1 representative assigned from Dim/Insp to handle reviews for region (prioritization between LOBs/BUs)  Monthly Reviews Team Meetings begin March  Sarah Lavender (EMEA PR)to begin investigation on LOB targets, processes, improvement plan  RAP Lab introduced new processes to deal with current workload  New review system tracking methods; Agreed with COC on channels of comms and containment process

3 Dell Confidential Proof that Reviews Drive Leads  Reviews performance is critical factor in scaling marcom  Positive reviews coverage drives CPL down 30%  Negative coverage drives CPL up 20%  Positive reviews provide incremental benefits over and above the immediate financial benefit of CPL reduction  Communicates credibility via an unbiased 3 rd party  Provides awareness-driving communications  Validates the price/performance positioning  Can be used as the basis for compelling advertising and communications executions In UK/Ireland, reviews account for 10% of core marcom calls Calls tracked by reviews-specific 800# In Americas HSB, sales calls spike dramatically when key awards are won. Calls are especially high for Service award wins Paul Bell’s 10 Commandments-- #5 I nvest in Winning Reviews Note: Additional UK/Ireland data will soon be published

4 Dell Confidential HSB RAP Lab Capacity Analysis Forecast vs. Actual Today Proposed  Current RAP Lab capacity is not able to meet BU demand  Overtime is being used in Feb/March to increase lab capacity and will need to be sustained to meet forecast  Lab personnel build ~17/month each  Add Headcount to RAP Lab (2)  Process improves  Capacity increases  Lab personnel can each build 18-19 systems/month  No additional headcount  Reduce reviews in BUs or  Increase overtime in lab

5 Dell Confidential HSB RAP Lab Structure ProposedToday RAP Lab Manager Engineer (1) Tech Specialist (4)Process Lead (1) -Track incoming systems -Ordering processes -Manage forms and orders -Expedite systems -Capacity analysis -Process improvement -Cost Center Transfers -Magazine research -Performance Analysis -Assign/Monitor tests -Config recommendations for BUs -Publication support -Approves Database request -Liaise with AMF RAP -Liaison with CoC, BUPR/Mkting, AMF RAP -Communicate prioritization requirements -Metrics and Capacity -Resource management -Process Management -Operations Management -Configure Systems -Test Systems -Report Results -Escalate Problems -Highlight inventory problems or exceptions  Recommendation:  Increase headcount in RAP lab by two ASAP to help improve capacity  To expand service to other BUs and LOBs, more Tech Specialists will be required

6 Dell Confidential Lab Form Current Eval Unit Process  COC will be managing the EMEA Reviews Process until HSB EMEA Headcount is secured  Adam Griffin (Inspiron), Tess Swinkels (Dimension)  Coordinating the allocation, prioritization, building and distribution of Media Evaluation Units (pre-production) requires consistent communication between PG, RAP Lab (EMF/AMF), COC, BU/PR. See process below:

7 Dell Confidential Job Description HSB PR Headcount  JOB PURPOSE:  To increase leads to EMEA Bus through management and development of Dell’s brand image as a leading, direct supplier offering dedicated products and services to the small business and experienced second time consumer sector.  KEY CUSTOMERS:  EMEA Transactional COCs, BU HSB PR/Marketing, EMEA HSB Management ; EMEA RAP Lab; Transactional Product Marketing  CHALLENGES  Becoming integrated into the business and managing programs across different BUs  Ensuring balance between product and business PR  Working with Relationship COCs to ensure consistency of overall Dell messaging while ensuring dedicated HSB messaging is clearly communicated  Working to tight deadlines on projects while simultaneously resolving issues and managing people both internally and at agency level  Management of Product PR –45%  Add 10% incremental leads into the HSB business by replicating the successful product reviews campaign in the UK across EMEA  Act as champion across the region, particularly for the smaller BUs to:  Improve communications, share best practices, Manage ongoing PR Strategy, Maximize Dell wins in reviews, Analyze Dell’s share of voice vs. the competition, Conduct post-mortems, Manage/co-ordinate with RAP Lab/COCs, EMEA-ise all external communications, Develop key tools for managing the business (databases, metrics and reporting)  Management of Business PR –45%  Develop business and consumer PR plans and programs throughout EMEA in association with the BUs/HSB PR agencies to support Dell’s revenue goals. Influencer programs  Support visits by key PG executives to exploit media coverage  Eliminate/ reduce exposure to negative PR regarding Dell in the HSB space across EMEA  Offer advice and guidance to HSB senior management and EMEA wide where required  General management –10%  Monitor and manage agencies EMEA wide Source: Annette Condon, UK/Ireland PR

8 Dell Confidential Next Steps EMEA RAP Lab  Fix Current Top BU issue---Options Order Process  Move Options orders from BU level to EMF RAP Lab  Establish/Communicate new process  Consistent Communications  COC to work with RAP lab to set up monthly Reviews calls  Continue and improve AMF/EMF weekly RAP Lab call  Foster relationships with lab personnel at publications  Conduct lab tour of Top BU pubs to determine benchmarking needs  Set up ongoing reviews of top BU press and their benchmarking tests  Create, Publish and Evangelize Processes  Visit BUs to determine how to improve process and communicate current process, escalation paths, and contacts  Publish monthly lead-times for eval units by Machine type

9 Dell Confidential  Steering Committee to determine feasibility of adding headcount to RAP Lab and attaining an HSB PR Manager.  Core Team (COC, Fiona, Marisa) to continue implementing process improvements  Improve communications, better understand BU needs, evangelize process  Tim Boyd, Sarah Lavender, Fiona McCallig, Gary Lusk (AMF RAP) to coordinate Q1 BU visits---synch up on goals  Contingency plan for not receiving headcount  Continue pursuit of IT assistance in aggregating process tools  Establish metrics for measuring leads generated from reviews  Continue investigation on Relationship/Enterprise use of RAP Lab  Potential use of AMF Server RAP Lab  Scope forecast for future relationship use of lab to determine headcount requirements Next Steps Core Team & Steering Committee

10 Dell Confidential Backup capacity Note: Awaiting confirmation of data from CoC on Mummy, Superman and Spiderman. Figures are estimates Note: Q3 data tbc. Estimates from CoC at present

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