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Lean Operations & JIT Chapter 14.

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1 Lean Operations & JIT Chapter 14

2 Learning Objectives You should be able to:
Explain what is meant by the term lean operations system List each of the goals of a lean system and explain its importance List and briefly describe the building blocks of lean List the benefits and risks of a lean system Instructor Slides

3 Lean Operations Lean operations
A philosophy that encompasses every aspect of the process, from design to after the sale of a product. Pursues a system that functions with minimal levels of inventory, waste, space and transactions. A flexible system of operation that uses considerably less resources (activities, people, inventory, space) than a traditional system Tends to achieve Greater productivity Lower costs Shorter cycle times Higher quality 14-3

4 Lean: Ultimate Goal The ultimate goal:
Achieve a system that matches supply to customer demand; supply is synchronized to meet customer demand in a smooth uninterrupted flow A balanced system One that achieves a smooth, rapid flow of materials and/or work through the system History of Lean Operation & Just In Time 14-4

5 Goals and building blocks of lean systems

6 Lean: Supporting Goals
The degree to which lean’s ultimate goal is achieved depends upon how well its supporting goals are achieved: Eliminate disruptions Poor quality (lean systems do not carry extra inventory), equipment breakdowns, schedule changes, late deliveries. Make the system flexible Mix of products, levels of output. Require reducing setup-times & lead-times. Eliminate waste, especially excess inventory Minimize inventory 14-6

7 Waste Represents unproductive resources
Seven sources of waste in lean systems: Inventory Idle resource, requires space, cost Overproduction Overuse of manufacturing resources Waiting time Require space, WIP Unnecessary transporting Handling cost, WIP inventory Processing waste Unnecessary production steps, scrap Inefficient work methods Reduced productivity, increased scrap, increased WIP Product defects Rework costs, customer dissatisfaction 14-7

8 Lean: Building Blocks Product design Process design
Personnel/ organizational elements Manufacturing planning and control 14-8

9 Building Blocks 1. Product Design
Four elements of product design important for lean systems: Standard parts Fewer parts, less training, lower costs, routine purchasing, handling and quality inspection. Can use standard processing. Modular design Fewer parts, simpler assembly, purchasing, handling, training. Highly capable systems with quality built in small lot sizes and absence of buffer stock. Quality designed into the product and production process. Standardized products, methods and equipment, workers familiar with their jobs. Concurrent engineering Bringing together design and manufacturing personnel together early in the design phase to prevent engineering changes. 14-9

10 Building Blocks 2. Process Design
Seven aspects of process design that are important for lean systems: Small lot sizes Setup time reduction Manufacturing cells Quality improvement Production flexibility A balanced system Little inventory storage Fail-safe methods 14-10

11 2. Process Design A. Small Lot Sizes
In the lean philosophy, the ideal lot size is 1. Goal: reduce lot size as much as possible (given practical considerations) Benefits of small lot size Reduced in-process inventory Lower total carrying costs Inspection and rework costs are lower when quality problems do occur Permits greater flexibility in scheduling = better response to customer demands. Less inventory to ‘work off’ before implementing product improvements Increased visibility of problems Increased ease of balancing operations AAA BBBBB CC AAA BBBBBB CCC AAAAAA BBBBBBBBBBB CCCCC 14-11

12 2. Process Design B. Setup Time Reduction
Small lot sizes and changing product mixes require frequent setups Unless these are quick and relatively inexpensive, they can be prohibitive Setup time reduction requires deliberate improvement efforts Workers are trained to do their own setups Single-minute exchange of die (SMED) A system for reducing changeover time (e.g Toyota from 100 to 3 minutes). Convert activities form “internal” to “external”. 14-12

13 What is “die?” Instructor Slides

14 2. Process Design D. Quality Improvement
Quality defects during the process can disrupt the orderly flow of work Focus on finding and eliminating the causes of problems. Autonomation (jidoka) Automatic detection of defects during production Two mechanisms are employed One for detecting defects when they occur Another for stopping production to correct the cause of the defects (force immediate attention to the problem) 14-14

15 2. Process Design F. Balanced System
Line balancing helps to achieve a rapid work flow. Work assigned to each workstation must not exceed cycle time (Takt time). Takt time The cycle time needed to match customer demand for final product. Sometimes referred to as the heartbeat of a lean system Procedure: Determine the net time available per shift If there is more than one shift per day, multiply the net time by the number of shifts Compute the takt time by dividing the net available time by demand Using takt time minimizes WIP inventory. 14-15

16 2. Process Design G. Inventory Storage
Lean systems are designed to minimize inventory (waste) Inventories are buffers that tend to cover up recurring problems that are never resolved partly because they are not obvious partly because the presence of inventory makes them seem less serious The lean approach is to gradually reduce inventories in order to uncover problems and then resolve them. Advantages: Lower carrying cost Less space Less dependence on buffers Less rework Less need use current inventory before implementing design improvements. Risks: No safety stock Opportunity loss when problems arise 14-16

17 Building Blocks 3. Personnel/Organizational
Five personnel/ organizational elements that are important for lean systems: Workers as assets Cross-trained workers Continuous improvement Cost accounting Leadership/project management 14-17

18 3. Personnel/Organizational: A. Workers as Assets
Well-trained and motivated workers are the heart of the lean system They are given greater authority to make decisions… but more is expected of them 14-18

19 3. Personnel/Organizational B. Cross-Trained Workers
Workers are trained to perform several parts of a process and operate a variety of machines Facilitates flexibility Helps in line balancing 14-19

20 3. Personnel/Organizational C. Continuous Improvement
Continuous improvement (Kaizen, 改善) Workers in lean systems have greater responsibility for quality, and they are expected to be involved in problem solving and continuous improvement Teams of workers and managers who routinely work on problems. Problem solving “culture”: workers are encouraged to report problems and potential problems. Andon: System of lights used at each workstation to signal problems or slowdowns (green, amber, red lights) 14-20

21 Building Blocks 4. MPC Seven elements of Manufacturing Planning and Control (MPC) are particularly important for lean system: Level loading Pull systems Visual systems Limited work-in-process (WIP) Close vendor relationships Reduced transaction processing Preventive maintenance and housekeeping 14-21

22 4. MPC B. Pull Systems Push system Pull system
Work is pushed to the next station as it is completed (without regard to the next station’s readiness). Work may pile up at workstations that fall behind schedule. Pull system Work moves on in response to demand from the next stage in the process. A workstation pulls output from the preceding workstation as it is needed Output of the final operation is pulled by customer demand or the master schedule Pull systems are not appropriate for all operations Require fairly steady flow of reparative work. Large variations in volume, product mix, or product design will undermine the system 14-22

23 4. MPC B. Pull Systems: Communication
Communication moves backward through the system from station to station Each workstation (customer) communicates its need for more work to the preceding workstation (supplier) Assures that supply equals demand Work moves “just in time” for the next operation Flow of work is coordinated Accumulation of excessive inventories is avoided 14-23

24 4. MPC C. Visual Systems Kanban (看板)
Card or other device that communicates demand for work or materials from the preceding station Kanban is the Japanese word meaning “signal” or “visible record” Paperless production control system Authority to pull, or produce, comes from a downstream process. 14-24

25 4. MPC C. Visual Systems - kanban
A kanban card is affixed to each container When a workstation needs to replenish its supply of parts, a worker withdraws on container Each container holds a predetermined quantity The worker removes the kanban card from the container, posts it, and take the container to the workstation. The posted card is picked up by a stock person who replenishes the stock with another container and so on down the line. 14-25

26 4. MPC E. Close Vendor Relationships
Relatively small number of suppliers. Close relationships with (certified) vendors They are expected to provide frequent, small deliveries of high-quality goods The burden of ensuring component quality is shifted to the vendor. Local supplier are preferred in order to reduce lead time (of small frequent deliveries) Ideally the suppliers themselves will be operating under JIT. The suppliers become part of an extended integrated JIT system. 14-26

27 Lean Services In service the focus is often on the time needed to perform the service - speed is often the order winner Provide services when they are needed Lean benefits can be achieved in the following ways: Eliminate disruptions e.g., avoid having service providers also answer phones. Make system flexible Train workers to handle more variety. Reduce setup and lead times Estimate what parts and tools are frequently needed and have them on hand Eliminate waste Eliminate errors and duplicate work. Minimize WIP e.g., orders waiting to be processed, calls waiting to be answered, packages waiting for delivery, truck waiting to be loaded/unloaded etc. Simplify the process e.g., self-service systems such as in retail, ATMs, vending machines, service systems 14-27

28 Lean vs. Traditional Philosophies
Factor Traditional Lean Inventory Much to offset forecast errors, late deliveries Minimal necessary to operate Deliveries Few, large Many, small Lot sizes Large Small Setup; runs Few, long runs Many, short runs Vendors Long-term relationships are unusual Partners Workers Necessary to do the work Assets 14-28

29 Lean Systems Key Risks:
Key benefits: Reduced waste inventory levels scrap and rework space requirements High quality Flexibility Reduced lead times Increased productivity and equipment utilization Key Risks: Absence of buffers (personnel, inventory) to fall back on if something goes wrong. Possible loss off sale and lost customers.

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