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P Bernus, 1999 The Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology GERAM P Bernus.

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2 P Bernus, 1999 The Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methodology GERAM P Bernus

3 P Bernus, 1999 Acknowledgements P Bernus / L Nemes and the active members of the IFIP IFAC Task Force as well as ISO TC184/SC5/WG1 Globeman 21 VRIDGE Team members have all helped form GERAM through its 8 years of development Current version available from

4 P Bernus, 1999 Aim Collecting and organising knowledge necessary to better implement change processes in the enterprise Need to define commonly acceptable terms of the field Define the scope of the field of EI

5 P Bernus, 1999 Broad application area CIM (repetitive or one of a kind) Service industry Incorporated enterprise  extended enterprise  virtual enterprise

6 P Bernus, 1999 Generalisation of existing architectures and other necessary elements….. The ‘offerings’ of EI related results can be characterised in this framwork Mapping of existing architectures, tools, languages,… to GERAM Shopping list (what capabilities are needed for an enterprise)

7 P Bernus, 1999 Background CIMOSA Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture and Methdology GRAI-GIM SATT Each being a life-cycle architecture (architecture of type II), that describes the progression of the enterprise through its life-cycle ‘phases’

8 P Bernus, 1999 What is to be designed Management and Control System Operations (service / manufacturing)

9 P Bernus, 1999 How to model the decision system? Mostly human activity (supported by “application programs” and databases)Mostly human activity (supported by “application programs” and databases) Mostly non-algorithmic in natureMostly non-algorithmic in nature

10 P Bernus, 1999 To manage the operations, the ICOM of the transformation that takes place in the operation must be provided To manage the operations, the ICOM of the transformation that takes place in the operation must be provided Operations input (when and where accessible by resources under the control of re-source management) output (when and where produced by resources under the control of resource management) machine, human,$ resources (available for resource management to control) controls (provided by resource management in real time to transform input to output)

11 P Bernus, 1999 Categories of management functions Management of product (I/O)Management of product (I/O) Management of resources (M)Management of resources (M) Planning and co-ordination (C)Planning and co-ordination (C)

12 P Bernus, 1999 manage I/O manage resources co-ord./ plan The management of the enterprise “control” is the real-time mgmt of resources }

13 P Bernus, 1999 h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time } horizon period manage I/O manage resources co-ord./ plan GRAI GRID - to model the management of the enterprise “control” is the real-time mgmt of resources

14 P Bernus, 1999 h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time 23 789 415 6 horizon period external info manage I/O manage resources internal info co-ord./ plan GRAI GRID - to model the management of the enterprise “control” is the real-time mgmt of resources } Decide on product strategy (what when for which type of customer, what region, price catgory,...…)

15 P Bernus, 1999 h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time 23 789 415 6 horizon period external info manage I/O manage resources internal info co-ord./ plan GRAI GRID - to model the management of the enterprise “control” is the real-time mgmt of resources } Decide on resource strategy (humans, assets, capital / mqachinery, infrascructure…)

16 P Bernus, 1999 h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time 23 789 415 6 horizon period external info manage I/O manage resources internal info co-ord./ plan GRAI GRID - to model the management of the enterprise “control” is the real-time mgmt of resources } Decide on product tactics (production plans advertising plans, distributionplans…)

17 P Bernus, 1999 h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time 23 789 415 6 horizon period external info manage I/O manage resources internal info co-ord./ plan GRAI GRID - to model the management of the enterprise “control” is the real-time mgmt of resources } Decide on resource plans (leasing, buying, maintainance, hiring, training,...)

18 P Bernus, 1999 h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time 23 789 415 6 horizon period external info manage I/O manage resources internal info co-ord./ plan GRAI GRID - to model the management of the enterprise “control” is the real-time mgmt of resources } Decision centre DC 1

19 P Bernus, 1999 Decision centre DC 1 decision framework of DC 1 (OBJECTIVES, CONSTRAINTS AND DECISION VARIABLES) decision frameworks provided by DC 1 to other DCs inputs (intra- and inter system) outputs (intra- and inter system)

20 P Bernus, 1999 Example: manage product h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h manage weekly procurement plan manage weekly delivery plan manage incoming deliveries manage incoming services plan daily deliveries dispatch purchasing/ incoming goods and services inspection plan daily service provision dispatch goods deliveries dispatch service deliveries

21 P Bernus, 1999 Traditional value chain is not co-ordinated: the virtual enterprise is not an agent h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time co-ordination operational interaction only, feedback fixes only individual problems h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time co-ordination

22 P Bernus, 1999 Integrated value chain is co-ordinated: the virtual enterprise is an agent multi-level interaction: objectives are co-ordinated on every horizon co-ordination h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time

23 P Bernus, 1999 h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time co-ordination Decision (management) jobs AB The organisation implements the decision system:

24 P Bernus, 1999 h=7d p=1d h=1d p=8h h=8h p=1h real time co-ordination Flat hierarchy A C B

25 P Bernus, 1999 PERA

26 P Bernus, 1999 Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Subdivision according to modelling views Resource Organisation Information Function } {{ Generic Partial Particular { Subdivision according to genericity } CIMOSA

27 P Bernus, 1999 Management and Control System Operations (service / manufacturing)

28 P Bernus, 1999 Management and Control System Operations (service / manufacturing)

29 P Bernus, 1999 The Components of GERAMEOSs The operational enterprise

30 P Bernus, 1999 The Components of GERAMEOSs EMs Enterprise models

31 P Bernus, 1999 The Components of GERAMEMs EOSs EMOs Enterprise modules

32 P Bernus, 1999 The Components of GERAMEMs EOSs EMOs EMLs Enterprise modelling languages

33 P Bernus, 1999 The Components of GERAMEMLs EMs EOSs EMOs GEMCs Generic Enterprise Modelling Concepts

34 P Bernus, 1999 The Components of GERAMEMLs GEMCs EMs EOSs EMOs EEMs Enterprise Engineering Methodologies

35 P Bernus, 1999 The Components of GERAMEEMs EMLs GEMCs EMs EOSs EMOs EETs Enterprise Engineering Tools

36 P Bernus, 1999 The Components of GERAMEEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs EOSs EMOs PEMs Partial Enterprise Models (reference models)

37 P Bernus, 1999 The Components of GERAMEEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs PEMs EOSs EMOs GERA Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture

38 P Bernus, 1999 Visit these components one by one

39 P Bernus, 1999 GERA Generalised Enterprise Reference Architecture identifies concepts of enterprise integration Enterprise entities, life-cycles and histories, modelling framework

40 P Bernus, 1999 EEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs PEMs EOSs EMOs GERA

41 Life history

42 P Bernus, 1999


44 Life- cycle

45 P Bernus, 1999 Two independent dimensions Life cycle Life history

46 P Bernus, 1999 Life-cycle of an enterprise entity Design Preliminary design Detailed design Identification Concept Requirements Implementation Operation DecommissionGERA

47 P Bernus, 1999GERA Design Preliminary design Detailed design Identification Concept Requirements Implementation Operation Decommission Life-cycle phases Time Redesign/ continuous improvement project Enterprise Operation Life histories Enterprise Engineering Projects Decommissioning project

48 P Bernus, 1999GERA Design Preliminary design Detailed design Identification Concept Requirements Implementation Operation Decommission Life-cycle phases Time Change processes are based on a relatively small set of functional capabilities that the enterprise must have.

49 P Bernus, 1999 Relationship between life-cycles design preliminary design detailed design identification concept requirements implementation operation decommission operation entity A entity BGERA

50 P Bernus, 1999 There are various “enterprise entity types” each with their own life-cycles Project Enterprise (OKP) Repetitive Product

51 P Bernus, 1999 GERA modelling framework allows various aspects

52 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Management- and control Customer service Subdivision according to purpose of activity } Human Machine Subdivision according to means of implementation } { { { Life-cycle phases Design Preliminary design Detailed design Identification Concept Implementation Operation Decommission Requirements Views Subdivision according to modelling views Resource Organisation Information Function } Instantiation {{ Generic Partial Particular { Subdivision according to genericity } Hardware Software Subdivision according to physical manifestation }

53 P Bernus, 1999 EMs Enterprise Models represent the particular enterprise … all those models and descriptions that document the particular enterprise across the enterprise life-cycle

54 P Bernus, 1999 EEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs PEMs EOSs EMOs GERA

55 Potentially every area of the GERA modelling framework is populated with models or descriptions of the enterprise Often these models exist in the enterprise for the production facility and the control system / information system, but not the part of the business processes done by humans and not for the entire system of management (decisions)

56 P Bernus, 1999 Use of enterprise models Support the enterprise engineering process (explicit, common reference for people, decision making using simulation, optimisation, etc) Model based control: support the execution of business processes (e.g. workflow implementation of some business processes)

57 P Bernus, 1999 Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation (particular) Enterprise Models EMs

58 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Management policies Machine tools, controllers etc. Hw resource requirements of operation Operational requirements Operational requirements (business process model) Operational requirements (information model) Sw resource requirements of operation Organisational requirements of operation Management requirements Shop floor workers Management personnel Control systems, MIS database, DSS,.. Operational policies MIS & ctrl software (applications and database development) MIS & ctrl hardware installation and testing Personnel training, hiring Development of personnel instructions Comissioning and deployment of production machinery Productionmachinery configuration Examples for areas described /modelled

59 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Sw resource requirements of operation

60 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Hw resource requirements of operation

61 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Operational policies

62 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Organisational requirements of operation

63 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Management policies

64 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Operational requirements (information model)

65 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Operational requirements (business process model)

66 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Operational requirements

67 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Management requirements

68 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Machine tools, controllers etc.

69 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Control systems, MIS database, DSS,..

70 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Management personnel

71 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Shop floor workers

72 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Production machinery configuration

73 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Development of personnel instructions

74 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled MIS & ctrl software (applications and database development)

75 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Comissioning and deployment of production machinery

76 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled Personnel training, hiring

77 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Examples for areas described /modelled MIS & ctrl hardware installation and testing

78 P Bernus, 1999 EEMs Enterprise Engineering Methodology describe process of enterprise engineering For each type of change activity and life-cycle ‘phase’ describe ways of progression, identify tasks and tools - need not be intrusive

79 P Bernus, 1999 EEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs PEMs EOSs EMOs GERA

80 Examples Purdue Guide for Master Planning GRAI GIM In preparation: Handbook of Enterprise Integration (by 1999, Springer Verlag) Important component: modelling methodology -- how to select modelling languages and tools for a practical task

81 P Bernus, 1999 EMLs Enterprise Modelling Languages provide modelling constructs for modelling of human role, processes and technologies All areas in the modelling framework need suitable languages - some formal, some not...

82 P Bernus, 1999 EEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs PEMs EOSs EMOs GERA

83 Available languages For each area of enterprise model there is a potential need for a suitable language of description GERA modelling frameworkk identifies such areas Depending on the aim of modelling languages of various expressive power are needed

84 P Bernus, 1999 E.g. CIMOSA integrated set of modelling constructs for the business process modelling (info and material flow) For the ‘downstream’ models great variety of geometric modelling and, simulation languages

85 P Bernus, 1999 Functional modelling: idef0, cimosa, uml,... Process modelling idef3, cimosa, FirstStep,, PSL, uml Data requirements modelling: ER, OOA/D what is the difference?

86 P Bernus, 1999 Differences... Expressive power …. Select depending on the analysis / design task Rigour … Is the meaning of modelling constructs well defined? Ease of use … do people of various backgrounds understand in the same way? Good graphic view? Availability of support tool Extendable … new constructs, ‘metamodelling’?

87 P Bernus, 1999 Generic Enterprise Modelling Concepts define the meaning of enterprise modelling constructs GEMCs

88 P Bernus, 1999 EEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs PEMs EOSs EMOs GERA

89 Glossary and examples Glossary and examples Metaschema Metaschema Ontological theories Ontological theories GEMCs For end users For tool developers

90 P Bernus, 1999 Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Generic enterprise modelling concept definitions (the concepts of the modelling languages) GEMCs

91 P Bernus, 1999 EETs Enterprise Engineering Tools support enterprise engineering Software tools allowing model construction, management, analysis, decision making in enterprise design

92 P Bernus, 1999 EEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs PEMs EOSs EMOs GERA

93 KBSI IDEF tools FirstStep METIS Aris … …. Many others exist, often used are Petri net based tools, IDEF3, GRAI Grid Collect them in an enterprise engineering workbench

94 P Bernus, 1999 High quality tested models used for ‘drag and drop’ enterprise modelling - quickly and cost effectively PEMs Partial Enterprise Models provide reusable reference models of human roles, processes and technologies

95 P Bernus, 1999 EEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs PEMs EOSs EMOs GERA

96 Typical models that can be modified, adapted; may form a taxonomy -- reference architectures of type I Abstract vs concrete models -- various levels of detail (e.g. ISO 900x is policy level) Complete models vs Building blocks (tested components) which can be combinedPEMs Forms of ‘partial’ models or ‘Reference Models’

97 P Bernus, 1999 Life-cycle phases Views Instantiation Partial enterprise models (reusable trusted components) PEMs

98 P Bernus, 1999GERAmodellingframework Examples for areas described /modelled ISO 900x SAP module specs Purdue CIM Model STEP ARMs STEP APs GRAI-Gim Ref Model CAM-I CIM Model Reference models allow quick progression from specification to design solution

99 P Bernus, 1999 EMOs Enterprise Modules Implementable modules or products (sw and hw); human professions, operational processes, technologies Major functional components of the enterprise can only be planned for implementation if they are embodied in products available on the market. This includes available human resource on the job market, machinery, IT products, services.

100 P Bernus, 1999 EEMs EETs EMLs GEMCs EMs PEMs EOSs EMOs GERA

101 Some examples for ‘enterprise modules’ i.e. product types Integrating Infrastructure –database management systems, –user interface systems [browsers, java swing], –distributed processing platforms [e.g. java interpreter, corba], –distributed communication and collaboration tools [lotos notes,…] etc...

102 P Bernus, 1999 Human professions (available skill types) Process equipment, material handling and transport equipment types Major software modules like SAP/R3, Baan,... Some examples for ‘enterprise modules’ (cont’d)

103 P Bernus, 1999 Enterprise modules... Implement typical ‘partial models’ E.g. the requirements level model of ‘distributed user interface services’ specifies a product (resource) type, such as implemented by a browser product

104 P Bernus, 1999Conclusion GERAM allows the manager to combine the stength of individual components (E.g. combine the modelling capabilities of CIMOSA and associated tools with the Purdue guide for master planning - extended with change initiation methodology of GM21, and reusing published organisational blueprints and decision system analysis techniques of GRAI)

105 P Bernus, 1999 GERAM is a shopping list for enterprises defining the capabilities needed to support enterprise engineering (small and big change) Particular types of industries may use GERAM as a blueprint to define a task list for R&D (e.g. IMS VITE virtual transport enterprise research consortium) Conclusion (cont’d)

106 P Bernus, 1999 The end

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