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New Impulse in Development of Business Processes: Operational and Information Network "Doveriye“ (“Trust”) LEONID LOZBENKO Member of Board, Head of the.

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Presentation on theme: "New Impulse in Development of Business Processes: Operational and Information Network "Doveriye“ (“Trust”) LEONID LOZBENKO Member of Board, Head of the."— Presentation transcript:

1 New Impulse in Development of Business Processes: Operational and Information Network "Doveriye“ (“Trust”) LEONID LOZBENKO Member of Board, Head of the Committee for Foreign Trade and Customs All-Russian Public Organisation of Small and Medium Businesses "Opora Russia"

2 PURPOSE OF CREATING THE “SINGLE WINDOW" Pursuant to the recommendations of UNCEFACT: Simplification of national and international trade operations by means of facilitation and harmonisation of processes, procedures and information flows, thereby contributing to foreign trade growth. From the standpoint of Russian businesses: 1.Building a modern competitive economy. 2.Growth of SME and its GDP share by means of improving state, technological and information support in implementation of the entire international supply chain 3.For large businesses — reduction of costs 4. Generic activities of various businesses of EEU member states in the common economic space

3 Business-state interaction RECOMMENDATION #33 UNITED NATIONS Complying with such terms requires significant effort on part of trade enterprises and can seriously impede the development and efficiency of foreign trade, especially from the standpoint of small and medium enterprises (SME). FACTORS INFLUENCING THE CHOICE OF MODEL

4 Representatives Brokers Warehouses Terminals Banks Carriers Sellers Business network Buyers ONE-STOP SHOP IMPLEMENTATION BASED ON INTERACTION BETWEEN THE "DOVERIYE" NETWORK AND THE NETWORK OF STATE BODIES В2ВВ2GG2G Network of state bodies Fed. ex.auth. 2Fed. ex.auth. 1 Fed. ex.auth. 3Fed. ex.auth. N Integration tire Forwarders

5 Representatives One-stop shop association in EEU Forwarders Brokers Warehouses Terminals Banks Carriers Sellers Business network Buyers State bodies SIEI Business network IISFDT State bodies State bodies State bodies Russia Single Window Kazakhstan Single Window Belarus Single Window

6 Simplification of searching and selecting suppliers, buyers, forwarders and other business partners Reduction of paperwork from 10-15 documents down to 2-3 Dispatching and receiving of documents and information from public agencies and authorities 4-5-fold reduction of costs along the entire supply chain Ensuring of transparency of foreign trade deals, on-line control tracking of cargoes as they are being transported NETWORK BENEFITS FOR STATE AND BUSINESSES Reduction of clearing times at logistics hubs from 20-25 days down to 5-7 days Provision of money transfers and guarantees to the network participants

7 GLOBAL OBJECTIVES OF THE "DOVERIYE" NETWORK Improve competitiveness and SME opportunities Provide cost-efficient universally available platform for trade and logistics Facilitate development of information technologies of state-business interaction

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