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Business Portal, an integrated system to collect data and communicate with our partners 2015 Joint workshops on data collection and communication of statistics.

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Presentation on theme: "Business Portal, an integrated system to collect data and communicate with our partners 2015 Joint workshops on data collection and communication of statistics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Business Portal, an integrated system to collect data and communicate with our partners 2015 Joint workshops on data collection and communication of statistics (Washington, 27Apr.-1May 2015) ISTAT, N.R.Fazio, G.Mottura Natale Renato Fazio

2 We are all immersed in our statistical cove in the activities of modernization and streamlining of processes Outside, not too much, there is the data deluge

3 Experience in Istat: the Business Portal Relationship with respondents or data users ? Why not partners ? A different perspective The business at the center Break down the stovepipe model, an organizational challenge Information technology as driver for change

4 Get in the businesses shoes a) administrative transparency, b) contact center, c) reduce statistical burden, d) return of statistical information of low and high profile. Top management and resistance to change ``It must be considered that there is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more dangerous to conduct, nor more doubtful in its success, than an attempt to introduce innovations. For the leader in the introduction of changes will have for his enemies all those who are well off under the existing order of things, and only lukewarm supporters in those who might be better off under the new.'‘ (Niccolò Machiavelli, The Prince, 1513)

5 Let’s start the project ! «We’we got to get in to get out» (Carpet Crawlers, Genesis) Review the organization and make some change A centralized unit for statistical issues, the T-shaped professionals. Cooperation among IT, business statistics, business register, communication and dissemination offices Cooperation with stakeholders for dissemination issues Business register as backbone Full alignment with the statistical surveys, streamlining of the remark management process A front office with data collection, dissemination and communication services Authentication and delegation facilities, Faq and news, access to the BR with possible remarks, agenda and status of surveys in which business is involved, access to the questionnaires, paging compilation, partial rescues, print, return of customized information of low and high profile, single exit point to query via SDMX I.Stat data warehouse

6 A back-office as an integrated system for sharing knowledge An integrated view on all businesses and surveys. Authentication and permissions, first level help desk for business portal, network management, monitoring data collection process and checking quality (consistency and completeness), contacts management, reporting on line at different levels of granularity; metadata management. GX (generalized italian data collection system XML) Make easy planning web questionnaires, fostering streamlining and standardization A metadata-driven approach

7 Conclusions 1700 large enterprises are inside Business Portal 8 significant surveys realized in GX with more than 30000 involved businesses Feedback from companies is clearly positive Near future - External contact center for first level contact - Open Business Portal to all businesses in 2015 - Migrate all business surveys in GX within two years - Analysis on mapping metadata and DDI, SOA services, CSPA - Keep cooperation with stakeholders The importance of International Community International branding for official statistics


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