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SMARTKEY REPLACEMENT Business Case Review. 2 SK-1 SmartKey Replacement OVERVIEW: During the original implementation of PeopleSoft 9.0 Financials, Emory.

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2 2 SK-1 SmartKey Replacement OVERVIEW: During the original implementation of PeopleSoft 9.0 Financials, Emory had a requirement for a ‘short cut’ tool that would reduce the amount of data entry required for accounting entries by populating the bulk of a chartfield string for the user. The requirement was that users would enter the short cut value and every ChartField except Account would be populated. In addition to online data entry, Emory also wanted a similar tool that could be used by 3 rd party interfaces (non-PeopleSoft) that create journal entries, as an alternative to retro-fitting all the 3 rd party systems to accommodate the full PeopleSoft ChartField string. SmartKey is a third-party custom tool that was designed to work like delivered functionality (SpeedType/SpeedChart). It replaced SpeedType/SpeedChart where delivered and extended the functionality to areas where not delivered. In the upgrade, Emory would like to use delivered functionality and drop the maintenance fees and annual licensing fee associated with SmartKey. SmartKey modified 28 delivered PeopleTool objects and created 1,053 new objects which greatly impact applying patches/upgrades. However, we need to do so in a way that continues to meet the user needs previously provided by SmartKey. RECOMMENDATION: Convert existing SmartKeys to SpeedTypes and SpeedCharts and use delivered functionality for on-line data entry. When absolutely necessary, SpeedType / SpeedChart functionality will be extended to areas where it is not delivered but desired (such as Travel & Expense). We also recommend that ChartField2 be used to assign the SpeedType / SpeedChart as a chartfield value, similar to other chartfield values (operating unit, department ID, etc). Although “smart numbering” was considered, we recommend the delivered next numbering be used for the SpeedType/SpeedChart reference. Owners Overall Process & Policy Change OwnersBelva White Module OwnerDavid Giles Project Work OwnersAll Module Leads

3 3 SK1 – SmartKey Replacement Impacts PeopleModule SupportLow impact across the board, functionality similar to current Central AdministrationLow impact across the board, functionality similar to current Campus UsersLow impact across the board, functionality similar to current ProcessModule SupportLow impact across the board, functionality similar to current Central AdministrationWill introduce new forms for SpeedType/SpeedChart setup/maintenance along with workflow approval. Campus UsersLow impact across the board, functionality similar to current SystemModule SupportLow impact across the board, functionality similar to current Central AdministrationLow impact across the board, functionality similar to current Campus UsersLow impact across the board, functionality similar to current TrainingCentral AdministrationAll training material will have to be updated Campus UsersUsers will be trained how to use functionality as part of all training courses. Training materials need to be developed to support user understanding of chartfield values and removing the Chartfield2 value if any other transaction value is changed. If the chartfield values are changed by the submitter or the designated workflow Accounting Checker after entering the Speed key and Chartfield2 is not updated, there is a potential of negatively impacting reporting.

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