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History Essay Writing. Research The first step in writing your essay after you have selected your topic is research Research forms the basis of your thesis.

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Presentation on theme: "History Essay Writing. Research The first step in writing your essay after you have selected your topic is research Research forms the basis of your thesis."— Presentation transcript:

1 History Essay Writing

2 Research The first step in writing your essay after you have selected your topic is research Research forms the basis of your thesis – Taking the facts and removing the bias from sources through inspection of several sources – Basing your arguments on fact and not bias and misinformation is the best way to write an effective thesis and essay

3 Organizing Essay Introduction  Body  Conclusion Refer to “History Essay” handout Refer to Sample Essay

4 Introduction Starts with a general discussion of the topic – Example: The years leading up to 1914 and WWI was full of unrest in Europe. General issues relating to the topic – These are reflective of your topics for your body paragraphs – Example: over the years leading up to the outbreak of war there was competition between many countries in terms of imperialism as well as militarism. Then too, this unrest lead to a need for countries to align themselves in order to protect their borders and their national pride. Thesis – Must be concise and an argument – Example: The assassination of Franz Ferdinand was simply the trigger incident and not the cause of WWI and the causes in fact were long term.

5 Conclusion Starts with a restatement of your thesis – Example: WWI was brought on by long term causes and not strictly by the trigger incident that was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand Connecting of body paragraph arguments – Example: Due to the alliance system put in place by both the triple entente and the triple alliance were a result of necessity to protect countries from the budding militarism and imperialism. Then too, the Nationalism displayed in each country, brought on by imperialism, encouraged the people to want to fight for their country. A final statement that sends home the message – Shows relevance of the essay and emphasizes the importance of the essay – Example: Conflict is not simply started over one incident, however, the right mixture of events and mind sets of all parties.

6 Introduction/ Conclusion Exercise Practice flowing from broad and general sentences to concise arguments

7 Thesis Must be an argument – Cannot sit on the fence you must take a side Should not be longer than a few lines Should be referenced throughout the body of your essay – All of your points will be connected to your thesis An effective thesis is formed near the conclusion of your research

8 Effective Thesis 1.Marge Simpson is important to the plot of The Simpsons 2.Marge Simpson is important to The Simpsons because she fulfills a significant family role as a mother and housewife. 3.While Marge Simpson may be a model caregiver for her family, she is a different sort of model for her audience. 4.Despite her role as a housewife and mother, Marge Simpson functions for the audience of The Simpsons as a feminist force against “middle class” values.

9 Thesis Writing Exercise Practice writing a thesis

10 Body Paragraphs The meat of your essay – Back up your thesis Topic sentence  1 st Point  Proofs to back up 1 st Point  Comment that relates point and proof to the thesis  other points, proofs, and comments that are relevant to the topic  Concluding statement The use of proofs is essential in a history essay – Showing the historical events and their relevance to your essay is the most important part of your body paragraphs

11 Body Paragraphs Continued… In your body paragraphs you will use a combination of narrative history and analytical history Narrative History: is a chronology of events, just statements of events and what happened Analytical History: Shows the significance of events in history

12 Citations When using a direct quote you must cite your source When you paraphrase from a source you must cite your source For MLA format there must be an in-text citation in brackets and a full reference in the works cited page 7/01/

13 Citations Book: In-Text: (Last name Page number) Works Cited: Last name, First name. Title of Book. City of Publication: Publisher, Year of publication. Format. EXAMPLE: Your Textbook


15 Plagiarism Any form of taking someone else’s work and passing it off as your own Done through: – Lack of quotations – Lack of citation – Lack of proper citation

16 Essay Outline Creating an Essay Outline is a good way to organize your thoughts an ideas before writing a rough copy The outline includes: thesis, topic sentences, main points and a concluding statement

17 Example of Essay Outline Thesis: WWI was brought on by long term causes and not strictly by the trigger incident that was the assassination of Franz Ferdinand Main Point: Imperialism Proof(s): Statement relating to thesis: Main Point: Militarism Proof(s): Statement relating to thesis: Main Point: Alliances Proof(s): Statement relating to thesis: Main Point: Nationalism Proof(s): Statement relating to thesis: Concluding statement: the long term causes of imperialism, militarism, alliance systems and the budding nationalism are the real reasons for war in 1914.

18 Proofreading An important and often ignored part of essay writing Reading over and checking for errors – Spelling errors – Grammar errors – Awkward or missing sentences – Omissions – Etc. Self or Peer done – Do Not Trust Spell Check!

19 Do DO express yourself in your own words DO write complete sentences that are grammatically correct DO vary your vocabulary and sentence structure DO use a dictionary and thesaurus DO use proper quotation methods and include proper citations

20 Do Not DO NOT repeat the same idea in different ways DO NOT contradict yourself DO NOT use abbreviations such as “etc.” DO NOT use slang DO NOT include irrelevant material DO NOT introduce new material in the conclusion DO NOT use the first person “I,” “WE,” or “ME”

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