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USING PODCASTING IN EDUCATION BENEFITS. Benefit one: One of the major benefits about using podcasting in education with young kids and teachers is that.

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2 Benefit one: One of the major benefits about using podcasting in education with young kids and teachers is that this medium encourages teachers and young students to work together to accomplish the task of creating a podcast. Benefit two: Another benefit about using podcasts in education is that you can use multiple learning styles in a single format. It is a known fact that everybody learns differently, some people learn by reading, some learn by hearing and some learning by doing. With the introduction of podcasts teachers can combine all three types of learning styles into one format, this helps to teach a wider range of students. Benefit three: Another benefit about using podcasting in education is that it is teaching children skills that they are going to need later on in life. At the rate our country is growing in terms of technological advances our children are going to need to learn all of these technological skills in order to compete in the business world.

3 Benefit four: Using podcasting in education also helps to engage our children in active learning. By using podcasts children can actually be involved in creating the podcasts or they can interact with the podcasts, either way can create a fun learning environment. Benefit five: Podcasting in education is also a good tool to help develop the children's critical analysis and reflection skills. With podcasting can deliver more in depth content then they can by simply giving lectures or showing slides. With podcasts you can have the children interact; include sound effects or music to help enhance the learning experience. Benefit six: Another important benefit to using podcasting in education is that children can enhance their creative skills. No longer do they have to stick to using poster board and writing paper for their oral reports. By letting them use podcasts children can add elements to their oral reports that were not possible before.

4 N ATURAL D ISASTERS IS IN THE Y EAR 5 C URRICULUM Is defined by “about the interdependence between elements of a natural system Outcome intended is : Students understand that systems provide order to the dynamic natural and social relationships occurring in the world.


6 R ELIABLE R ESOURCES Checklist for reliable resources: Make sure the resource has the following: 1. A title 2. An author 3. Publication date 4. Copyright 5. Place of publication (book or journal)

7 H OW TO CREATE A PODCAST ( TWO WAYS ) Normal way: (Many files can choose) Creating your first episode, which can be an audio recording, video, or even a text document. Supported file formats include.m4a,.mp3,.mov,.mp4,.m4v,.pdf and.epub. Posting your episode file(s) on a server with a publicly accessible URL. Creating an RSS feed (an XML file) that: conforms to the RSS 2.0 specificationRSS 2.0 specification includes the recommended iTunes RSS tags, contains pointers to your episode. Posting the RSS file on a server. Submit the URL for your RSS feed to iTunes.

8 E ASY W AY : (J UST M P 3 FILE ) 1. Creating a Audioboo account 2. Recording a voice and upload file 3. Selecting a gray "itunes" tab on right side and get a podcast on itunesAudioboo


10 P ODCAST Below is an example of a podcast. I have created this example to show you what you can do. In addition, I also show you the ways to create a podcast. Ok, have fun!!! Example: Japan Earthquakes--- listen listen

11 R EFERENCES Business Knowledge Source (2003- 2010), Technology Information, Retrieved 12 April, from: technology/using_podcasting_in_education_ benefits_028226.html Government of Western Australia Curriculum Council (2010), Western Australia Certificate of Education, Retrieved 9 April, from:

12 R EFERENCES Principle, Coogee Primary School (2011), Western Australia 6163 United States Department of HomeLand Security (2011), FEMA for Kids, Retrieved 9 April, from:

13 Joanne Anderson Sandra M. Rojas Walteros Maddie Gaines Danping Mai

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