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Revised 7 May 2012 pkachka
EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification Welcome!
Course outline Course elements: 1. Content Management
Searching and indexing Item structure and XML 2. Moderation Workflow 3. Bulk Item Management 4. Bulk upload options 5. Reports 6. User details 7. EQUELLA support EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA Core Principals Review
EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA Certification
Native EQUELLA NAVIGATION LINKS + available based on role HIERARCHY NAVIGATION TASK LIST EQUELLA Certification EQ101 EQUELLA Core Principles Certification
EQ101 EQUELLA Core Principles Certification
Digital content and EQUELLA
Individual files, Multi-file archives, learning objects, remote content Metadata Information about content EQUELLA items The fundamental EQUELLA entity EQUELLA collections The storage units that house items EQUELLA institutions The whole repository EQ101 EQUELLA Core Principles Certification
EQUELLA item lifecycle
EQ101 EQUELLA Core Principles Certification
How does EQUELLA work? Every item that enters the repository is catalogued Item metadata Users are provided with suitable permissions to Search, view, create, manage, administer… Searches use the item metadata to return results. Items and their components can then be linked to courses. EQ101 EQUELLA Core Principles Certification
Anatomy of an EQUELLA Repository
EQUELLA Institution User Management Security Unique URL Administration Console Multiple Collections Collection Contribution Wizard Metadata Schema Workflow Multiple Items Item Content Metadata EQ101 EQUELLA Core Principles Certification
EQUELLA’s Universe EQUELLA frees content from the bounds of its repository: Shared interfaces and metadata standards Copyright management Digital rights management Content can be federated, harvested or linked to or from external sources: Other EQUELLA institutions External repositories that implement industry accepted standards and protocols EQUELLA provides: External application interfaces metadata standards Copyright management DRM EQ101 EQUELLA Core Principles Certification
Upload, search and consume:
Presentation Layer EQUELLA UI LMS – eg. Bb/Moodle Custom Applications Integration Agent SOAP Agent Management Layer Discovery Metadata Rights, Security, Workflow Consume Layer Upload, search and consume: Learning content, research, iTunes U, YouTube, copyright materials
Common Uses for EQUELLA
LMS Integration(s) Content tagged to standards and/or taxonomies Image data base Research Repository Library System Integration Federated Searching DRM/Copyright Course/Content Production Student ePortfolio Open Educational Resources / Open Courseware And more...
Client Stories A few client stories on how EQUELLA is used at other institutions:
EQUELLA Content Management
1 EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Overview EQUELLA manages content using the following processes:
Contribution—allow documents and multimedia material to be imported and created Search indexing—to catalogue materials to make them discoverable User role/privilege assignment—identify all key users and their roles including content managers Collection privilege assignment—assign roles and responsibilities for workflow review processes Contribution is how items are created. Search indexing is the process used to catalogue all the items in EQUELLA and creates an index of search terms for each item. User role/privilege assignment—Authors, copyright collection managers, content managers. Collection privilege assignment—Workflow privileges. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Fundamental elements The management processes are supported in EQUELLA by Metadata Fundamental to contributing and cataloguing EQUELLA items Access control lists (ACL) and privileges Fundamental to the user role and item type management While these users won’t be configuring users they should have an understanding of how privileges and ACLs affect items and users. === ACL-a list of users that can or have been given the privilege to do something to EQ A collection has a ton of privileges ACLs apply to objects EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Contribution Content management begins with item contribution. During contribution, information about the item is entered and the attachments are uploaded. So how do you determine what information to collect? The questions leads to the prerequisites for the collection discussed in the next slide. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Information The information required for managing content depends on the content and how it is to be used: Are the items to be shared with other repositories? Are the items only for internal use? Are digital rights assigned? The answer to each question will define what type of information to collect: Is the content to be shared with other repositories? — if the answer is yes then you will have to gather information and store it in a suitable form. Is the content for internal use?— this can simplify the information collected. Are digital rights assigned?—if yes then DRM information will have to be gathered and stored. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Metadata The information collected during contribution is in fact metadata and its fundamental purpose is to make content discovery and management easier. Managing content in large repositories requires organization: Information stored without structure makes it difficult to distinguish what the information is, text could represent a name, description or author. Information stored without organization almost makes the information valueless. Text could represent anything. === Use metadata for indexing, searching and even security EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Metadata schemas Organization of metadata is controlled by the metadata template called a metadata schema. A metadata schema Typically comprises a number of elements or nodes arranged in a hierarchy Provides a structure for information that is copied each time a new item is contributed Provides a map for EQUELLA to enable it to find or store the required information Schemas are used in collections, workflows and searching Reinforce the idea that metadata schemas are about organizing the information. There is nothing mysterious about a schema: each node is a label for the information it holds. EQUELLA uses these labels to find the information. There are many ways to organize information so there are many schemas. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA metadata schemas
EQUELLA provides an editor for creating schemas and places no restrictions on their structure. This is a program management task. The editor and a schema are shown on the next slide. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA Metadata schemas
=== Schema can be comprised of 100 fields; however, for contributions, you might only choose 10 and make 3 mandatory EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Common schemas To simplify sharing of content with other repositories standard schemas have been developed, such as: IMS— Dublin Core— Typically, schemas only implement part of these schemas because they are extensive with parts that are not relevant to all organizations. IMS is IMS IEEE LOM-Learning Objects Management (I think) Dublin Core is general and used often for libraries; sometimes educational and sometimes not Dublin Core has everything LOM has; Dublin Core is a subset of LOM EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Metadata and searching
Metadata provides the means for finding EQUELLA content. Metadata is used to catalogue content using a process called indexing. The index associates search terms with the location of content in the repository. Metadata is used to find items in the repository. An index is created, this is very similar to a book index where words and the pages they appear on are listed. So to find the page you want you look in the index for the word you want and turn to the page. It certainly beats having to search every page for the word. === Important=the index associates search terms with the location of content in the repository In computing it also greatly simplifies searching. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA searching EQUELLA provides a range of searches each configured for a specific purpose. Searches can be accessed: Directly from EQUELLA Through an integrated application, such as LearningStudio or Blackboard Through the Resource Selector or HTML Editor during contribution Some search the whole repository, or controlled sections and some only your content. Basic search - keyword Guided Search - collection Power Search - advanced Federated Search – external repositories My Resources search - personal My Favourites search - bookmark My Searches - saved Browse the repository - organized Task List search – task oriented My items YouTube Google Books ITunesU EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA indexing EQUELLA indexing is the process of cataloguing items for searching. Indexing is controlled by options associated with a schema node Searchable by Free Text Index for Power Searches Selecting either or both options will include the metadata stored in this node in the index so it is available for a suitably configured search. Indexing can be a significant system load for large systems and the number and type of nodes indexed may need review if performance is noticeably degraded. === Index for Power Searches pairs up the search criteria with specific fields (such as video or color image) Balancing act-want the search to work effectively but indexing takes time and is slow Free Text is like Google EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Schema node indexing Select either or both to include the node in the index. Searches can then use this content in search results. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Schema node indexing Only nodes indexed for power search are then available for selection. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA Items The previous section discussed how metadata can be organized and used, this section describes how items are stored. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Contribution EQUELLA items are created by contribution. During contribution, each item is given a copy of the collection schema and the copy is filled with information from the contribution wizard. Information is also added by the system, including A unique identifier called a UUID Time and date of contribution Item status Each wizard control is linked to a schema node where the information entered in the control is stored. (more details below) To put these numbers into perspective, one's annual risk of being hit by a meteorite is estimated to be one chance in 17 billion,[32] that means the probability is about (6 × 10−11), equivalent to the odds of creating a few tens of trillions of UUIDs in a year and having one duplicate. In other words, only after generating 1 billion UUIDs every second for the next 100 years, the probability of creating just one duplicate would be about 50%. The probability of one duplicate would be about 50% if every person on earth owns 600 million UUIDs. (from Wikipedia) === When you do a contribution and save—then the index is updated; it is called incremental indexing If we change the schema, then the index has to be rebuilt and that is time consuming. The point is—get the schema right to start and hope not to make big changes UUID is a long string of indentifiers—have to send URLs around and some find it clunky; the advantage is that the UUID is unique worldwide EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
After contribution EQUELLA creates a URL for the item and stores metadata as a file in the filestore and the attachments in a separate attachments folder. EQUELLA also updates the system metadata associated with the item. Some of this information can be found in the item URL. Can take unique URL, post it anywhere and access—some security though Full URL: UUID is: 135bc71a-45af-c0aa-2b99-ec4f99805a37 Extra /1/ is version Archived means it is still fully accessible, but it is just not going to turn up in regular searches Change /?/ to /0/--it reverts to only the latest version So, embedding in LMS, the URL is entered into the HTML and then single sign on stuff is arranged on the back end so it seems seamless EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA URLs EQUELLA item URLS comprise the following components:
The name of the EQUELLA server (e.g., The EQUELLA institution name or code (e.g., learning/) The institution names or codes are created by the organization when EQUELLA is installed The unique ID of the item (e.g., items/5b0dbc71-b d6e5-dce072993c5e/). The version number (e.g., 2/) cont’d Discuss item version numbers e.g. Archived /1 Live /2 Draft /3 EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA URLs Following the version number is a long string of characters beginning with “?” that are EQUELLA application instructions on how to search and display the item, and can be ignored when saving the URL for later use or to to colleagues. Thus, the full “useful” EQUELLA URL will look like this: EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Viewing the item filestore
EQUELLA items and their attachments can be viewed by inserting a tildé character “~” immediately before the question mark. An example is Entering this URL into a browser will display the item page providing links to the constituent parts of the item. This will strip away all UI and just present item This is the item; if you have attachments or uploads, that will follow where the ? sits above Being able to do this is a right that must be granted; not all EQ users can view the filestore EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Viewing the item filestore
Selecting <XML> displays the item XML document. Native data in EQ is the XML document Each item in a contribution also have a unique URL as well because the URL adds /potato.jpg (get from ~view and click on item or just add to unique id) So EQ works as a Web server in this respect IMS packages are both zip and viewable There are tools XML Edit to differentiate between two XML docs EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Viewing the Item Filestore
The displayed XML will be a combination of entered metadata and system generated metadata Path-description of the full location to the path of an element if you work your way down. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
System generated XML The nodes for system generated XML are appended to the item metadata schema and cannot be accessed when editing a schema. System generated XML contains system related information such as the item ID, the version number, the date of creation or editing, the workflow steps the item has been through, etc. System metadata—EQ creates it and we cannot change Custom metadata—we generate with our wizard; defined in the Schema Editor; only custom needs to be defined here System generated XML typically takes the form of an XML attribute (versus an element) EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
System generated XML This is an example of system generated XML attributes: <item id="7a9204a1-22be-957c c1c07bbef" itemdefid="b4c2ddf0-b647-db8b-1e0d-d899d851724a" itemstatus="live" key="30219" version="1"> This is an example of system generated XML elements: <datecreated> T16:49: </datecreated> <datemodified> T11:08: </datemodified> <dateforindex> T09:09: </dateforindex> Data is an element or an attribute Attributes are denoted by = and elements are denoted by < > tags-element has no spaces in the text EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Practical exercises Using the Item structure and XML exercises sheet
participants should Contribute an item. Find the item after contribution. Note the components of the URL. View the item filestore View the item and system metadata Item structure and XML exercises EQ201 sheet. AFTER users complete this exercise – add the Quality Assurance Workflow to the Learning resources collection EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA Moderation Workflow
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Access control lists and privileges
Fundamental to the user role and item type management are the security privileges and access control lists (ACL). Access control lists control every aspect of EQUELLA and how it can be used by users. The participants don’t need to understand the ACL in detail but having an overall view of how privileges control access to contribution wizards, schemas and collections is important. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Access control lists (ACL)
The ACL defines the items and functionality available to EQUELLA users by granting or revoking privileges. The ACL provides a hierarchy of inherited privileges enabling Institution ACL to be applied to all collections, items or users Collection ACL to be applied to all items in the collection Item ACL to be applied to specific items Role ACL to be applied to all users associated with that role Simple and powerful control over items and users ACL precedence can be very detailed so simply provide a summary. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
An EQUELLA ACL Discuss that most lists are grant as this is simpler to maintain. The inherited ACL can be overridden at any level for individual privileges. === Tree view on the left hand side—rights trickle down starts at top hierarchical security model EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Content management role assignment
To play a role in content management, users must have suitable privileges. Typically, users are assigned to a suitably configured user group that is then assigned to an EQUELLA role by a system administrator. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Group assignment Users are put into Groups
Can hook up EQ to SIS stand alone; in LMS integration, it is governed by the link between SIS and LS Marry groups to collections—maybe more for stand alone installs EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Role assignment Groups are assigned to Roles
Users are in groups and groups are given roles and then users are given privileges Best practice is to put people into groups and then give rights; you can do it with just one person. Equella Security Model—consultant will setup initial structure EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Content management roles
Content management is a collaborative processes typically involving the following roles Creator—responsible for creating or editing content Editor—responsible for refining content to organizational standards Publisher—responsible for releasing content for use Administrator—responsible for managing ACLs for content and users User—the person who reads or otherwise takes in content after it is published or shared Content management is about collaboration. It is a large job and requires successful interaction between the roles listed. The role collaboration is coordinated using a workflow. ============== Roles are not fixed in Equella. We make them up from scratch to suit the client. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Role coordination The interaction between the various content management roles is coordinated by a workflow. Workflows automatically notify reviewers when a review is required. Workflows are typically created by a system administrator. The interaction between the various content management roles is coordinated by a workflow.—this allows for approval of content Each entity can have up to 30 different types of privileges EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Workflow overview Workflows are associated with a collection and can be a simple one-step review or complex multi-step editorial and technical reviews that contain multiple publication paths. Items contributed to a collection with a workflow will enter the workflow when The item is contributed A new version of the item created The item moves to a Review state after the designated period has elapsed Having a series of approval steps for an individual item before going live EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Item States Item states indicate an item’s progress through the workflow Items have the status Moderating after entering the workflow for the first time Other status displayed are Rejected and Review Other moderation states displayed in the moderation history are Assigned, Accepted (Live), May moderate, Must moderate, Asked to Moderate, Unassigned, Notifications. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Workflow messages EQUELLA notifies moderators when items require review by displaying a message on their Home Page Task List or in the notifications section of the navigation bar. reminders can also be sent to moderators when items are not reviewed within a defined period. These messages are automatically created by EQUELLA. Skip the next three slides (or go quickly through) and just explain them on the native EQUELLA screen. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Task List messages Tasks assigned to me—displayed when you must moderate an item. Items in this group are classified as Asked to Moderate on the Tasks page item filter. Tasks assigned to others—displayed to review group members when the X items have been assigned reviewers. Items in this group are classified as May Moderate on the Tasks page item filter. Tasks assigned to me – assignment can be self assignment or the items have been automatically assigned. Assigning items enables the unassigned items to be easily found. Tasks assigned to others—items assigned to other member of the review group. You could technically approve them as well. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Task List messages Unassigned Tasks—displayed to review group members when the X items have not been assigned to reviewers. Items in this group are classified as Unassigned on the Tasks page item filter. Must moderate—displayed when you must moderate an item. Items in this group are classified as Must Moderate on the Tasks page item filter. Unassigned Tasks—any member of the review group can review the item, assign it to themselves or assign it to another in the group. Must moderate—you are the only user in a review group or unanimous agreement is required. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Task List messages Items that were rejected—displayed to item contributors when the X items have been rejected by a reviewer. Items in this group are classified as Rejected on the Tasks page item filter. Items that went into review—displayed to item contributors when the X items re-enter a workflow to be checked for currency. Items in this group are classified as Review on the Tasks page item filter. X items you contributed now require review—The review period has elapsed and the item has the Review status. X items that you have contributed have been rejected—this message is displayed to item contributors when the X items have been rejected. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Workflows Workflows can be very simple extremely complex
Workflow progress is displayed using the workflow diagram displayed by selecting the Show Moderation Progress link on moderations Tasks page. Workflow is huge in for profits and state-wide implementations; Build workflow with the workflow template editor—a program admin task EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Performing workflow tasks
Clicking on a Task group in the Task List displays the list of all items in that list. The list can be sorted and filtered to select specific items. On the right, amid the filters, there is a keyword input window. Following this is a filter by Collection. Selecting a Collection results in the display of a workflow step filter. Finally there is an item filter by Status. Filters can be used individually or in combination, and the results sorted by date, rank, rating or title. DEMONSTRATE THIS – use this section as a backup BEFORE this exercise – add the Quality Assurance Workflow to the Learning resources collection === You can setup multiple people to approve/review tasks; they can be setup parallel so that it just waits for all three of the reviewers to complete their assigned tasks before it moves on in the workflow. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Moderating an Item When the Moderate button to the right of an item is clicked, the Tasks page is displayed. Above the action buttons at the bottom of the page is a link: Show Moderation Progress. If an item has been in a queue for a while, you can trigger a notification; it can be up the chain or someone else EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Advanced functions When the Moderate action is selected for a given item, a number of action buttons are displayed at the top of the page. Reject, Approve, Prev & Next Also: Edit resource, View summary, View metadata If an item is Rejected, it can return to a previous workflow step or can be returned to the original contributor (setup in workflow). Can be setup to preview or edit; preview doesn’t automatically allow editing (must be configured) EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Advanced functions - Reject
The moderator will be asked to confirm the rejection by clicking the Confirm rejection button. Items which are rejected must be accompanied by comments. Comments are displayed to moderators, the original owner (if the item is rejected back to them), and in the Item history. Item owners, when an item has been rejected, will see a Redraft under Actions. Redrafted items are returned to moderation workflow. When we reject it, it goes where ever the workflow designer sends it; could go back to original contributor or could go back to someone in the previous workflow process (back to a previous reviewer) EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Advanced functions - Accept
It can also be Accepted – this makes it live and removes it from workflow. Comments can be added by selecting the Comments button. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Workflow steps Workflow steps are the places in a workflow tree where, when reached by an item, moderation occurs. To see which step has been reached by an item, find the item and go to the Moderation History. Information similar to that on the following slide will be displayed. NOTE: steps and their names are created when a workflow is designed. Workflow template editor To view the flow chart, click on Current Moderation. Colors indicate status (step done) Other details: In order to get it to go back into workflow, you have to re-draft to re-submit instead of just editing EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Workflow steps EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Workflow Reports EQUELLA has two default workflow reports:
Items in Moderation Items in Moderation for more than 2 weeks The second is a subset of the first. Each lists the item name, the date and time the item first went into moderation, and the item version. The item names listed in the reports are hotlinks – clicking on these takes the user to the item’s summary page. (NOTE: The link does NOT go to the moderation page.) EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Workflow exercises Using the Moderation workflow exercises sheet
participants should Contribute an item. Perform a workflow step that accepts the item. Perform a workflow step that rejects the item. Redraft an item. In order to implement Workflow, you apply the template to the Collection. Quality Assurance for use with these exercises. Demonstrate the process before addressing it as a group. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA Bulk Item Management
3 Remove workflow before starting this section EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Bulk Item Management This section of the course describes various functions that can be performed on multiple EQUELLA items. Demonstrate and use the power point as a back up EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Overview Bulk item management is used to
change the status of one or more items in one or more collections clone items move items to new collections assign new ownership to items These actions are only available to users with appropriate privileges, such as EQUELLA content administrators. Change ownership if someone leaves and we need to assign it to a new or different person EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Bulk management operations
Bulk management operations can be performed on the Manage Resources Navigation Link Actions that can be carried out include Archive – changes a Live status to Archive Make live – sets the Archive item status back to Live Re-draft – make changes to item in workflow and re-submit to moderation Submit for moderation – submit items for moderation The Archive operation removes selected items from the live status, so that they are no longer available to repository users other than the item owner and the system administrator. === Under manage resources (no longer Item Admin) Do your search, you can search by collection, user, filters etc. Can select all in the search EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Bulk management operations
Reset Workflow – restarts the Moderation Workflow Review - puts an item back into a Moderation Workflow and sets the item status to Review Change Owner - allows the item owner to be changed to another EQUELLA login username Clone - allows an item to be duplicated without saving the history of the parent item Move - allows an item to be moved to a new Collection The Reset Workflow operation resets the moderation process to the beginning of a workflow The Review operation is intended for items that have completed a workflow and allows items in the live state to be checked for currency. he moderation process to the beginning of a workflow EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Bulk management operations
Delete – removes items from the repository and sets the item status to Deleted Restore - sets the Deleted item status back to Live Purge – permanently removes Deleted items It is irreversible. Purged items cannot be recovered – they and their index entries are completely removed from the database Suspend – removes items from the repository and sets the item status to Suspended Resume – restores item from suspended state When items have been deleted selecting the Restore operation will restore deleted items to a live state. When items have been deleted selecting the Purge operation will permanently remove selected items from the repository. Items that have been purged are not recoverable. === Look at all bulk tasks—Perform an Action FYI-deleting, it will still be in EQ; though it won’t show up in searches and will show as broken link in a LMS; can search by deleted in Manage Resources which is the only way to undelete If you delete an item, if three weeks, it will automatically purge after three weeks—it is only reversible for 3 weeks EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Group by item status The filter menu in Bulk Management lists groups of items by like status. Options currently available include All: (active items) Draft Live ( “published” items) Rejected Moderating (includes items flagged for Review) Archived Suspended Deleted Review Personal EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Selecting combinations of items
Limit by Collection Limit by item owner Limit by last modified date (a date range can be selected, or just a single date, as required) One or more of these filters can be used together to reduce the number of items retrieved from the EQUELLA database. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
How to select via item metadata and XML nodes
If a specific collection is selected, a new filter will appear: “Edit query.” This filter allows a user to generate queries against the database using schema nodes, plus data values possibly stored in the selected node. If you move items from one collection to another collection with a different schema, the metadata is still there, but it won’t match up; you can fix the items or undo what you did. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
How to select via item metadata and XML nodes
“Where” statements are generated as a result of this filter. For example, where /xml/item/lom/technical/format <> “video” This filter can be used on its own or along with one or more of these filters, in order to reduce the number of items retrieved from the EQUELLA database. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Practical exercises Participants should work through the exercises provided on the EQ201 Bulk Management exercises sheet. Bulk Management exercises EQ201 sheet. Demo how to find: --edit query by choosing a specific collection --move (transform metadata??--also figure out how to break it when copying without ruining it) --clone combo of Move and clone—with or without attachments EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA Bulk upload options
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EQUELLA Bulk Importer and other upload options
This section describes how data can be imported into EQUELLA Use this power point EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Overview EQUELLA items can be individually created via the contribution wizard and they can be bulk uploaded from, for example, legacy databases. The three options for bulk loading data into EQUELLA include EBI (EQUELLA Bulk Importer), which is available to users from the EQUELLA Community Site upon request A Java import utility Custom programming by a consultant to client specifications EBI is actually available on the Equella Community site There is also a Java exporting utility that can be used to get content out EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
What is EBI? The EBI (EQUELLA Bulk Importer) creates EQUELLA items from data contained in a csv file. It is accompanied by a comprehensive user manual. It can also read and import attachments – either files or URLs, including multiple attachments for the same item. EBI is configured via a GUI that allows the user to configure how EQUELLA uses the CSV file. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EBI Column heading is the titles from the inbound content
Column date type corresponds to fields in EQ (again, similar to Outlook contacts import) EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
CSV file The spreadsheet (csv file) must comprise a minimum of two rows: The first row contains the XML paths where data is to be stored; The second (and subsequent) row/s contains the values to be stored. Very important to setting CSV for import EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
CSV file EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Imported Items Imported items ultimately look like regular contributions to Equella so if you have workflow on the contribution process, all bulk imported items will go into moderation. When using EBI, imported files either go to moderation or live or draft. Also, each time you run a file, it will re-contribute them. You can run it again to create duplicate items, update items or new versions. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Java utilities There are two utilities that allow items, or items plus attachments, to be exported and imported: Export tool - exports records from a collection as XML files plus linked attachments. The original items and attachments remain in the original collection. Import tool - reloads exports into another EQUELLA collection – perhaps on a different server – as long as both schemas match. Available from EQUELLA Client Support Equella Client Support is on the support Website—so software and other tools EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Custom programming Custom programming gives an organization or institution great flexibility in exporting and importing data from legacy systems to EQUELLA. Python (an open source computer language) is the preferred scripting language for these activities. Python uses API calls which can manipulate existing EQUELLA XML or create and upload new XML. Python scripts can also be used to upload attachments. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Copyright 5 EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA Reports 5 EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Reports This section describes the reports that are available in EQUELLA, how they are run, and how they are created. START WITH PPT THEN Demonstrate and use power point as a back up EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Standard Reports EQUELLA is installed with a set of default reports (this may vary depending which version is implemented at your site). These include: Items in moderation for more than 2 weeks Items in moderation Items rejected through workflow report URL checker report Users Report Weekly usage EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Customized Reports New reports can be created by using the BIRT report designer, downloadable from the EQUELLA support site. Using BIRT requires specialist training - prior experience with SQL is an absolute requirement for generating reports with the Report Designer. Alternatively, EQUELLA can be commissioned to create or modify reports according to client specifications. Specialized training to use BIRT is taught in 302 Download and install BIRT – Build report in BIRT, export and then import into Equella. Works like crystal reports. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
How to Run Reports Reports can be run by users with the appropriate EQUELLA permissions. (NOTE: reports should not be run during peak times, since generating large reports may impact on system performance.) Available reports are listed in the EQUELLA Reports navigation button. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
How to Run Reports To run a report, select it from the Report list and OK to confirm to display the report. The default report format is HTML. Select PDF from the drop-down list to display the report as a PDF document ready for printing. You can also export as an Excel file. DEMONSTRATE EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Parameterized Reports
Parameterized reports are those that require a user to input variables such as date ranges. Parameters are used to filter results, and thus restrict the number of items that match the criteria used in the report. Parameters can also be used to allow one report to pass parameters to another report. When reports are run that use parameters, a wizard prompts the user for the required input values. Report generator—uses BIRT (open source software) with EQ specific modifications BIRT version needs to be installed for appropriate version of EQ-find BIRT in support site BIRT is installed on desktop to work with EQ (like using Plan or Publish with CLP) EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Drilling Down Through Reports
Some reports allow users to generate further reports or get more information about an item listed in the report. For example, the Top Search Queries report lists the most popular items for the past number of days (the number is a parameter passed into the report by the user when it is run). This report lists search terms and the number of hits per item; clicking on an item link displays the item username and date in a new browser window. Example: List of projects running; click and had more details; clicked again and got finer details Other such reports can be downloaded from the Website. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Practical Exercises Participants should work through the exercises provided on the EQ201 Report exercises sheet. Bulk Management exercises EQ201 sheet. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
User Details/Profile 6 EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Edit User Demonstrate and use the power point as a back up
=============== Still wondering if can lock down ability to edit details and/or lockdown password if using an SSO or integration with an other program of record EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Overview Users can: Edit username and email details Change password
Set the frequency of workflow notifications Hide the login notice Select to be notified about collection changes Change preferred language displayed Select a time zone for display dates about workflow to be done Hide the login notice-at user level but can also be done globally Preferred display language same as in eCollege Time zone EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
Practical Exercises Participants should work through the exercises provided on the EQ201 User Profile exercises sheet. Report exercises EQ201 sheet. EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
EQUELLA Support 7 EQ201 EQUELLA Content Administrator Certification
User level support Typically, this support is provided by a local support team led by the system administrator. Contact your local support team as the first step to resolving user issues. Try to give them an example for their institute EQUELLA Certification EQXXX
Institution level support
Direct access to EQUELLA support Typically, this support is restricted to system administrators. Contact to obtain log in details to the EQUELLA Support Site. Support Site: EQUELLA Certification EQXXX
What’s available from Support?
EQUELLA support provides: EQUELLA Documentation (by version) Knowledgebase & RSS feed Open support tickets (or via ) Track open tickets EQUELLA Installer and upgrades Internationalization packs Sample reports Miscellaneous Tools Access to consultants EQUELLA documentation—a large range of user and configuration guides. KB & RSS feed—articles on EQUELLA management and configuration. Support tickets—provide a means to gain assistance with managing EQUELLA. EQUELLA Certification EQXXX
EQUELLA Consultants Consultants offer at-cost services, including
Customized scripting Integration enhancements Transformation templates Security configuration Bulk importing of items and user records from legacy systems EQUELLA Certification EQXXX
User community forum The International User Community forum is designed to facilitate interaction amongst the EQUELLA client community. Register at the community site: EQUELLA Certification EQXXX
Further training courses
EQUELLA provides the following training courses: EQ101 – Core Principles Certification EQ201 – Content Administrator Certification EQ301 – Application Administrator Certification EQ302 – Advanced Application Administrator Certification EQ401 – System Administrator Certification EQUELLA Certification EQXXX
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