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Classes: nine & ten Part: Narration Topic: introducing Person Step: first.

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2 Classes: nine & ten Part: Narration Topic: introducing Person Step: first

3  First person : I- আমি, we - আমরা, me- আমাকে,us- আমাদিগকে,my- আমার, our- আমাদের etc.  Second person: You( তুমি / তোমরা ), you( তোমাকে / তোমাদেরকে ), your( তোমার / তোমাদের ) etc.  Third person: He, she,it, they, him, her, it, them, his, her, its’, their etc.  First person : I- আমি, we - আমরা, me- আমাকে,us- আমাদিগকে,my- আমার, our- আমাদের etc.  Second person: You( তুমি / তোমরা ), you( তোমাকে / তোমাদেরকে ), your( তোমার / তোমাদের ) etc.  Third person: He, she,it, they, him, her, it, them, his, her, its’, their etc.

4 1 st person who is speaking with the second in front of him. Second person, with whom first person is talking to. 3 rd person who is out of the two people. 1 st person who is speaking with the second in front of him. Second person, with whom first person is talking to. 3 rd person who is out of the two people.  First person  Second person  Third person.

5 I am speaking.(I 1 st person). You are listening.(you 2 nd person) He is writing.(He third person.)

6 ◦ I said to her, “ what is your name?”

7 Make 5 other examples with First persons by changing স্পিকার of the reporting speech. Make 5 other examples with Second persons by changing Listener of the reporting speech. Note : ( 01) যদি reported speech এর ভিতর first person অর্থা I, we, me, my, our, us ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে reporting speech এর speaker বা কর্তা যে পারসন ও number এ থাকে সেই নাম্বার ও পারসন দ্বারা reported speech এর subject বা কর্তার পরিবর্তন করতে হবে।। Example: He said to me, “ I have done my work just now”. Ind: He told me that he had done his work just then. Note : ( 01) যদি reported speech এর ভিতর first person অর্থা I, we, me, my, our, us ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে reporting speech এর speaker বা কর্তা যে পারসন ও number এ থাকে সেই নাম্বার ও পারসন দ্বারা reported speech এর subject বা কর্তার পরিবর্তন করতে হবে।। Example: He said to me, “ I have done my work just now”. Ind: He told me that he had done his work just then.  Note: (02) যদি reported speech এর ভিতর second person অর্থা you, your ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে reporting speech এর listener বা preposition এর object যে number এবং person এ আছে সেই number ও person দ্বারা change করতে হবে।।  Ex: He said to me, “ what is your name?”  Ind: He asked me what my name was.  Note: (02) যদি reported speech এর ভিতর second person অর্থা you, your ইত্যাদি থাকে তবে reporting speech এর listener বা preposition এর object যে number এবং person এ আছে সেই number ও person দ্বারা change করতে হবে।।  Ex: He said to me, “ what is your name?”  Ind: He asked me what my name was.

8 Example-01 “ you can go to your seat” I could go to my seat then. He told me that He said to me,

9  Reported speech এর subject বা object বা possessive যদি third person হয় তবে কোন পরিবর্তন করা লাগবেনা।।  Example : a) He said to me, “ Roni is my best friend”.  Ind: He told me that Roni was his best friend.  b) Rocky said to you, “ Why was he running after Robi?”  Ind: Rocky asked to you why he had been running behind Robi.  Reported speech এর subject বা object বা possessive যদি third person হয় তবে কোন পরিবর্তন করা লাগবেনা।।  Example : a) He said to me, “ Roni is my best friend”.  Ind: He told me that Roni was his best friend.  b) Rocky said to you, “ Why was he running after Robi?”  Ind: Rocky asked to you why he had been running behind Robi.

10  Dear learners you have to make 12 more examples by using different persons as a subject, an object or possessive positions.

11  Presentation prepared by:-  Md.Mainuddin  Assistant Teacher ( Social Science).  Puichhari Islamia Fazil Madrasah.  Banskhali, Chittagong.  Presentation prepared by:-  Md.Mainuddin  Assistant Teacher ( Social Science).  Puichhari Islamia Fazil Madrasah.  Banskhali, Chittagong.

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