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Digital Libraries: Extending and Applying Information Science and Technology ProLISSA October 26-27, 2000 Edward A. Fox

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Libraries: Extending and Applying Information Science and Technology ProLISSA October 26-27, 2000 Edward A. Fox"— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Libraries: Extending and Applying Information Science and Technology ProLISSA October 26-27, 2000 Edward A. Fox CS DLRL Internet TIC Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA, USA

2 Thanks! F Theo Bothma F Petrina Bothma F Peter Ingwersen F Irene Wormell F ProLISSA and DISSAnet staff F DANIDA

3 Acknowledgements (Selected) F Mentors: JCR Licklider, Michael Kessler, Gerard Salton F Sponsors: Adobe, IBM, Microsoft, NLM, NSF, OCLC, SOLINET, SURA, UNESCO, US Dept. of Ed. (FIPSE), … F VT Faculty/Staff: Tony Atkins, Thomas Dunbar, Debra Dudley, John Eaton, Gwen Ewing, Peter Haggerty, Gary Hooper, Gail McMillan, Len Peters, James Powell, …  VT Students: Emilio Arce, Fernando Das Neves, Brian DeVane, Robert France, Marcos Goncalves, Scott Guyer, Robert Hall, Neill Kipp, Paul Mather, Tim McGonigle, Todd Miller, Constantinos Phanouriou, William Schweiker, Ohm Sornil, Hussein Suleman, Patrick Van Metre, Laura Weiss, …

4 JCDL 2001  First Joint ACM/IEEE Conference on Digital Libraries F F June 24-28, 2001 in Roanoke, VA F Conference Committee: F General Chair: Edward A. Fox, Virginia Tech F Program Chair: Christine Borgman, UCLA F Treasurer: Neil Rowe, Naval Postgraduate School F Posters Chair: Craig Nevill-Manning, Rutgers U.

5 Why this topic today? F Many users (patrons) prefer digital libraries to traditional libraries or the Web F Digital library collections often are free or less expensive, so are heavily used F Most publishers are working toward digital libraries to allow access to their content F Library and information science professionals are key players in building digital libraries

6 Outline F Grand Challenge F Scaling / Technology F Framework, Theory F Simplification: DC, OAI F Example Applications

7 Libraries of the Future JCR Licklider, 1965, MIT Press World Nation Province City Community

8 Licklider – Unified Theory? F Not ready in 1960s F Analog – unified field theory in physics F “Mess” today – segmented field, specialities –Database Knowledge Content Mgmnt –Multimedia, Hypermedia, Hypertext –Logic, Algebra, Artificial Intelligence, … F Expensive, annoying for users –Don’t know where to look –Don’t know how to use services


10 Computing (flops) Digital content Communicat i ons (bandwidth, connectivity) Locating Digital Libraries in Computing and Communications Technology Space Digital Libraries technology trajectory: intellectual access to globally distributed information lessmore

11 Grand Challenges Can F Mobilize the community F Spur creativity F Lead to important benefits in society F Push researchers to develop relevant theories F Force people to work in teams/groups F Convince funding agencies to invest F Help bring about integration of systems, interoperability, and seamless interfaces

12 DLs: Why of Global Interest? F National projects can preserve antiquities and heritage: cultural, historical, linguistic, scholarly F Knowledge and information are essential to economic and technological growth, education F DL - a domain for international collaboration –wherein all can contribute and benefit –which leverages investment in networking –which provides useful content on Internet & WWW –which will tie nations and peoples together more strongly and through deeper understanding

13 Digital Libraries --- Objectives F World Lit.: 24hr / 7day / from desktop F Integrated “super” information systems: 5S: streams, structures, spaces, scenarios, societies F Ubiquitous, Higher Quality, Lower Cost F Education, Knowledge Sharing, Discovery F Disintermediation -> Collaboration F Universities Reclaim Property F Interactive Courseware, Student Works F Scalable, Sustainable, Usable, Useful

14 MARIAN Layers Database Layer Search Engine Layer User Information Layer User Interface Layer User

15 DL Components User Interfaces Workflow Mgr DBMS Search Engines Data, MM Info Gateways Repository Rights Mgr MM/ HT Renderer

16 Digital Libraries Shorten the Chain from Editor Publisher A&I Consolidator Library Reviewer

17 DLs Shorten the Chain to Author Reader Digital Library Editor Reviewer Teacher Learner LibrarianDr.Patient

18 Benefits F Ease of use F Effectiveness F “The benefits of digital libraries will not be appreciated unless they are easy to use effectively.” - IITA Workshop report

19 Definitions F Library ++ (library+archive+museum+…) F Distributed information system + organization + effective interface F User community + collection + services F Digital objects, repositories, IPR management, handles, indexes, federated search, hyperbase, annotation

20 Outline F Grand Challenge F Scaling / Technology F Framework, Theory F Simplification: DC, OAI F Example Applications


22 PetaPlex Top View 4 ft. side

23 PetaPlex Side View 4 ft. wide 8 ft. high Roles: * Support * Cooling * Power 15 shelves

24 PetaPlex Complex FRONT END MACHINE RS/6000, 1G RAM, 4 Proc. Nanoserver Service Machine 1 Service Machine 2 Service Machine 3 Service Machine 4

25 PetaPlex F Digital Library Machine (“super” object store): Parallel computer / storage utility F Research: inverted files, video server, … F Knowledge Systems Incorporated is supplying VT-PetaPlex-1 with 2.5 terabytes through 100 nodes : u Net connection + 25GB disk + 233 MHz Pentium + Linux

26 Structured Video Browser (making video into hypermedia) F IBrowse F Expository multimedia F Narrative Structures

27 ICU Information and Communication University Users Web Search Engines WWW Servlet Engine Web Server OS DB Search Server Servlet MPEG-7 Description Module 1 2 3 4 5 3’ 4’ 5’ MPEG-7 Image Library Systems Tech. t MPEG-7 Image Library Systems

28 t MPEG-7 Video Library Systems Tech. ICU Information and Communication University MPEG-7 Video Library Systems Tech. Video Data Description Generator Description Schemes Design Tool Description Scheme Meta Database Video Database Retrieval Server Module Player Presentation Module Architecture

29 LMDS offers a LOT of bandwidth (comparison to previous auctions) 020040060080010001200 MHz Interactive & Video Data Wireless Communications Service PCS D-F Block Digital Audio Radio Service Cellular Unserved PCS A-C Block DBS MMDS LMDS LMDS is: - 1300 MHz in two “Blocks” ( 28-31 GHz) - Over 2X bandwidth of AM/FM radio, VHF/UHF television, and Cellular telephone combined. - More than sum of previous 16 auctions

30 LMDS Hub Site at Slusher Hall Radio Hut Wavtrace Tower 1Wavtrace Tower 2

31 Eventually LMDS could be used in combination with other wireless and wireline technologies to reach individual homes



34 SPIRE Visualization

35 CAVE-ETD F CAVE-ETD is a simulation of a library that runs in a CAVE (VR environment). F Populated with a subset of ETD records. Main Foyer room

36 Reading Book Abstract

37 Integrated CCLINC Translingual Information System DARPA Extraction What is the north korean movement in the front line? CCLINC SERVER Info Detection Summarization It seems that North Korea launch a missile again After North Korea launched a Daipodong missile last month, NK is perceived to proceed to an additional test launch. Korea, US and Japan enter into an alert state, and prepare for a joint response policy. Korea estimates that the additional launch will be on 09/05. Japan estimates that NK’s missile range is short. US information says that there is no sign of launch yet. Translation What is the status of nk missile launch against japan? BugHanI IlBonE Ddo MiSaIlEul BalSaHan Deus HaDa 2-way Speech Transation

38 Outline F Grand Challenge F Scaling / Technology F Framework, Theory F Simplification: DC, OAI F Example Applications

39 Definitions F Library ++ (library+archive+museum+…) F Distributed information system + organization + effective interface F User community + collection + services F Digital objects, repositories, IPR management, handles, indexes, federated search, hyperbase, annotation

40 Definition: Digital Libraries are complex systems that F help satisfy info needs of users (societies) F provide info services (scenarios) F organize info in usable ways (structures) F present info in usable ways (spaces) F communicate info with users (streams)

41 5S Layers Societies Scenarios Spaces Structures Streams

42 Definition: 5S Framework F Societies: interacting people (, computers) F Scenarios: services, functions, operations, methods F Spaces: domains + constraints (e.g., distance, adjacency): 2D, vector, probability F Structures: relations, trees, nodes and arcs F Streams: sequences of items (text, audio, video, network traffic) F (5 Element System: Fire, Wood, Earth, Metal, Water)

43 5S: Components F Societies: roles, rituals, reasons, relationships, artifacts F Scenarios: acquire, index, consult, administer, preserve F Spaces: physical, temporal, functional, presentational, conceptual F Structures: architectures, taxonomies, schema, grammars, links, objects F Streams: granularities, protocols, paths, flows, turbulences

44 5S: Combinations F Societies + Scenarios = user model F Societies + Scenarios + Spaces = user interface F Streams + Structures = markup F Streams + Structures + Scenarios = object F Structures + Scenarios = DBMS

45 Outline F Grand Challenge F Scaling / Technology F Framework, Theory F Simplification: DC, OAI F Example Applications

46 Complex to Simple MARC ($50)Dublin Core (DC)

47 Author‘s tools


49 DL Components User Interfaces Workflow Mgr DBMS Search Engines Data, MM Info Gateways Repository Rights Mgr MM/ HT Renderer

50 Open Archives Initiative OAI

51 OAi Philosophy F Self-archiving = submission mechanism F Long-term storage system = archive F Open interface = harvesting mechanism F Data provider + service provider F Start with “gray literature” –e-prints/pre-prints, reports, dissertations, …

52 Archive of Digital Objects Archive Access Protocol Handle (ID) Digital object terms and conditions

53 OAI – Repository Perspective Required: Protocol DO MDO

54 OAI – Black Box Perspective OA 1OA 2OA 4OA 3OA 5OA 6OA 7

55 Black Box OAI-ETD Perspective ISTEC (Ibero America) PhysDisNSYSU (Taiwan) ADT (Australia) BN.PT (Portugal) www.theses.orgCyberTheses (Francophone) VTDissert.Online (Germany) MITOhioLINKCBUC (Catalunya) NDC (Greece) SEALS (S.Africa) CICU. Bergen (Norway) … …

56 Outline F Grand Challenge F Scaling / Technology F Framework, Theory F Simplification: DC, OAI F Example Applications

57 Presidential Directive - 12/17/1999 Subject: Use of Information Technology to Improve Our Society “ 13. The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, the Director of the National Science Foundation, the Director of the National Park Service, and the Director of the Institute of Museum and Library Services shall work with the private sector and cultural and educational institutions across the country to create a Digital Library of Education to house this country's cultural and educational resources.”

58 Programmatic History Digital Libraries Initiative (DLI 1) - NSF/NASA/ARPA, FY 94-97 DLI 2 - NSF, et al., initiated in FY 98, continuing in UG Education FY 98-99 DLI 2 Special Emphasis NSDL Program NSF: FY 00-02 DL Operational Fall, 2002 DLs & UG Earth Systems Education initiated FY 99, continuing

59 Vision A Learning Environments and Resources Network for SMET Education (LEARNS) F Designed to meet the needs of learners, in both individual and collaborative settings F Constructed to enable dynamic use of a broad array of materials for learning, primarily in digital format F Managed actively to promote reliable anytime - anywhere access to quality collections and services, available both within and without the network

60 “The network is the library.”

61 LEARNS Connects: Users: students, educators, life-long learners Content: structured learning materials; large real- time or archived datasets; audio, images, animations; primary sources; digital learning objects (e.g. applets); interactive (virtual, remote) laboratories;... Tools: search; refer; validate; integrate; create; customize; publish; share; notify; collaborate;...

62 Expectations of Tracks F Core Integration: to coordinate a distributed alliance of resource collection and service providers, and to ensure reliable and extensible access to and usability of the resulting network of learning environments and resources F Collections: to aggregate and actively manage a subset of the digital library’s content within a coherent theme or specialty F Services: to increase the impact, reach, efficiency, and value of the digital library in its fully operational form F Targeted Research: to have immediate impact on one or more of the other three tracks


64 CS Teaching Center (CSTC) F Instead of building large, expensive multimedia packages, that become obsolete and are difficult to re-use, concentrate on small knowledge units. F Learners benefit from having well-crafted modules that have been reviewed and tested. F Use digital libraries to build a powerful base of support for learners, upon which a variety of courses, self-study tutorials & reference resources can be built. F ACM Education Board and SIG support, new NSF grant with COLLEGIS Research Institute and others …


66 Browsing (1)

67 Browsing (2)




71 A Digital Library Case Study F Domain: graduate education, research F Genre: ETDs = electronic theses & dissertations F Submission: F Collection: Project: Networked Digital Library of Theses & Dissertations (NDLTD – remember: ND LTD / NDL TD) (also, newer NUDL: Networked University Digital Library, with e-courseware, etc.)

72 Grad Program Library IT Ed. (Tech)

73 The Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations Leader of the Worldwide ETD (Electronic Thesis and Dissertation) Initiative Training Authors Expanding Access Preserving Knowledge Improving Graduate Education Enhancing Scholarly Communication Empowering Students & Universities

74 What are the long term goals? F Attract all TDs/yr: 50K D-US, 25K D-Germany, 10K TD-Canada, … F >200K/yr rich hypermedia ETDs that may turn into electronic portfolios (images, video, audio, …) F Dramatic increase in knowledge sharing: literature reviews, bibliographies, … F Services providing lifelong access for students: browse, search, prior searches, citation links F Hundreds/thousands of downloads / year / work

75 Student Gets Committee Signatures and Submits ETD Signed Grad School

76 Graduate School Approves ETD, Student is Graduated Ph.D.

77 Library Catalogs ETD, Access is Opened to the New Research WWW NDLTD

78 User Search Support (multilingual, XML) Note: All groups shown are connected with NDLTD.

79 Access Possibilities Web search engines library catalog clients www. theses. org www. openarchives. org 3 rd Party Services (e.g., UMI) Virginia Tech National Library of Portugal CBUC (Spain) Ohio Link MITNational Projects: AU, GE, …

80 Status of the Local Project F Approved by university governance Spring 1996; required starting 1/1/97 F Submission & access software in place F Submission workshops for students (and faculty) occur often: beginner/adv. F Faculty training as part of Faculty Development Initiative F Over 3000 ETDs in collection – some have audio, video, large images, software, …

81 US University Members (44) F Penn. State University F Rochester Institute of Tech. F U. of Colorado Health Science Center F U. of Florida F U. of Georgia F University of Hawaii, Manoa F U. of Iowa F U. of Kentucky F U. of Maine F U. of North Texas – required since 8/99 F U. of Oklahoma F U. of South Florida F U. of Tennessee, Knoxville F U. of Tennessee, Memphis F U. of Texas at Austin – required in 2001 F U. of Virginia F U. Wisconsin - Madison F Vanderbilt U. F Virginia Commonwealth U. F Virginia Tech - required since 1/97 F West Virginia U. - required fall 1998 F Western Michigan U. F Worcester Polytechnic Inst. F Air University (Alabama) F Baylor University F Brigham Young University (part, whole) F Caltech F Clemson University F College of William & Mary F Concordia University (Illinois) F East Carolina University F East Tenn. State U. – require fall 2000 F Florida Institute of Technology F Florida International University F George Washington University F Louisiana State University F Marshall University (W. Va.) F Miami University of Ohio F Michigan Tech F Mississippi State University F MIT F Naval Postgraduate School (CA) F New Mexico Tech F North Carolina State University

82 OhioLINK F Statewide Consortium F Represents 79 colleges, universities, libraries F Public Universities F Private Universities and Colleges F 2-Year Colleges F Only a few (e.g., Miami U. of Ohio) are also NDLTD members on their own

83 National / Regional Projects F Australia –U. New South Wales (lead) –U. of Melbourne –U. of Queensland –U. of Sydney –Australian National U. –Curtin U. of Technology –Griffith U. F Germany –Humboldt University (lead) –3 other universities –5 learned societies: Math, Physics, Chemistry, Sociology, Education –1 computing center –2 major libraries F Consorci de Biblioteques Universitàries de Catalunya, as group, –Universitat de Barcelona –Universitat Autonòma de Barcelona –Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya –Universitat Pompeu Fabra –Universitat de Girona –Universitat de Lleida –Universitat Rovira i Virgili –Universitat Oberta de Catalunya –Biblioteca de Catalunya F India, Portugal, … F South Africa: SEALS, …

84 Other Countries with Members F Belgium F Brazil F Canada F Germany F Hong Kong F India F Italy F Korea F Mexico F Netherland F Norway F Russia F Singapore F S. Africa F S. Korea F Spain F Taiwan F UK

85 ECHEA / SEALS (S. Africa) F Mellon Foundation $80K F Eastern Cape Higher Education Association F South East Academic Library System F Border Technikon F Eastern Cape Technikon F University of Fort Hare F Port Elizabeth Technikon F Rhodes University (first to require outside US) F University of Port Elizabeth F University of Transkei F (and members elsewhere, e.g., University of Pretoria)



88 Build Local ETD Site Digital Library Policies Inspection/Approval Workshop/Training ETD



91 In South Africa F DISSAnet papers F Library of Parliment F Howard Pim Africana Library, University of Fort Hare F Collections in 11 Languages F Cultural Heritage F …

92 Remember F Grand Challenge F Scaling / Technology F Framework, Theory F Simplification: DC, OAI F Example Applications

93 Conclusions F Consider DLs (like the poetry project/paper) in South Africa F Education is one important application F Cultural heritage, linguistic diversity, are important to preserve F Technology opens up exciting opportunities F Having a framework and theory may lead to better systems and broader applicability

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