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CAF on … By Mia Warren and Mala Sachdev 8c. Take a picture to see your make up skin tone Scan your card to buy things Find your object App to hear doorbell.

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Presentation on theme: "CAF on … By Mia Warren and Mala Sachdev 8c. Take a picture to see your make up skin tone Scan your card to buy things Find your object App to hear doorbell."— Presentation transcript:

1 CAF on … By Mia Warren and Mala Sachdev 8c

2 Take a picture to see your make up skin tone Scan your card to buy things Find your object App to hear doorbell or knock To see peoples brand of clothes Auto tune app Height measuring Signature maker Find your friends/family Warning from hacking person Scan clothes and find out which outfits you can wear and which clothes go with your figure (suit you) by taking a picture Our Ideas

3 Scan clothes and find out which outfits you can wear and which clothes go with your figure (suit you) by taking a picture We decided to use the idea to…

4 Our app is called

5 White Hat- (information) It is a quick way to see what clothes suit your figure and if you like them. It works by taking a photo of a chosen piece of clothing and a picture of yourself (preferably a full body picture) or create a model on the app. You can also take pictures of several pieces of clothing and the app creates an outfit.

6 Black Hat- (bad things)  It could take up a lot of memory  It isn't free; it comes at a cost  It will take time to load, and apply clothing onto the body  You may become addicted, and always rely on it  You will need wifi or 3G for it to work

7 Yellow Hat- (good things)  This app will save time when you are in a rush  Make you look your absolute best  Gives you a varied selection of outfits when scanning more than one piece of clothing  It will save money and time, so you can see what you will look like without buying or trying it on  It keeps you up to date with latest fashions

8 Green Hat- (adaptions)  We could use dimensions of clothes and bodies  We could make it available for more phones  We could make it free  We could make it take up less memory  We could use a different layout

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