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International Recovery Platform (IRP) Current context for recovery Post-disaster recovery leads to rebuilding risk. Support to recovery by UN agencies,

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Presentation on theme: "International Recovery Platform (IRP) Current context for recovery Post-disaster recovery leads to rebuilding risk. Support to recovery by UN agencies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 International Recovery Platform (IRP) Current context for recovery Post-disaster recovery leads to rebuilding risk. Support to recovery by UN agencies, bilaterals, IFIs, NGOs and others often uncoordinated, leading to a duplication of efforts and failure to factor in risk reduction. IRP was agreed at WCDR as a joint Initiative of UN/ISDR UNDP, UN/OCHA,ILO and WB supported by Japan, ADRC Public forum on Recovery in Japan (August 2004) Discussion with programme countries, donors, and IATF members on the concept of the IRP (Geneva, Oct. 2004) WCDR session 4.9 recommended setting up of IRP to ensure coordination, joint assessments, capacity building, and database on good practices

2 1. Opening Ceremony ; 11 th May 05 IRP Office opened (11 th May, 2005) 2. 3-day Seminar followed

3 Objectives and Priority Activities of IRP HFA 2005, for 4 (ii) (h) incorporate disaster risk reduction into post- disaster recovery through building capacity and sharing expertise, knowledge and lessons learned Advocacy and Knowledge Management Capacity Building Support Enhanced Recovery Operations PRIORITY ACTIVITIES International Recovery Platform

4 11th IATF: Thematic meet on IRP KEY Decisions 1/2 IRP will function as Inter Agency Network for taking forward HFA IRP will be a thematic platform of ISDR report to GA through the IATF Matrix of roles and responsibilities of stake holders which include UN/ISDR, UNDP, OCHA, ADRC, ILO, WB, IFRC, UNEP, ProVention, HABITAT, UNV, UNESCO, UNITAR/UNOSAT, ADPC and others; supported by Japan, Italy, Switzerland, US, Dubai, Australia and others

5 11th IATF: Thematic meet on IRP KEY Decisions 2/2 Enhancement of Recovery Operations work plan led by UNDP, partnership with WB, others focus on developing joint assessment methodology Knowledge management/Advocacy led by ADRC, UNISDR from Kobe Office plan agreed to including linkages to WB, ADPC, Habitat, Swiss SDC case studies Training,Capacity building work plan led by ILO, DMTP, certification of Recovery managers courses

6 Tentative IRP Web

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