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Regional Training Institute, Ranchi Structured Training Courseware on Treasury Inspection Session – 7 Reporting the Results of Audit Discussion of Common.

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1 Regional Training Institute, Ranchi Structured Training Courseware on Treasury Inspection Session – 7 Reporting the Results of Audit Discussion of Common Irregularities at Treasuries

2 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/2 Learning Objective  At the end of the session, participants would –Get a perspective on common irregularities taking place at treasuries, and –Be able to produce a good and meaningful inspection report  Based on the observations / evidence noticed during the course of inspection

3 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/3 Draft Inspection Report – Characteristics  Written report on the completion of each inspection assignment  Content –Easy to understand, free from vagueness –Include only information, which is relevant, and supported by sufficient and competent evidence –Independent, objective, fair, complete and as concise as possible

4 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/4 Audit Evidence  Sufficiency –Adequate, actual and convincing evidence  To support audit observations and conclusions  Relevance –Logical and sensible relationship to issue –Collection of irrelevant evidence uses scarce audit resources  Competence –Valid and Reliable Evidence

5 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/5 Inspection Report – Other Characteristics  Complete –Contains all pertinent information needed to satisfy audit objectives –Promotes adequate and correct understanding of issues  Accuracy –Conclusions are correctly portrayed  Flow from true evidence –Assures users of credibility and reliability

6 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/6 IR – Other Characteristics (Contd.)  Objectivity –Balanced in content and tone  Not misleading –Places results in proper perspective  Avoid exaggerating/ over-emphasising deficiencies –Includes response/ explanations of treasury  Convincing –Information should be sufficient to convince users of  Reasonableness of audit observations  Validity of audit conclusions

7 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/7 IR – Other Characteristics (Contd.)  Clarity –Easy to read and understand –Use of straightforward and non-technical language –Technical terms, if used, to be defined –Logical organisation of material  Concise –Not longer than necessary to convey message –Avoid too much detail –Avoid needless repetitions

8 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/8 IR – Other Characteristics (Contd.)  Constructive –Well thought-out suggestions for remedying deficiencies and weaknesses noticed –Suggestions  Due regard to rules, operational constraints, prevailing environment  Discussed with high-level officials –As far as possible, acceptance obtained  Timeliness –To be of utmost use to users  Especially for auditees to take prompt action

9 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/9 Structure of Inspection Report  Part I –Introductory – Background information  Part II –Section A  Important irregularities with potential for processing as Draft Paras –Section B  Other important points  Part III –General / miscellaneous irregularities

10 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/10 Drafting and Issue of IR  To be written by AO on day-to-day basis  Objections to be discussed daily with TO –Settled as far as possible  Important matters to be discussed with Collector  Draft IR, with –TO’s replies –Questionnaire  To be forwarded to Hqrs. Within 7 days

11 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/11 Drafting/ Issue of IR (Contd.)  Approval by DAG(A/cs)  In case of serious irregularities –Submission to AG for approval  Issue within 1 month of completion –To Treasury Officer –Copies to  Collector  Divisional Commissioner  Director of Treasuries and Accounts, Finance Dept.

12 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/12 Disposal of IRs  Follow-up to ensure early receipt of Collector’s remarks  Important points, inferred from replies to be reported to State Government –Govt’s orders thereon to be watched, with view to inclusion in Appropriation Reports

13 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/13 Disposal of IRs (Contd.)  Register for watching Disposal of IRs –Monthly to DAG –Once in quarter to AG  Consolidated Half-Yearly Report of Outstanding paras of IRs –DO to Secretary, Finance Department

14 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/14 Common Irregularities Noticed During Inspection  Non-Inspection by Departmental Officers  Non-compliance on outstanding objections  Strong room maintenance  Stamp account maintenance  Register of valuables  Mis-classification of transactions  GPF advances  Delay in rendering Monthly Accounts

15 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/15 Common Irregularities (Contd.)  Non-maintenance of allotment register  Non-maintenance of guard file of specimen signatures  Improper maintenance of Letters of Credit register  Non-maintenance of Reserve Bank Deposits Register  Improper maintenance of Cash Book  Non-cancellation of Specimen Signatures  Non-maintenance of Salary Register

16 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/16 Common Irregularities (Contd.)  Heavy Drawals of AC Bills, and non- submission of DC Bills  Non-recovery of Income Tax from Salary  Improper Maintenance of PPO Register  Irregular/over payment of pension  Irregular transfers to Deposit Accounts  Improper maintenance of Deposit Registers  Lapsed Deposits

17 January 2005RTI Ranchi – Reporting/ Discussion of Common Irregularities - Slide S7/17 Common Irregularities (Contd.)  Irregular transfers to and maintenance of Personal Deposit Accounts  Non-submission of Consolidated Treasury Receipts to DFOs

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