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Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Post-Lenny Training in Coastal Infrastructure Design, Construction and Maintenance

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1 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Post-Lenny Training in Coastal Infrastructure Design, Construction and Maintenance Raymond Charles University of the West Indies - Faculty of Engineering Jan Vermeiren Organization of American States Unit for Sustainable Development and Environment February 2002

2 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Hurricane Lenny: Overview Model Run Details Job Name: lenny Storm Name: LENNY Watson Technical Consulting TAOS/HP Version 8.0 Run at 4459.4 meter grid SLOSHB wind module. LULC disabled. Produced by Watson Technical Consulting Using the TAOS HURAPAK system Copyright (C) 2000, C. Watson Wind Impacts Hurricane Lenny, November 1999 An intense late season storm moving on an unusual west to east track. Caused extensive wave damage throughout the Caribbean. Estimated total damages of US$268 million in Antigua/Barbuda, Dominica, Grenada and St. Lucia

3 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Martinique Dominica Barbados Guadeloupe St. Vincent Antigua Grenada St. Lucia Model Time (hrs) Sig Wave Ht (m) TAOS Model Results (for Soufriere St. Lucia) Observed effects at Soufriere 6-8 m waves reported. [CIMH] Severe damage to a small craft jetty Hurricane Lenny: Waves

4 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Hurricane Lenny: Damages

5 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Coastal Infrastructure Design, Construction and Maintenance (CDCM) Designed to reduce long-term vulnerability of coastal infrastructure through expanded capacity for appropriate design, construction and maintenance Part of USAID’s Caribbean Regional Program (Kingston Jamaica) response to Hurricane Lenny Executed by the OAS and implemented by the Engineering Institute of the University of the West Indies (Trinidad campus), in conjunction with Old Dominion University and the Army Corps of Engineers’ Coastal Hydrology Laboratory

6 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program CDCM Training Program: Needs Assessment Regional coastal engineering needs assessment undertaken to establish baseline, guide project design Findings: →Coastal zone management planning limited →Need for sound data collection and analysis procedures →EIA currently used, application should be expanded →Coastal infrastructure design standards need improvement →Inspection and maintenance of coastal infrastructure lacking →Good materials lab and quarries available in the region →Good pool of contractors available in the region, but specialized training is needed.

7 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program CDCM Training Program: Training Courses Target Audience: Engineers, Planners 152 training opportunities, core of ~25 participants Courses: June-September 2001 Coastal Zone Management, Antigua and Barbuda (June) and St. Lucia (July) Coastal Defense Systems: Part I, St. Lucia (July), and Part II, Dominica (Aug) Monitoring and Maintenance, Grenada (Sept) Design of Marine Structures, Trinidad and Tobago (Sept) USACE’s Coastal Engineering Manual used extensively

8 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Hurricane Hazard Information for Caribbean Coastal Construction Web-based application to provide access to regional, return-period based storm hazard information Map-based interface User selects return period, projection limit Point and click report generation Information on storm surge, wind and wave hazards

9 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Report Format Site Map and Data Location Site information Hazard Data

10 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Results are from the high-res (6as) Antigua/Barbuda/St. Kitts/Nevis dataset 50 year maximum likelihood estimate Data and Maps

11 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program CDCM Training Program: Recommendations Expand the building of expertise, institutional capacity: academic capacity for coastal engineering at UWI design, implement follow-on training program organize annual Caribbean coastal management conference develop web-based network linking academic and specialized institutions with coastal engineers, managers Develop regional tools for data management, analysis: Promote use of coastal resources inventory system (CRIS) regional-scale advanced coastal processes modeling maintain/improve climate, sea level, beach monitoring networks production of and access to new bathymetric data

12 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program CDCM Training Program: Recommendations (cont’d) Assist development of national implementation plans: update CRIS, national GIS with recent coastal information identify critical and at-risk locations, develop monitoring strategies develop and implement (as pilot) an island coastal management plan, disseminate results in region Bring the problem of inadequate design and construction to the attention of the political and civil society leadership

13 Caribbean Coastal Infrastructure Engineering Training Program Where could the national economy have been if this had not failed?

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