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TSP PACIFIC - PRESENTATION Second CBS/GCOS Expert Meeting on Coordination of the GSN and GUAN Asheville, September 2005 Betio Atoll & Lagoon, Tarawa, Kiribati.

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Presentation on theme: "TSP PACIFIC - PRESENTATION Second CBS/GCOS Expert Meeting on Coordination of the GSN and GUAN Asheville, September 2005 Betio Atoll & Lagoon, Tarawa, Kiribati."— Presentation transcript:

1 TSP PACIFIC - PRESENTATION Second CBS/GCOS Expert Meeting on Coordination of the GSN and GUAN Asheville, September 2005 Betio Atoll & Lagoon, Tarawa, Kiribati

2 2 Garry Clarke International Operations Manager Communications expert PI-GCOS Presenter MetService, Wellington, NZ

3 3 Presentation Outline  Organizational structure  Program activities  Completed and planned work (including site visits)  Problems and solutions  Performance metrics  Inspections and calibrations  Equipment  Site meta-data  RS-92 issues  Better than before Proton training, Galapagos Is.

4 4 Organizational Structure - TSP Global Distribution Op. Data TSP Countries MS Op. Data Gateway SPAM Bin Archive & Monitoring Intl Ops Manager MIDAS Engineers GCOS Sec. Dick Tony Garry Lots ! Data GTS Faulty messages Manual fix Remote & in-country support Mng. & Reporting Operational things RTH * * Papua New Guinea, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu

5 5 Countries provided for – GUAN, GSN  Cook Islands  Fiji  Kiribati  Niue  Papua New Guinea  Solomon Islands  Tokelau Islands  Tonga  Tuvalu  Vanuatu Penrhyn Radar (28 years old)

6 6 TSP Countries Kiribati Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea Vanuatu Fiji Tonga Samoa Tokelau Is. Cook Is Niue Pitcairn Island Comparative distance – Los Angeles to Washington Tuvalu

7 7 Upper air stations in TSP Countries Kiribati Solomon Islands Papua New Guinea VanuatuFiji Tonga Samoa Tokelau Is. Cook Is Niue Pitcairn Island Tuvalu Active Active, may stop soon Silent Non GUAN WMO US DOE ARM Project KEY Penrhyn Tarawa Funafuti Port Moresby Honiara Bauerfield Nadi Rarotonga Momote (Manus Is)

8 8 Stations provided for – GUAN, GSN Stn No.Station 91490Christmas Is (Kiritimati) 91610Tarawa 91701Kanton 91503Munda 91517Honiara 91554Tekoa Airport, Santo 91557Bauerfield 91568Aneityum 91631Nanumea 91643Funafuti 91650Rotuma 91652Udu Point 91680Nadi Stn No.Station 91699Ono I Lau 91724Nukunonu 91780Lupepau’u 91789Nuku’alofa 91802Penrhyn 91812Pukapuka 91831Aitutaki 91843Rarotonga 91824Hanan Airport 92014Madang 92035Port Moresby 92044Momote 91960Pitcairn Island Active GUAN Silent GUAN All GSN except Bauerfield

9 9 Program activities  Routine GUAN stn visits – Tarawa, Funafuti  Fault mtce visits (3 allowed – none needed so far)  GUAN stn supply ground equipment consumables  GUAN stn – supply technical spares  GUAN stn – reimburse local expenses as agreed  GSN stn – establish inspectors kits  GSN stn – inspections costs, in-country, kit recal. Db.  Reserve funds – GUAN spares, other agreed activity  Program management and administration

10 10 Routine / Fault GUAN station visits  Present programme allows for one routine visit to Tarawa and Funafuti  Both will be completed in May / June by engineers  Three fault maintenance visits budgeted (VCP requirement), none needed so far.  One fault visit remains in budget  Budgeted funds for other two diverted (along with other savings) to training course and GUAN surveys Penrhyn technician and “truck” (what’s left of it!)

11 11 GUAN station supplies  Regional spares kit established for:  Proton Hogen 20 generators (Depot Kit)  Digicora  Other supplies as required, as can be funded e.g.  Demineraliser cartridges  Radar thyratrons  Reimburse local costs  Nothing needed so far Balloon release, Tarawa, Kiribati

12 12 GSN Station Inspection kits  Designed and manufactured by MetService  Three kits for TSP countries to do inspections and update meta-data, check instrument serviceability Inspectors barometer TSP GSN Station Inspection Kit

13 13 GSN Station Inspection kits TSP GSN Station Inspection Kit - components

14 14 GSN Station Inspections  Provides for  Each country’s travel disbursements to do its GSN station inspections  Freighting the kit  Kit recalibration and replacement of used items  Entry of returned meta-data from the inspections Funafuti Atoll, Tuvalu 91643

15 15 Program management & administration  Provides for  Management and administration functions that are associated with the TSP – internal and external Coordination of program activities Financial planning and control Interactions with stakeholders Performance monitoring Reporting  Meta-data database construction Penrhyn radar – WF3 prototype – supplied 1977

16 16 Completed and planned work  Completed work Remote support to GUAN stations – many areas Enhanced GUAN/GSN performance monitoring and interaction with GUAN stations when data not received (as practicable) Enhancing performance metrics Facilitation of GUAN messages throughput In-country support under TSP for some items e.g. replacement printer Port Moresby, power supply Funafuti System spares – radar thyratrons – Penrhyn (in progress) Establish GSN Inspection kits GSN Station inspections (in progress) Establish regional spares kits Construction of meta-data reporting system (in progress) GUAN station surveys – Port Moresby and Honiara CLIREP, inspection kit training course Programme management

17 17 Completed and planned work  Planned work – to 30 June 2005 Routine station visits – Tarawa and Funafuti (June) Continue GSN station inspections Complete meta-data reporting system Supply thyratrons to Penrhyn Provide Honiara GUAN survey report Add PNG stations to performance monitoring Programme management Balloon release Port Moresby

18 18 Completed and planned work  Suggested work – July 2005 – June 2006 Subject to GCOS objectives, priorities, approvals and funding Continue TSP support and extend to any new/restored GUAN stations One routine visit each year to GUAN stations (technical and management) If GUAN station numbers increase budget three fault trips, undertake only if needed, otherwise budget two Improve communications of upper air messages Enhance performance metrics – GUAN and GSN Continue station inspections, filing meta-data and sending to NCDC, kit re-calibration etc Identify GSN station’s needs resulting from inspections Establish CLIREP in each country, as required, with one- on-one mentoring

19 19 Problems and solutions - GUAN  Problems You can’t rely on countries to keep you informed Programs can just stop because bills havn’t been paid and supplier has cut them off, e.g. power and communications or there are technical issues Consumables run out and the program stops Message preamble is faulty causing messages not to file Equipment develops a fault and no-one says anything  Solutions You must monitor stations’ output – daily if practicable Ask questions if exceptions occur Monitor stock holdings and request monthly stock on hand if returns aren’t routinely filed

20 20 Problems and solutions - GSN  Problems You can’t rely on countries to keep you informed Communications, communications, communications – many issues – radio faults, ISP problems – congested systems  Suspect instruments and observing practices Staff performance issues Message preamble is faulty causing messages not to file  Solutions Monitor performance – impractical to do so daily Improve communications systems Inspect GSN stations – inspections have started Advise stations of incorrect preambles

21 21 Performance metrics  We monitor station performance for GUAN and GSN in the region  This process has been enhanced and expanded for TSP PNG, Vanuatu, Solomon Islands stations added Converting monitoring GUAN termination heights from altitude to pressure We are trying to develop meaningful comparisons pre / post TSP stations’ performance Performance chart example

22 22 Performance metrics - GUAN Performance chart examples

23 23 Performance metrics - GSN Performance chart example As received by MetService and compared against WMO published station reporting times

24 24 Inspections and calibrations - GUAN  Equipment is inspected routinely during GUAN station visits  There is a Proton calibration that station staff have been instructed in but engineers check this during visits regardless  No other calibrations are required of upper air equipment Proton training Tarawa

25 25 Inspections and calibrations - GSN  Countries have commenced inspecting their GSN stations using TSP inspections kits  We believe most stations will not have been inspected in 10 years  Once the kits are returned and inspection data analyzed we will have a better idea of station instrument accuracies Instrument enclosure, Tarawa

26 26 Equipment  Tarawa, Funafuti and Penrhyn  All have “new” Protons and  All have old Vaisala Digicora II ground stations that require upgrading to take RS-92 radiosondes  Port Moresby  Digicora I, upgraded by Bureau of Meteorology, for RS-92  Teledyne hydrogen generator 10 years old (an orphan) New hydrogen gas tanks, Tarawa

27 27 Equipment  Bauerfield and Honiara  Silent stations with unserviceable M28 hydrogen generators  Digicora II both require repair and upgrading for RS92 Silent Upper air station, Honiara

28 28 Site meta-data  GSN stations  Underway with inspections process and creation of a meta- data system for entering and storing data at MetService and passing to NCDC, copy to go back to country  GUAN stations  Really still to be done, but will by nature be less involved than GSN. Digicora testing, Bauerfield

29 29 RS-92 issues  MetService approach to upgrading Digicoras  We have issued an RFP to suppliers for our own stations and will await the outcome of that before making a recommendation to the UKMO regarding upgrading at Tarawa, Funafuti and Penrhyn  The decision will be based on economics and include capital and consumable costs  MetService has budgeted for the upgrade and the UKMO has kindly agreed to fund through their Pacific Trust Fund we administer Digicora testing, and humid – check out the shirt!

30 30 Better than before  We need to focus on demonstrating improvements as a result of the TSP GUAN  Improvements to existing station performance – either better termination heights or improved numbers of flights per month  But…existing stations numbers of flights (maybe Tarawa excepted) are not too bad…they would be a bit worse if not for the TSP but how do you show that?  Bringing “silent” stations on line and lifting their performance Not GUAN, included as some interest has been expressed in this station. We are holding a surplus, incomplete Digicora for it, donated by UKMO

31 31 Better than before  We need to focus on demonstrating improvements as a result of the TSP GUAN  Can make some gains in going from 350gm to 700gm balloons – in progress for Tarawa and Funafuti and done for Penrhyn (not strictly ‘cos of the TSP but…)  Ensuring data gets to archiving centres Penrhyn termination heights Change to 700gm

32 32 Better than before  We need to focus on demonstrating improvements as a result of the TSP GSN (to the extent that this is a priority)  Establish CLIREP  Improve communications (this will show an improvement in the performance metrics)  Repair/replace instruments according to inspection results  Continue inspection programs; maybe consider providing a GSN station inspection kit for each country Tony Veitch and Bill Witham discussing Honiara GUAN survey with Director, Chanel Iroi

33 Betio Atoll & Lagoon, Tarawa, Kiribati

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