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Interview Workshop Edgar Pushparatnam, Technip Group QHSE director March 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Interview Workshop Edgar Pushparatnam, Technip Group QHSE director March 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interview Workshop Edgar Pushparatnam, Technip Group QHSE director March 2014

2 CONTENTS Introduction : Why interview? What are employers looking for?
What differentiates me from other candidates? Top interview mistakes Preparation : Do’s and Don’ts The Interview - Questions

3 Why Interview? A job interview is a process in which a potential employee is evaluated by an employer for prospective employment in the company or organization During this process, the employer hopes to determine whether or not the applicant is suitable for the role.

4 Different kind of interviews
Face to face individual interview Telephone interview Lunch/dinner interview Group interview

5 What skills are employers looking for?
Soft Skills Hard Skills Reliable Honest Hardworking Capable Pleasant Intelligent Proactive Leadership Resourceful Qualification Previous experience Your specialisation/Thesis Internship

6 What differentiates me from the others?
Interests Qualification Experience Personality Communication ability Grooming The way you carry yourself

7 Top Interview mistakes
Not preparing Not turning off your phone Losing focus Dressing Inappropriately Poor communication skills Talking too much Not talking enough Fuzzy facts Inaccurate answer Lying Not knowing the company Not prepared

8 Preparation What should I bring with me? Documents CV
Certificates / References What should I wear? Appropriate attire What should I be prepared to discuss? About myself? My interests My strength and weakness About the company Do research Latest news Development BE PREPARED WITH SOME QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS

9 Do’s and Don’ts Do’s dress smartly, look bright and attentive, and speak clearly and confidently turn off your phone prepare answers for the main questions take your time when answering the questions sell yourself Look at the interviewer Don’ts don’t be late don't slouch in your seat or do anything that makes you look uninterested don't be arrogant and assume you've got the job don't criticise former employers or colleagues don't argue with the interviewer

10 Questions you will be asked.
Tell me about yourself About my life. education, work experiences, special activities, ability in sports, leadership in university etc – run through your CV Qualities- what are your best traits. Any bad traits? What your friends know you for Technical questions Why do you want to join us? Why do you want to leave ( previous company)? Country? Why do you think you fit the job requirement? Where do you see yourself in the future? Behavioural questions – in following slides

11 The interview questions - behavioural
One interview technique - STAR The interview questions - behavioural ACTION RESULT SITUATION TASK ST A R

12 Types of Interview Questions:
Tell me about a tough problem you were able to solve and how you solved it Walk me through what you did to find your last new prospects What was the hardest decision you had to make this year? What did you enjoy most/least about your job as a team leader? You face a moral issue –how will u decide? Bribery at work. KEY WORDS: (1) What was, (2) Please Describe, Behavioral

13 Sample STAR Questions Situation or Task: Describe what led up to that.
Could you give me a specific situation in which you used that approach. What was the most memorable time when that happened? What caused you to….? What did you….? When was that? What were the circumstances surrounding…? What was the that customer (co-worker, team member)? What were you reacting to?

14 Sample STAR Questions Action: Exactly what did you do?
How were your actions different here from…..? How did you react? Describe specifically how you did that. What was your part of the project, and how did you handle it? Walk me through the steps you took… What did you say to him? What did you do first…second…..?

15 Sample STAR Questions Result: How did it work out?
How did that effect….? How were these outcomes directly related to what you did? What problems/successes resulted from….? How did you know that what you did was effective? What feedback have you gotten?

16 Questions you should ask
Salary Working hours Benefits Special conditions Career Growth opportunities How does the organisation work – org chart Culture of the organisation

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