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Florida’s Workplace Training Process Mike Stephens, Environmental Program Consultant Bureau of Radiation Control Florida Department of Health Organization.

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Presentation on theme: "Florida’s Workplace Training Process Mike Stephens, Environmental Program Consultant Bureau of Radiation Control Florida Department of Health Organization."— Presentation transcript:

1 Florida’s Workplace Training Process Mike Stephens, Environmental Program Consultant Bureau of Radiation Control Florida Department of Health Organization of Agreement States Annual Meeting August 2015

2 Goals and Objective Provide training to state inspectors and reviewers that does not cause undue burden Electronic (On-line) removes the travel costs, time and money for all involved On-demand is provided at the convenience of the trainee 1

3 Impediments to Training from Conference of Radiation Control Program Directors (CRCPD) Survey of Program Directors FundingOut-of-state travel Course availabilityToo costly Time away Lack of interest Little management supportScheduling 2

4 Other Resources Available Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) Provides classroom and other training with no cost to the state Federal Emergency Management Agency FEMA) Provides on-line courses and classroom training with no cost to the state No agency provides X-ray related training at no cost. 3

5 Training Challenge 5 Section Offices in 3 locations & 6 Inspection Field Areas ~50 Persons (Lic/Insp) ~1600-1700 Specific Licenses Plus X-Ray & Mammography Quality Standards Act inspections 4

6 Performance-Based Training Identify the task to be performed Identify the knowledge and skills Teach the task 5

7 Education-Based Training General subject matter training Provides overall general knowledge of a subject Does not seek a specific work- based outcome 6

8 Performance-Based vs. Education-Based Performance-based does not require one to know much about what is being inspected Education-based does not teach one how to do something 7

9 Embracing the Combination Greater job satisfaction Greater respect by the regulated community Greater relationship with the regulated community Identify emerging issues 8

10 Embracing the Combination Florida Holistic Approach Learn about it Observe it Do it 9

11 Qualification Journal (QJ) Provides the employee with: a listing of the mandatory skills and competency requirements; advanced training opportunities available; and a means of documenting qualification progress. A listing of all the trainings required is also located in the Qualification Journal 10

12 Course/TrainingLocation of Training Completion Date * Program Orientations BRCpedia 1 year probation * Regulatory/Rad. Control Rules & Statutes Module BRCpedia 1 year probation IS-5 Hazardous Materials Awareness, or equivalent TRAIN 1 year probation IS-301Radiological Emergency Response TRAIN 1 year probation * Basic Radiation Safety-prior to ARP course, prior to handling RAM (Under development) 1 year probation * BSTP Basic Supervisory Training Program Leadership (required for all supervisors) TRAIN (within 6 months) * BSTP Basic Supervisory Training Program HR (required for all supervisors) TRAIN (within 6 months) * IS-100 Introduction to Incident Command System online course TRAIN (within 30 days) * IS-200.b ICS for Single Resources and Initial Action Incidents TRAIN (within 12 months) * IS-700 National Incident Management System TRAIN (within 30 days) * Code of Ethics TRAIN (within 30 days) AND Annually * Equal Opportunity TRAIN (within 30 days) AND Annually * Information Security and Privacy/ HIPPA TRAIN (within 30 days AND Annually) * Sexual Harassment TRAIN (within 30 days) AND Annually * Workplace Safety TRAIN (within 30 days AND Annually) * Violence in the Workplace TRAIN (within 30 days) AND Annually * Records Management TRAIN (within 60 days) AND every Two years * Fuel Card TRAIN (prior to operating state vehicle) * Public Health P reparedness Orientation TRAIN (within 30 days) * DOH New Employee Orientation TRAIN (within 60 days) * Basic vehicle use, log policy, maintenance policy Office (prior to operating state vehicle) ARP Applied Radiation Physics course BRCpedia When available IR Radiological Incident Response Course BRCpedia When available ER Emergency Response and Survey Techniques training (Power Plant Drill) When available (RERO) Radiological Emergency Response Operations course FEMA CDP website When available * PeopleFirst TRAIN HIV/AIDS (recommended for inspection and RAM staff within 60 days) TRAIN Training Expectation and Time Frames (Probationary Period) 11

13 New Employees, Training and TRAIN (Screenshot) New employees can use the BRCpedia to access the department’s TRAIN LMS page as well as complete their bureau-specific training requirements. 12

14 New Employees, Training and TRAIN (Screenshot) New employees can use the BRCpedia to access the departments TRAIN LMS page as well as complete their bureau-specific training requirements.TRAIN LMS 12

15 (Screenshot) 13

16 (Screenshot) 14

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20 Current Electronic Training Slide Presentations One-way presentation Needs to anticipate questions Updating requires modifying entire presentation 18

21 Current On-Line Training (cont.) Webinars (NRC) Slide presentation with live presenter Allows trainee to ask questions Can be archived for later viewing 19

22 Current Electronic Training (cont.) Video Clips One-way presentation Can be of any length Can be modified or updated individually 20

23 Currently in Development On-line Slide Presentation Theory and operation Little need for updating Purely educational in content 21

24 Currently in Development (cont.) Video Clips Concisely discuss important points Easily modified or updated Marries the theory to practical application 22

25 Summary Goal Provide electronic training available on demand Removes travel costs and scheduling issues to increase trainee base 23

26 Questions? Michael Stephens Environmental Health Program Consultant Florida Bureau of Radiation Control (850) 245-4043 24

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