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Interview. The Typical Job Interview Most job interviews follow a standard outline.

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Presentation on theme: "Interview. The Typical Job Interview Most job interviews follow a standard outline."— Presentation transcript:

1 Interview

2 The Typical Job Interview Most job interviews follow a standard outline.

3 The Typical Job Interview 1) Greeting and small talk to put you at ease and break the ice.

4 The Typical Job Interview 2) The employer may give you a brief overview of the position or additional information about the organization

5 The Typical Job Interview 3) You respond to questions. If it’s a good interview, this is the longest segment. Give them clear and detailed answers but do NOT ramble on and on.

6 The Typical Job Interview 4) You ask questions of the interviewer. Have at least five or ten questions prepared beforehand

7 The Typical Job Interview 5) The interviewer closes the interview and explains the next steps in the process.

8 Be sure to thank the interviewer for his or her time.

9 Do’s 1) Be On Time (15 min early)

10 Do’s 2) Be prepared to ask as well as answer questions. Examples of questions they might ask… (Answer these on your separate sheet of paper) –Why should we hire you? –Tell me about yourself. –Where do you see yourself in 5 years?

11 Do’s Be prepared for random, tricky questions. Take out a sheet of paper and answer the following…

12 Tricky ?’s If you could change one thing about the world, what would you change?

13 Tricky ?’s If you could only have one for the rest of your life, which one would you pick? Books, movies or music?

14 Tricky ?’s If you could have dinner with one person, who would it be and why?

15 Do’s Know the name of the person interviewing you and shake hands in a firm, businesslike way

16 Do’s Dress appropriately and conservatively

17 Do’s Maintain eye contact with the job interviewer

18 Do’s Speak clearly, using good grammar and a friendly tone

19 Do’s Take time to collect your thoughts before answering the questions

20 Do’s Be positive and enthusiastic during the interview and show your interest

21 Do’s At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer, shake hands, and ask when you may hear from him/her.

22 Don’t Be late for your appointment

23 Don’t Smoke or chew anything

24 Don’t Wear tight jeans, shorts, unusual jewelry or baseball caps

25 Don’t Talk too much or ramble on about personal information

26 Don’t Apologize for lack of experience.

27 Don’t Ask about salary, vacations, or promotions until you have been made an offer

28 Don’t Hang around after the interview is over

29 Don’t Be negative about former employers

30 Don’t Take anyone with you to your interview

31 Don’t Cross your legs, fold your arms, or touch your face These body language signals a negative attitude, boredom or doubt

32 Questions to ask… Would you describe a typical work day and the things I would be doing? Which duties are most important for this job? What do you consider to be my weaknesses? My strengths? If you were to offer me this job, where could I expect to be in 5 years?

33 Questions to ask… Have a couple questions of your own. Be sure to ask questions that relate to what you talked about during the interview. –Questions thought of on the spot or some time during the interview.

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