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Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 1 XML & E-COMMERCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (XZIG) 17:45 - 19:30 Wed 23/05/2001 Stream: E-commerce Topic: Content.

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Presentation on theme: "Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 1 XML & E-COMMERCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (XZIG) 17:45 - 19:30 Wed 23/05/2001 Stream: E-commerce Topic: Content."— Presentation transcript:

1 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 1 XML & E-COMMERCE SPECIAL INTEREST GROUP (XZIG) 17:45 - 19:30 Wed 23/05/2001 Stream: E-commerce Topic: Content ROC Roadshow QANTAS Theatre - AAPT Building 259 George Street SYDNEY 2000

2 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 2 Agenda 17:45 IntroductionStevan GILLMORE Progress with OIC Progress with XML 18:15 DEWRSB EoI 2001/10Stephen GOULD 18:45Review DEWRSB Survey 2 & 3 19:15Content OIC LZIG RoadshowPhil HUNNISETT 19:30Networking

3 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 3 Background OIC *Formed in 1994 *Forum to raise awareness of Electronic Information Technology (EIT) issues like E-commerce & the Internet *3 years quarterly lunch lectures 1994Gary JACKSON past MD Microsoft, Sybase and Cisco 1996Senator Richard ALSTON - Federal Minister for Communication 1997Dean BROWN - South Australian Minister Information Technology *1997 1st member project - EAIM *1999 2nd member project won 1st prize in “IT for SME” Category of Global Bangemann Challenge - 86 Competitors *2000 formation EIT Special Interest Groups

4 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 4 Progress with OIC 1Development Tender Information Management Service [TIMS] over last 12 months by OIC members - now over 20 subscribers 2Forming Work Groups to raise awareness of key problem areas such as: LCWGLocal Government Roadshow Work Group - Now a company ERWGEDIFACT Review Work Group EAWGE-mail attachments Work Group 3LCWG working with Government Departments to raise awareness of benefits for Small Business of utilising the Internet more effectively 4Formation 2 member consortia companies

5 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 5 Progress with XML OIC members actively participating in: OASIS [Organisation for the Advancement of Structured Information Standards ] which is sponsored by a number of organisations including Sun Microsystems and IBM ebXML - an organisation to develop applications that can promote XML Standard Schemas. OIC Members believe that the Name and Address Specification by the Syndicate of Councils could be proposed to ebXML as an XML standard ebXML has now concluded its 18 month life span as an un-incoproated association of businesses charged with developing XML schema specifications. ebXML was sponsored by by UN/CEFACT and OASIS The OIC sponsored Tim McGRATH the ebXML Australia technical expert to the final meeting of ebXML in Vienna earlier this month

6 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 6 XML Approved Specifications Approved specifications include: a ebXML Technical Architecture, bBusiness Process Specification Schema, cRegistry Information Model, dRegistry Services, eebXML Requirements, fMessage Service gCollaboration-Protocol Profile and Agreement These specifications are available on

7 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 7 ebXML Technical Reports Accepted ebXML technical reports include: aBusiness Process and Business Information Analysis Overview bBusiness Process Analysis Worksheets & Guidelines cE-Commerce Patterns dCatalog of Common Business Processes, eCore Component Overview fCore Component Discovery and Analysis gContext and Re-Usability of Core Components hGuide to the Core Components Dictionary iNaming Convention for Core Components jDocument Assembly and Context Rules kCatalogue of Context Drivers lCore Component Dictionary mCore Component Structure nTechnical Architecture Risk Assessment.

8 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 8 Progress with TIMS OIC members have been researching and developing the Tender Information Management Service [TIMS] since 1999. The prototype was first released in Jul 2000. The objectives of TIMS include providing Market Intelligence on Tenders for members and subscribers. This market intelligence includes: ANew Tenders published by session BTenders published during the week CCurrent tenders by submission due date DHistorical analysis of Tenders Each sections analysis the tenders by: 1Industry 2Application 3Type of Tender 4Country/State The TIMS schema is being submitted an XML Standards for Tender information

9 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 9 Trends with E-Tendering A review of the Electronic Tenders published over the last 9 months provides the following statistics : 1st qtr 2001 4th qtr 20003rd qtr 2000 Federal Gov30 17.54%27 12.44%33 18.75% State Gov74 43.27%95 43.78%67 48.07% LocalGov23 13.54%36 16.59%24 13.64% Land, Housing 5 2.92% 3 1.38% 0 0.00% Health 2 1.17%11 5.07% 8 4.55% Education 5 2.92%12 5.53%17 9.66% Utilities & Energy 8 4.68%17 7.83% 8 4.55% Commercial 15 8.77%13 5.99%16 9.09% Associations 9 5.26% 3 1.38% 3 1.70% TOTAL171217176

10 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 10 DEWRSB EoI 2001/10 Expression of Interest as E-commerce initiative Issues to consider 1No RFT or Contract 2No budget 3Public/Private Partnership But we know there is significant funding available from organisations interested in a return on E-commerce

11 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 11 Scope of EoI 4 main stages ADirectory physical and technical infrastructure and operations - Peak bodies and other industry groups seen as source of local directories. BMarketing, promotion and recruitment of clients and service providers. CDevelopment of products and services. DIssuance of ABN DSCs and other digital signature certificates.

12 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 12 Contract DEWRSB seeking to work with with an un-incorporated consortium similar to OASIS and ebXML Agreement or Memorandum of Understanding [MoU] signed with lead member of Consortium who is authorised to bind the other members This is in keeping with many of the initiatives involved with E-commerce including OASIS and ebXML

13 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 13 OIC Role OIC is not seen as lead member. Members have developed and are developing a number of resources that can assist with the EoI including : 1 an Electronic infrastructure that will enable Peak Bodies to provide local directories 2Marketing and promotion expertise eg Local Government Surveys and Local Government Roadshow 3Applications to provide options eg TIMS

14 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 14 DEWRSB Sponsored surveys Surveys commissioned for NSW Local Government Agencies: 1Liaison contact for Internet policy issues 2Interest and priorities with Internet Applications 97 out of 173 Councils responded - 56% 2Current software, age, Web capability and XML Compliancy 57 out of 97 responded - 54% Local Government Roadshow to 15 ROCs could be foundation of marketing and promotion Stage.

15 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 15 Councils linking with local SMEs This Local Government Roadshow could become an annual tour to the Local Government business communities to stimulate the adoption of Internet and E-commerce applications Those that participate will meet with the local businessmen. Many are mayors and councillors looking to reduce the costs of compliance with Government requirements. The OIC will arrange and co-ordinate the logistics.

16 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 16 OIC LZIG ROADSHOW Background: Local Government Interest Group formed after Tender from Council syndicate appeared on TIMS in September 2000. This tender outlined a standard file structure for: 1Ratepayers2Property Owners 3Suppliers4Property Developers 5 Councillors6Employees Standard files structures provide framework for XML applications over the Internet

17 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 17 Key Milestones 2000 Sep - Council Syndicate Tender appears on TIMS Oct - Formation LZIG by Members XML Interest Group Nov - Start Information Gathering Dec - Research LGov Web sites as ratepayer information provider 2001 Jan - prepare plan for Roadshow to ROCs XZIG meeting 24/01/2001 Feb - Dep Employment, Workplace Relations and Small Business [DEWRSB] join OIC and commission surveys Mar/Apr - 3 surveys with 173 NSW Local Government Agencies May - confirm content roadshow for 15 ROCS Jun - 1st ROC roadshow LG Internet based applications

18 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 18 DEWRSB Surveys 3 surveys commissioned by DEWRSB: 1Nominated contact person for Policy rather than IT issues Normally General Manager [GM], Director Corporate Services [DCS],Director Community Services [DMS] 2Councils attitude to Enhanced Community Services http:/// 3Current legacy systems Objectives include encouraging local Small Businesses to use the Internet to provide employment and trade with Councils electronically

19 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 19 Trends within Survey 2 97 Councils responded Survey 2 by 09/04/2001 4 sections of survey:12345 Y/NY/NY/NY/NY/N ACorporate Services60/3757/4045/5270/2742/55 BCommunity Services14/8382/1591/649/48 CEngineering Services76/21 89/831/6666/31 DEnvironmental Servs64/3320/7741/56 2/95 These metrics form the basis of the interests in Internet applications

20 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 20 Preparation Content Roadshow Key issues to NSW Local Government: 1Is meeting project management targets important to Council ? - Yes 95% 2Is it Council policy to attract new business to the Community ? - Yes 89 % 3Is Council considering E-procurement with Tenders and suppliers ? - Yes 60% 4Is Council planning to link to Local Businesses electronically? - Yes 43%

21 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 21 Survey 3 57 Councils responded to 11 questions survey to identify Council main applications: 1Whether computerised 2Inhouse development or Package/Supplier 3Age of installation 4Web capability 5XML Compliance This information shared with members prepared to sign commercial-in- confidence deed to protect Councils

22 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 22 LZIG Participation 1Membership of OIC - Project Participation Member $ 2,500 These fees include contributions to the development and maintenance of the OIC Web based infrastructure and TIMS 2Membership LZIG - shareholder in OIC LZIG Roadshow Pty Ltd $ 2,500 - contributions to sharing the costs of the roadshow preparations - sharing funding and rewards 3 Regular attendance at LZIG meetings and contributions to the success of the OIC LZIG Roadshow - OIC E-credits recognition of contributions to understanding issues and passing on knowledge

23 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 23 OIC Membership options Membership Level1998199920002001 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Events & newsletter 125 250 250 500 E&N + notice projects 250 500 7501,000 E&N + project papers 7501,0001,5002,000 Project participation1,2501,5002,0002,500 Membership fee fixed for 3 years from date of joining. Long term Intellectual Property Royalties for project participation

24 Open Interchange Consortium XZIG - 23/05/2001 24 Membership Registrations Membership applications can be registered on E: T: (02) 9953-3583 W:

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