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Peer Quality Case Reviews: Developing a planning committee, roles and responsibilities of co- chairs and partners.

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Presentation on theme: "Peer Quality Case Reviews: Developing a planning committee, roles and responsibilities of co- chairs and partners."— Presentation transcript:

1 Peer Quality Case Reviews: Developing a planning committee, roles and responsibilities of co- chairs and partners

2 Executive Management Team & CDSS Identify:  County, state and probation co-chairs  Planning team  Research related to focus area  Peer counties  PQCR Coordinator  County staff participants

3 Additionally, review data reports, previous PQCR, CSA, SIP & SIP Updates to determine: 1. Focus area 2. Number of cases to be selected 3. Purpose of reviewing case files to inform county practices

4 Co-Chairs 1. CWS 2. PO 3. CDSS Planning Committee Members 1. Local county 2. Managers 3. Supervisors 4. Line staff Technical Assistance 1. Northern California Training Academy & CDSS

5  Partners with the county during each phase of the C-CFSR process  Specific to the PQCR, provides technical assistance to counties regarding focus area, case selection, tools and PQCR guidelines, etc.

6  Schedule PQCR  Determine the focus area  Define logistics for planning phase  Define team composition  Establish timelines

7  Establish a process for completing case summaries  Participate in planning meetings  Provide technical assistance on development of final interview tools and questions (CDSS)

8 At least 45 days prior to the PQCR  Focus area  Selection of relevant research on the focus area (literature reviews are one source)  Case selection methodology  Make-up of the interview teams  Peer counties invited  Focus group composition and identification of focus group facilitators  Roles of co-chairs and planning team staff during the PQCR event week

9  RTA staff need to be viewed as a neutral party in the PQCR process. They are not representing the county or CDSS, but supporting the process as identified by the co-chairs. The role of the RTA should be established early in the process, to aid in communication and collaboration.

10  Serving as a planning resource and assisting with facilitation of planning meetings;  Facilitate the PQCR process on-site the week of the PQCR;  Helping with the “big picture;”  Bringing other counties’ experiences with the PQCR process to the table;  Identifying and providing trainers and facilitators to help with the process;  Training the review teams and the host county staff participating in the PQCR, and planning and co- facilitating a post-PQCR reflections session (what worked well, what to improve next time, share PQCR Report if available);  Helping all participants with the debrief process to further improve the PQCR.

11  Attendance to planning meetings in County  Coordination of weekly PQCR events  Facilitating debriefings  Create sign-in sheets  Producing nametags for all participants, including lanyards and clear name badges  Preparing County Tool Box  Providing Easels, blank flip chart paper, and laminated PQCR posters  Making interviewee goodie bags  Providing supplies for interviewers  Putting together PQCR folders

12  Counties may choose to contract with the Northern Ca. Training Academy to assist with planning logistics and the writing of the Final Report. This may include:  Coordinating and contracting with facility where PQCR event will be held  Coordinating and contracting with food vendors  Writing the Final Report

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