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Published byHope Walker Modified over 9 years ago
PA Common Care
8:00-8:15Welcome/ Introductions 8:15-8:30Keystone Overview 8:30-8:452011 Results/ 2012-2013 Assessment Timeline 8:45- 9:25Explore the Common Core 9:25-9:35 Break 9:35- 10:15Keystone Content Essential 10:15-11:00Content Networking/Sharing
The Keystone Exams are end-of-course assessments designed to assess proficiency in the subject areas of Algebra I, Algebra II, Geometry, Literature, English Composition, Biology, Chemistry, U.S. History, World History, and Civics and Government. The Keystone Exams are one component of Pennsylvania’s new system of high school graduation requirements. Keystone Exams will help school districts guide students toward meeting state standards Revisions Revisions
Keystone Timeline 2012-2013 Grades 3-8 Mathematics and Reading PSSA Grade 12 PSSA retest in October Grades 3-8 & 11 Mathematics and Reading PASA Grades 5 & 8 Writing PSSA Grades 4 & 8 Science PSSA Grades 4, 8 & 11 Science PASA No PSSA-M Grades 3-5 Stand-alone Writing Field Test Keystone Exams ◦ Algebra I, Literature, Biology
2012-13 Keystone Exams will be used for two purposes: ◦ Proposed state requirement that the class of 2017 and beyond demonstrate proficiency for the purpose of graduation ◦ Accountability as per No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) KEEXYASMTSONEKEEXYASMTSONE
Accountability (Federal requirement) ◦ All 11 th grade students must take all three Keystone Exams* ◦ All non-11 th grade students completing a Keystone related course must take the appropriate Keystone Exam Only 11 th grade results will be used to calculate AYP Non-11 th grade students’ results will be banked until they’re in 11 th grade
If an 11 th grade student took a Keystone Exam in 2011 as a 9 th grade student and scored Advanced or Proficient, the results of that Keystone will be used for purposes of accountability. A student who did not score Advanced or Proficient as a 9 th grade student in 2011 should retest as an 11 th grade student in 2012-13.
Graduation (State requirement) ◦ The 8 th grade class in 2012-13 is the first class that will be required to demonstrate proficiency on the Algebra I, Literature, and Biology Keystone Exams to graduate (class of 2017).
2012-13 Testing Windows ◦ Dec.3-14, 2012* ◦ Jan. 9- 23, 2013* ◦ May 13-24, 2013 ◦ July 29-Aug.2, 2013 PDE plans to apply for new Annual Measurable Objectives (AMO) ◦ Currently 89% for math and 91% for reading KEEXYASMTSONEKEEXYASMTSONE
PDE Recommendation ◦ All students not taking a Keystone related course take the Keystone Exams in the winter window – Waves 1 and 2.
All 11 th grade students take all three Keystones from Dec. 3-14 (Wave 1) OR All 11 th grade students take all three Keystones from Jan 9-23 (Wave 2) OR
All 11 th grade students take the Algebra I and Literature Keystones from Dec. 3-14 and take the Biology Keystone from Jan. 9-23 OR All 11 th grade students take the Algebra I Keystone from Dec. 3-14 and take the Literature and Biology Keystones from Jan. 9- 23 OR
Any combination where all 11 th grade students not taking a Keystone related course complete all three Keystone Exams during the winter window’s two waves.
DateActivityExplanation August 15-16, 2012Technology Coordinator Training Training for CDTs and Keystones September 6-7, 2012Enrollment/Materials Training Winter Keystones September 10-14, 2012Enrollment Window Numbers only submitted to DRC for Wave, Mode, Subject, & Accommodation October 2-4, 2012Test Set-up TrainingWinter Keystones October 8-19, 2012Test Set-up WindowDistricts can enter student information into eDirect October 10 – 11, 2012Enrollment/Materials Training Spring Keystone October 15-26Enrollment WindowNumbers only submitted to DRC for Spring Keystone November 5-8, 2012Keystone Administration Training Winter Keystones (PaTTAN)
ASSESSMENTDATES 12 th Grade PSSA RetestOctober 22 – November 2, 2012 Winter Wave 1 Keystone WindowDecember 3-14, 2012* Winter Wave 2 Keystone WindowJanuary 9-23, 2013* Grades 3-5 Writing Field TestFebruary 4-15, 2013 Grades 5 & 8 Writing PSSAMarch 11-15, 2013 Grades 5 & 8 Writing PSSA Make- Ups March 18-22, 2013 Grades 3-8 Math & Reading PSSAApril 8-19, 2013 Grades 4 & 8 Science PSSAApril 22-26, 2013 Math, Reading & Science Make-UpsApril 29-May 3, 2013 Spring Keystone WindowMay 13-24, 2013 Summer Keystone WindowJuly 29-August 2, 2013
2013-14 Grades 3-5 English Language Arts PSSA (PA CC) Grades 3-5 Mathematics PSSA (PA CC) Grades 6-8 Mathematics and Reading PSSA Grades 3-8 & 11 Mathematics & Reading PASA Grade 8 Writing PSSA Grades 4 & 8 Science PSSA Grades 4, 8 & 11 Science PASA Grades 6-8 Stand-alone Writing Field Test Keystone Exams ◦ Algebra I, Literature, Biology ◦ Composition Field Test
2013-14 Keystone Exams will be used for two purposes: ◦ Proposed state requirement that the class of 2017 and beyond demonstrate proficiency for the purpose of graduation ◦ Accountability as per No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Details pending K E E X Y A S M T O N E
Accountability (Federal requirement) ◦ All 11 th grade students who have not taken the Keystone Exams must take the Keystone Exams ◦ 2012-13 10 th grade students’ banked scores Students who were not proficient may retest ◦ All non-11 th grade students completing a Keystone related course must take the appropriate Keystone Exam Only 11 th grade results will be used to calculate AYP Non-11 th grade students’ results will be banked until they’re in 11 th grade
2014-15 Grades 3-8 English Language Arts PSSA (PA CC) Grades 3-8 Mathematics PSSA (PA CC) Grades 3-8 & 11 Mathematics & Reading PASA Grades 4 & 8 Science PSSA Grades 4, 8 & 11 Science PASA Keystone Exams ◦ Algebra I, Literature, Biology, Composition ◦ Civics & Government Field Test
2014-15 Keystone Exams will be used for two purposes: ◦ Proposed state requirement that the class of 2017 and beyond demonstrate proficiency for the purpose of graduation ◦ Accountability as per No Child Left Behind (NCLB) Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) Details pending THE KEYSTONE EXAMS
Accountability (Federal requirement) ◦ All 11 th grade students who have not taken the Keystone Exams must take the Keystone Exams ◦ 2013-14 10 th grade students’ banked scores Students who were not proficient may retest ◦ 2012-13 9 th grade students’ banked scores Students who were not proficient may retest ◦ All non-11 th grade students completing a Keystone related course must take the appropriate Keystone Exam Only 11 th grade results will be used to calculate AYP Non-11 th grade students’ results will be banked until they’re in 11 th grade
The Common Core State Standards Initiative is a state-led effort coordinated by the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices (NGA Center) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO). The standards were developed in collaboration with teachers, school administrators, and experts, to provide a clear and consistent framework to prepare our children for college and the workforce.National Governors Association The NGA Center and CCSSO received initial feedback on the draft standards from national organizations representing, but not limited to, teachers, postsecondary educators (including community colleges), civil rights groups, English language learners, and students with disabilities. Following the initial round of feedback, the draft standards were opened for public comment, receiving nearly 10,000 responses.
The standards are informed by the highest, most effective models from states across the country and countries around the world, and provide teachers and parents with a common understanding of what students are expected to learn. Consistent standards will provide appropriate benchmarks for all students, regardless of where they live. These standards define the knowledge and skills students should have within their K-12 education careers so that they will graduate high school able to succeed in entry-level, credit- bearing academic college courses and in workforce training programs. The standards: Are aligned with college and work expectations; Are clear, understandable and consistent; Include rigorous content and application of knowledge through high-order skills; Build upon strengths and lessons of current state standards; Are informed by other top performing countries, so that all students are prepared to succeed in our global economy and society; and Are evidence-based.
Reading The standards establish a “staircase” of increasing complexity in what students must be able to read so that all students are ready for the demands of college- and career-level reading no later than the end of high school. The standards also require the progressive development of reading comprehension so that students advancing through the grades are able to gain more from whatever they read. Through reading a diverse array of classic and contemporary literature as well as challenging informational texts in a range of subjects, students are expected to build knowledge, gain insights, explore possibilities, and broaden their perspective. Because the standards are building blocks for successful classrooms, but recognize that teachers, school districts and states need to decide on appropriate curriculum, they intentionally do not offer a reading list. Instead, they offer numerous sample texts to help teachers prepare for the school year and allow parents and students to know what to expect at the beginning of the year. The standards mandate certain critical types of content for all students, including classic myths and stories from around the world, foundational U.S. documents, seminal works of American literature, and the writings of Shakespeare. The standards appropriately defer the many remaining decisions about what and how to teach to states, districts, and schools.
Writing The ability to write logical arguments based on substantive claims, sound reasoning, and relevant evidence is a cornerstone of the writing standards, with opinion writing—a basic form of argument— extending down into the earliest grades. Research—both short, focused projects (such as those commonly required in the workplace) and longer term in depth research —is emphasized throughout the standards but most prominently in the writing strand since a written analysis and presentation of findings is so often critical. Annotated samples of student writing accompany the standards and help establish adequate performance levels in writing arguments, informational/explanatory texts, and narratives in the various grades.
Speaking and Listening The standards require that students gain, evaluate, and present increasingly complex information, ideas, and evidence through listening and speaking as well as through media. An important focus of the speaking and listening standards is academic discussion in one-on-one, small-group, and whole-class settings. Formal presentations are one important way such talk occurs, but so is the more informal discussion that takes place as students collaborate to answer questions, build understanding, and solve problems. Language The standards expect that students will grow their vocabularies through a mix of conversations, direct instruction, and reading. The standards will help students determine word meanings, appreciate the nuances of words, and steadily expand their repertoire of words and phrases. The standards help prepare students for real life experience at college and in 21st century careers. The standards recognize that students must be able to use formal English in their writing and speaking but that they must also be able to make informed, skillful choices among the many ways to express themselves through language. Vocabulary and conventions are treated in their own strand not because skills in these areas should be handled in isolation but because their use extends across reading, writing, speaking, and listening.
Key Points In Mathematics The K-5 standards provide students with a solid foundation in whole numbers, addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, fractions and decimals—which help young students build the foundation to successfully apply more demanding math concepts and procedures, and move into applications. In kindergarten, the standards follow successful international models and recommendations from the National Research Council’s Early Math Panel report, by focusing kindergarten work on the number core: learning how numbers correspond to quantities, and learning how to put numbers together and take them apart (the beginnings of addition and subtraction). The K-5 standards build on the best state standards to provide detailed guidance to teachers on how to navigate their way through knotty topics such as fractions, negative numbers, and geometry, and do so by maintaining a continuous progression from grade to grade. The standards stress not only procedural skill but also conceptual understanding, to make sure students are learning and absorbing the critical information they need to succeed at higher levels - rather than the current practices by which many students learn enough to get by on the next test, but forget it shortly thereafter, only to review again the following year.
Having built a strong foundation K-5, students can do hands on learning in geometry, algebra and probability and statistics. Students who have completed 7th grade and mastered the content and skills through the 7th grade will be well-prepared for algebra in grade 8. The middle school standards are robust and provide a coherent and rich preparation for high school mathematics. The high school standards call on students to practice applying mathematical ways of thinking to real world issues and challenges; they prepare students to think and reason mathematically. The high school standards set a rigorous definition of college and career readiness, by helping students develop a depth of understanding and ability to apply mathematics to novel situations, as college students and employees regularly do. The high school standards emphasize mathematical modeling, the use of mathematics and statistics to analyze empirical situations, understand them better, and improve decisions. For example, the draft standards state: “Modeling links classroom mathematics and statistics to everyday life, work, and decision-making. It is the process of choosing and using appropriate mathematics and statistics to analyze empirical situations, to understand them better, and to improve decisions. Quantities and their relationships in physical, economic, public policy, social and everyday situations can be modeled using mathematical and statistical methods. When making mathematical models, technology is valuable for varying assumptions, exploring consequences, and comparing predictions with data.”
Learning the rules and practicing the skills needed for the game. “ when conducting training sessions, there needs to be a greater reliance on game oriented training that is player centered and enables players to explore and arrive at solutions while they play. This is in contrast to the “coach centered” training that has been the mainstay of coaching methodology over the years” United States Soccer Federation
“Game centered training” implies that the primary training environment is the game as opposed to training players in “drill” type environments. This is not to say that there is not a time for a more “direct” approach to coaching. At times, players need more guidance and direction as they are developing. However, if the goal is to develop creative players who have the abilities to solve problems, and interpret game situations by themselves, a “guided discovery approach needs to be employed.
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