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Information presented at the First meeting of the PDQI Team Facilitated by Scott Montgomery, Manager Sarasota County Emergency Services Team.

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Presentation on theme: "Information presented at the First meeting of the PDQI Team Facilitated by Scott Montgomery, Manager Sarasota County Emergency Services Team."— Presentation transcript:

1 Information presented at the First meeting of the PDQI Team Facilitated by Scott Montgomery, Manager Sarasota County Emergency Services Team

2  Introductions  Purpose of Meeting  PDQI (Peer Driven Quality Improvement)  Safety Items to be developed  Meeting schedule

3  Introduction of team members

4  Purpose: to create a set of policies and procedures that will safeguard Library staff and the public that visit Sarasota County Libraries.

5  Libraries PDQI Team: a self directed Team of Library employees that are assigned projects for the Libraries Director.

6 PDQI Teams research items that have been assigned for review and recommendation.  The PDQI Team members look at :  Facts  Figures  Benchmarks  Best practices.

7  After review of research information Team members discuss findings and provide proposed recommendations to Libraries Administration.

8 Your First Assignment!!! Review items identified by peers and by Libraries Administration as top Safety & Security priorities.

9  Create a tip sheet for Library staff to use to call 9-1-1 for: * Unruly person * Theft * Suspicious package

10  Create policies/procedures that address: Armed individual Hostage situation Lost child Decision-making authority on safety issues within the Library Communications between Library, Schools, Recreation Centers

11  Staff Training: * Fire drills with Fire Department * CPR/AED * Where to find report forms (accident/incident) * Report writing * Training calendar

12  Meeting schedule for PDQI Team * How often? * Format (conference call/face to face)? * Next meeting date and time?

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