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Events of the Vietnam War 1957 - 1975. French Control is Removed  In 1883, France controls a region in Southeast Asia known as French Indochina, which.

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1 Events of the Vietnam War 1957 - 1975

2 French Control is Removed  In 1883, France controls a region in Southeast Asia known as French Indochina, which includes present-day countries of Laos, Cambodia, and Vietnam.  After WWII, Vietnamese Communists known as the Vietminh defeat French Forces.  The Vietminh are led by Ho Chi Minh

3 The Division of Vietnam  In May 1954 in a conference in Geneva, Vietnam is partitioned at the 17 th parallel.  The North is controlled by Communists & the South by non-Communists.  The peace agreement states that free elections would be held to reunite the country.  These elections never occur.

4 South Vietnam refuses to allow free elections  In 1956, South Vietnamese leader Ngo Dinh Diem, refuses to allow free elections for fear that the communists will not permit fair elections.  The United States supports this decision through aid to the anti-Communist Saigon government.  The Republic of Vietnam is declared following a rigged election organized by the United States.

5 South Vietnamese resistance develops  In 1957, South Vietnamese Communists known as the Vietcong rebel against Diem’s government.  North Vietnam publicly supports this resistance & provides the rebels with weapons.  The United States responds by sending military advisors to assist South Vietnam in fighting these Communist attacks.

6 Diem’s Government is overthrown  In November 1960, Diem’s government repels a military coup. Diem responds by suppressing religious & political enemies.  In May 1963, Buddhist monks protest South Vietnam government actions by setting themselves on fire.  In November 1963, South Vietnamese General Duong Van Minh overthrows Diem’s government with U.S. knowledge & CIA assistance.  Diem is murdered.

7 Gulf of Tonkin Resolution  In August 1964, U.S. Navy destroyers Maddox and Turner Joy are sent by President Lyndon Johnson to patrol the Gulf of Tonkin.  Both destroyers supposedly detected radar blips causing them to open fire.  President Johnson responds by ordering air strikes against North Vietnam in retaliation.  President Johnson called for the passage of the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution, which gave him the authority to “take all necessary measures” to thwart attacks against the United States & to prevent any further aggressions.  President Johnson had the power to react.

8 U.S. Involvement in Vietnam  Operation Rolling Thunder - The first goal of U.S. Forces was to cut off supplies of the Vietcong. U.S. planes bombed North Vietnam to destroy resources.  In March 1965, the first U.S. combat troops arrive in Vietnam.  By the end of 1965, American troop strength is nearly 200,000.

9 Unconventional Style of War  U.S. troops found the fighting difficult because there was no established battlefront.  The Vietcong used Guerrilla tactics against U.S. Soldiers.  This style of warfare resulted in large numbers of civilian casualties.  Civilians were killed & wounded in Vietcong attacks & by U.S. troops who could not tell friends from enemies.

10 Anti-War Protests at Home  In 1967, Anti-War & Anti- Draft protests become more organized & active.  Reports that the U.S. is winning the war in Vietnam prove to be false. A country- wide peace movement develops.  War protests turned violent – at Kent State University protestors were shot dead by U.S. troops.  The war was quickly losing its support.

11 Tet Offensive  In 1968, the Vietcong attacked major cities in South Vietnam including the U.S. embassy in Saigon during the Vietnamese New Year celebration.  The surprise attacks, vicious fighting, and large number of casualties stunned the American public.  The Tet offensive led the United States to change its policy in Vietnam. Gradually the war effort was scaled back.

12 Election of 1968 changes the War goals  Richard Nixon is elected as our 37 th president.  Nixon changes our policy in the war to what he calls “Vietnamization” or to withdraw U.S. troops & turn the war over to the South Vietnamese.

13 My Lai Massacre  On March 16, 1968, under the command of Lt. William Calley, troops of Charlie Company, 11 th Brigade entered the village of My Lai with orders to “search and destroy”.  The mission soon turned into the massacre of 300 unarmed civilians including women, children, & the elderly.  Word of the massacre did not reach the U.S. until 1969. Lt. Calley is tried & convicted for his role & this event further discredits the war.

14 U.S. Involvement in Vietnam comes to an end  In January 1973, a cease-fire is agreed upon.  By March of 1973, all U.S. ground troops have been withdrawn from Vietnam.  Within two years, North Vietnam captures the South Vietnamese capital of Saigon. The Vietnam war ends & Vietnam is unified under Communist rule.

15 Results of the War  On July 2, 1976 the Socialist Republic of Vietnam is established.  Saigon is renamed Ho Chi Minh City  The United States goal of containment is unsuccessful.  Total U.S. casualties are estimated above 200,000.  The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington D.C. was dedicated in 1982

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