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Supporting Parents and Students through the UCAS process.

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1 Supporting Parents and Students through the UCAS process



4 The Applicant Journey

5 123456 Choosing courses Applying Starting Uni / College Next stepsOffersResults

6 Experiential research ▪Visiting an institution, convention or subject-specific exhibition can prove invaluable when making decisions ▪Obtain a real ‘feel’ for the campus, course, subject, career ▫UCAS conventions ▫Open days ▫Taster courses ▫Summer schools ▫Subject specific events ▫Career Fairs

7 Forms of research ▪UCAS website ▪ Course search ▪ UCAS TV ▪ Stamford Test ▪UNISTATS ▪ ▪Institutions websites ▪Publications ▪Talking to tutors, UCAS and the institutions

8 ▪Number of institutions ▪Number of courses 309 50,000+ The provision of higher education in the UK

9 Things to consider when making your choices  What to study  Where to study  Do I meet the criteria – target grades/AS results  Content of course  Facilities  Finance  Life after university  Travel  Social activities  Speak to UCAS or the individual institution

10 This is

11 Course Search  Qualifications / grades / subjects  Finance  Course content  Selection process  How long they take to make a decision  Admissions tests  Interviews  Auditions  What they look for in the personal statement


13 Institutions own websites

14 Important dates  October 15 th  Medicine, Veterinary, Dentistry and Oxbridge  January 15 th  Main deadline  March 24 th  Some Art and Design courses  FCC expect you to complete your section by beginning of December  Takes Sixth Form Tutor Team approx 2 weeks to then add reference and send tom UCAS

15 Applying  Cost = £11 / £22  Read the information carefully  Do it early  Do not give anyone your login details  Keep record of login details, password etc

16 Applicant completes:  Personal details  Choices  Education  Employment  Personal Statement  Additional information (UK only) School completes:  Reference

17 Why should I apply early?  Institutions will have more time to consider your application if its submitted early as they will have fewer applications to view  If you are unsuccessful with your initial choices you can use Extra  You can concentrate on your school work  Only apply early if you know what you want to apply for  Final figures for 2010: 637,773  Figures as at 21 May 2011: 647,008 (+ 1.4%)  Extra starts mid February  One less thing to worry about  Otherwise you will have wasted your choices

18 Track  Enables you to follow the progress of your application (24/7, access via password)  Quickest way to find out about new offers  You can reply to offers online  Important that you keep up to date with your application

19 Number of choices  Up to 5 choices  Oxford OR Cambridge  If applying to study Medicine, Vet Science/Medicine up to 4 choices.

20 University and college decisions  Admissions tutors can make one of three decisions:  Conditional Offer  Unconditional Offer  Unsuccessful  Applicants then keep a maximum of two offers:  Firm(1st choice)  Insurance (2nd choice)

21 How your offer may look ▪Grade offer: ▫This offer is subject to you obtaining Merit, Merit, Merit in your BTEC National Diploma ▪Tariff offer:  This offer is subject to you obtaining 240 UCAS Tariff points ▪Tariff and grade offer: ▫This offer is subject to you obtaining 240 UCAS Tariff points including a distinction in the Building Services Science unit Please read the conditions of the offer carefully and if you have any queries speak to the institution.

22 UCAS Tariff  Points system used for many qualifications including:  A Levels  BTEC (e.g. DDD = 360 points)  Diplomas (Progression Diploma grade A = 300) Tariff = GCE A LevelTariff Points A*140 A120 B100 C80 D60 E40

23 What happens next ▪Get your results ▪If successful: ▫Wait to hear from your institution ▪If unsuccessful: ▫Clearing process ▫Year out ▫Re-sits ▫Work experience

24 Questions?

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