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Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 1 Dluzhnevskaya O.B. Centre for Astronomical Data (INASAN, Moscow)

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Presentation on theme: "Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 1 Dluzhnevskaya O.B. Centre for Astronomical Data (INASAN, Moscow)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 1 Dluzhnevskaya O.B. Centre for Astronomical Data (INASAN, Moscow) Russian Virtual Observatory

2 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 2 Virtual Observatory Virtual observatory (VO): observations of the virtual sky with a virtual telescope. VO general purpose: to provide any data ever obtained with any telescope in the world, to any computer at any time

3 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 3

4 4 In December 2001, Scientific Council on Astronomy (Russian Academy of Sciences) strongly endorsed the RVO initiative and listed it among main international projects of the RAS. The project coordinators are: INASAN, Special Astrophysical Observatory (SAO RAS), Sternberg Astronomical Institute (SAI MSU) and IPI RAS. Teams from several other astronomical institutions participate the project, also. The RVO is the open project, and every collaboration with other institutions is welcomed. Russian Virtual Observatory (RVO)

5 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 5 *Кандидатуры членов Совета РВО представляются директорами соответствующих учреждений - учредителей РВО. The RVO Council Principal Investigator (INASAN)*, Project Manager (SAO RAS)*, Project Scientist (SAI MSU)*, Supervisor of the RVO information infrastructure development (IPI RAS)*, Heads of Tasks Forces Heads of Working Groups

6 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 6

7 7 RVO goals To provide for the Russian astronomical community convenient and efficient way of accessing world-wide data collections. To identify and unify the Russian astronomical resources as an important component to be integrated into the International Virtual Observatory. To provide access to the instruments of observation in case when the required data are absent in the integrated archives. To develop the Russian electronic astronomical resources for education. To provide facilities for solving scientific problems in the interoperable, distributed environment of information resources (of data, software services and processes of problem solving).

8 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 8 International Meetings «Virtual Observatories: Plate Content Digitization, Archive Mining, Image Sequence Processing» (Apr 2005), Sofia, Bulgaria EuroVO VOTech Kickoff meeting (Nov 2004), Cambridge, UK ADASS XIV (Oct 2004) CalTech Pasadena, USA Pune Regional VO Meeting (Sep 2004) IUCAA Pune, India Interoperability Meeting (Sep 2004) IUCAA Pune, India Astro-RG at GGF12 (Sep 2004) Sheraton Brussels Brussels, Belgium US NVO Summer School (Sep 2004) Colorado, USA 2nd International Summer School on Grid Computing (July 2004) University of Naples, Italy IVOA Exec Meeting (June 2004) Glasgow, Scotland, UK SPIE International Symposium (June 2004)- Astronomical Telescopes, Scotland, UK Interoperability Meeting (May 2004) CfA Boston, USA GGF10 (Mar 2004) Humboldt University Berlin, Germany IVOA Exec Meeting (Jan 2004) ESO Garching, Germany 203rd Meeting of the American Astronomical Society (Jan 2004) Atlanta, Georgia, USA JD at IAU GA XXV (July 2003), Sydney ADASS XII (October 2002), Baltimore Virtual Observatories (August 2002), Hawaii LISA IV (July 2002), Prague Toward an International Virtual Observatory (June 2002), Munich IAU GA XXIV (August 2000), Manchester Mining the Sky (July 2000), Garching Virtual Observatories of the Future (June 2000), Pasadena

9 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 9

10 10

11 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 11 Russian Meetings All-Russia Astronomical Conference (Aug 2001), St.-Petersbourg VI Meeting of the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society (May 2002), Moscow Informational Systems in Fundamental Sciences (Jul 2002), SAO RAS, Nizhny Arkhyz Digital Libraries (Oct 2002), Doubna Informational Systems in Fundamental Sciences (Jul 2003), SAO RAS, Nizhny Arkhyz Digital Libraries (Oct 2003), St.-Petersbourg All-Russia Astronomical Conference (June 2004), Moscow Digital Libraries (Sept 2004), Puschino VII Meeting of the Euro-Asian Astronomical Society (Jun 2005), Moscow Digital Libraries (Oct 2005), Yaroslavl’ Rigional workshop (Apr 2006) Moscow, Digital Libraries (Oct 2006), Vladimir

12 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 12 To provide for the Russian astronomical community convenient and efficient way of accessing world-wide data collections

13 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 13 Зеркала INES – system for processing and distribution of the data of IUE archive containing more than 110000 spectra for ~9600 objects. VizieR – most complete database of astronomical catalogues and data tables. Now contains some 3,500 catalogues. Includes FTP- available catalogues and celestial objects dictionary.. ADS (Astrophysics Data System) – largest astronomical electronic library including 4 bibliographic databases (astronomy and planet sciences, physics and geophysics, space instruments, astronomical preprints). Some 3.6 million items.

14 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 14 Planned Mirrors Wide Field Plate Database – data on about 2100000 wide field plates of the 345 archives all over the world. VALD – Vienna Atomic Lines Database, 6 Gb of data. Originally set in Austria; mirrors in the USA, Sweden, Germany. HYPERLEDA - an information system for study of the physics and evolution of galaxies, contains about 3 million objects. Originally set in Lyon; mirrors in Milan, Sofia, Moscow (SAI MSU). BELDATA – the Belgrad astronomical observatory database; includes spectral data and archive of the observations. SIMBAD

15 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 15 Internet Resources in Astronomy digital reference resource for main astronomical Internet resources Compiled based on expert opinion Bilingual description Original multi-level classification scheme (for better search facilities) More than 100 (a vast majority of) Russian links are collected and prepared for the integration About 2500 other links are collected (several hundred of them are prepared for the integration) A pilot version is planned to appear in 2006

16 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 16 To identify and unify the Russian astronomical resources as an important component to be integrated into the International Virtual Observatory

17 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 17

18 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 18 Plans for close future: - Refresh the list of Russian astronomical on-line resouces, construct a "june 2006" version. - Register all resources in the NVO registry. - Provide an access to a pilot version of a collection of links to world - Internet resources (about 2500 links, particularly, links to principal Russian Internet resources). - Restore the INASAN mirror of VizieR; install a VALD mirror. - Organise, in cooperation with IVOA and RVO colleagues, IVOA Interoperability meeting (Moscow, Sept 2006).

19 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 19 - compiling electronic catalogs of Moscow astronomical plate collection, submitting them to the specialized international database, providing access to them by Internet; - developing optimal techniques of scanning astronomical photographic plates using available instruments; - scanning the astronomical plate collections of the Sternberg Institute and Zvenigorod Observatory, starting with the most valuable plates; - studying possible ways of providing users with direct access to electronic plate scans; - systematic updating of the GCVS information, maintenance of the updated on-line version of the catalogue, periodic releases for the CDS. The database of Moscow astronomical plate collection, maintenance of the General Catalogue of Variable Stars

20 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 20 Current achievements: – an electronic catalog of several thousands of plates of the Sternberg Institute's collection has been compiled; – a draft operator's manual for scanning Sternberg Institute's plates with the CREO EverSmart Supreme scanners has been prepared; – scanning Moscow and Zvenigorod plates has been started in Zvenigorod, scanning Sternberg Institute's plates has been started in Moscow in a trial mode; – the scanning laboratory in Zvenigorod has developed its Internet site; – equipment needed to keep and process data and to provide access to data obtained in the process of scanning has been purchased; – the main part of the work on preparation of the 78 th Name List of Variable Stars has been finished; – the work on complete identification of GCVS stars with positional catalogs using finding charts, which took several years, has been completed. As a result, virtually all GCVS stars now have coordinates precise enough for automatic identifications.

21 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 21 Plans for near future: – large-scale scanning of Sternberg Institute's plate collection in Moscow; – submitting several catalogs of Moscow astronomical plate collections to the specialized international database; – revision of astrophysical GCVS information for several constellations; – preparation of the 79 th Name List of Variable Stars; – presentation, for the IAU approvement, of suggested changes in the classification system of variable stars to be used in the GCVS and of future plans on variable-star catalogs.

22 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 22 Glass libraries and observation archives Data partly digitized · SAO RAS · Kazan State University · Institute for Solar-Terrestrial Physics, SB RAS Logs partly digitized MAO RAS (Pulkovo) SAI MSU INASAN (Zvenigorod observatory) Crimean AO MAO NANU Odessa AO Neither logs nor data available in digitized form Astronomical Observatory of Kazan SU INASAN (Terskol filial) etc.

23 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 23 To provide access to the instruments of observation in case when the required data are absent in the integrated archives.

24 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 24 Russian Telescopes Registry In the frame of the RVO, the registry of russian optical telescopes is created and will shortly be presented at the RVO web pages. Registries of russian radio telescopes and space projects are in preparation.

25 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 25 To develop the Russian electronic astronomical resources for education.

26 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 26 To provide facilities for solving scientific problems in the interoperable, distributed environment of information resources

27 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 27 Technologies of information infrastructure of RVO - deployment as community centers for the needs of RVO of the most advanced technologies in the world related to the VO infrastructure; - support of the scientific problems solving in the RVO astronomical community - coordination of the efforts on technological development of RVO; - development of standards for original technological development of RVO and their deployment in IVOA; - implementation of original technological developments of the RVO infrastructure; - participation in preparation of the RVO workshops and meetings; - keeping of the international relationships in the domain of the technological task group.

28 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 28 First results achieved - working contacts with the developers of the AstroGrid systems in the UK has been established; - the AstroGrid RVO Community Center for scientific problem solving over the distributed information repositories accumulated in the world has been established. The Center has been created at the IPI RAS on the basis of the AstroGrid system developed in the UK and kindly delivered by the authors for the needs of RVO. Opening of the AstroGrid RVO is one of the first steps on implementation of the Information Infrastructure of the RVO (IIRVO). - the AstroGrid capabilities have been tried during implementation of facilities for solving of the distant galaxies discovery problem

29 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 29 The nearest plans - following the development of the AstroGrid system and deployment of new releases at the AstroGrid RVO Community Center; - preparing demonstrational examples for the RVO project meetings - participation in planning of the AstroGrid Workshop co-located with the IVOA Interoperability Meeting in September 2006; - making detailed analysis of a possibility of implementation of the subject mediator facilities for the scientific problem solving in the AstroGrid infrastructure.

30 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 30 Informational technologies in astronomy - Development and utilizing of informational technologies in astronomy; - Building of national catalog access service (CAS) to provide an effective access to major astronomical catalogs; - Building and development of information retrieval system on astronomy to meet a professional astronomical community and popularization of astronomy in the broad masses; - Participating in development of VO standards and protocols; - Publication of an original astronomical catalogs in VO-compliant form and providing access to them;

31 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 31 Current achievments: - Infrastucture of CAS was developed and working prototype in SAI-MSU could be accessed at http://vo.astronet.ru - Radial query (conesearch) was implemented to following big catalogs: USBO-B1, 2MASS (psc,xsc), Tycho2 We developed the biggest russian portal on astronomy - We developed very fast algorithm (Q3C) for search and xmatching of very big astronomical catalogs in RDBMS. Realization for RDBMS PostgreSQL is freely available from

32 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 32 Nearest goals: - Provide an access to bigger number of astronomical catalogs; - Develop web interfaces to CAS services; - Develop an authorization model of CAS server; - Develop xmatching service and provide a possibility to load users catalogs; - Register developed resources in VO-registry; - Develop visualization services of search results; - Create VO/RVO section on to cover goals and objectives of VO and current activity.

33 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 33

34 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 34 Финансирование США - выделено 10 млн. долларов на 5 лет Великобритания - выделено 5 млн. фунтов на 3 года Евросоюз - выделено 4 млн. евро на 3 года Канада - выделено 4 млн. канад. долларов на 2 года Индия - выделен 1 млн. долларов на 3 года Германия - выделен 1 млн. евро на 2.5 года Австралия - запрошено 0.5 млн. австр. долларов на первый год Япония - запрошено 35 млн. йен на первый год Италия - запрошен 1 млн. евро Франция - запрошено финансирование на 1 год

35 Regional workshop, Apr 10-11, 2006 - Moscow, INASAN 35 Special Sessions at the IAU XXVI GeneralAssembly (Prague, Aug 2006) The Virtual Observatory in Action: New Science, New Technology, and Next Generation Facilities *** Astronomical Data Management ******** Interoperability Meeting IVOA (Moscow Sept 2006)

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