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Supporting your child Elly Hobson London School of Economics.

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Presentation on theme: "Supporting your child Elly Hobson London School of Economics."— Presentation transcript:

1 Supporting your child Elly Hobson London School of Economics

2 Introduction: The LSE

3 The LSE Standard Offers: AAA – BBB Undergraduate UK171749% EU35710% International143441% Total3508 Graduate UK80525% EU79625% International164650% Total3247

4 Helping your child choose: A Levels RG have ‘non-preferred’ lists. LSE, for example:  Accounting  Art & Design  Business Studies  Communication Studies  D &T  Drama & Theatre Studies  Home Economics  ICT  Law  Media Studies  Music  Technology/Sports Studies/Travel & Tourism

5 Helping your child choose: Degree Degree Subject:  Is chosen BEFORE institution  Passionate  Enjoy  It doesn’t necessarily need to link with future career or have been studied before  52,000 Higher Education Courses

6 Helping your child choose: Institution  Offers their subject!  They are eligible!  Traditional  New  Russell Group  250 Higher Education Establishments  Approx 400,000 students register p.a  High competition e.g. LSE 18 to 1, Warwick 7  to 1, Oxbridge 4 to 1

7 Useful Links The Guardian Newspaper The Times Good University Guide Institution culture Open Days Reputation: teaching and research Student Profile

8 Getting Ahead: A Levels Organised Coursework: leave time to reflect, check and correct Revision: make a revision plan, be realistic, include ‘down-time’ and relaxation, accept that usual activities might be curtailed temporarily i.e. it’s not forever!, discuss progress and areas of concern, remove temptation, routine

9 Getting Ahead: Revision  Colours  Graphics/doodles/mind-maps  Post-it’s/Cue Cards  Even 10 minutes of revision is better than nothing…  Use lunches and breaks to free up evenings….  Get up half an hour early to revise…. Chunk It:  Each specification studied is split into smaller topics (e.g. Physics has the Waves topic).  Draw up a list of these topics  Draw into diary or calendar what day going to revise each one on.  Aim to complete all topics about two before exams start – plenty of room to take own mock exams and tests and find out what needs to be worked on.  Then can do targeted, specialised revision on weaknesses.

10 Getting Ahead: Exams Night before exam:  early to bed  everything ready for morning Morning of exam:  breakfast  leave a little earlier to avoid stress/lateness  no point cramming now…. In exam:  water and glucose sweets  plenty of pens and paper  encourage take time to PLAN After exam:  move on: discourage post-mortems  rest  then focus on next exam

11 Useful Links Revision Aids: Revision Tips + downloadable revision plan: start-revising.php Free mind-mapping software: Exam Tips:

12 Preparing for University  Fewer hours of taught classes  Different ways of learning  Independence and self-discipline  Choose areas of specialism  Longer holidays!


14 Preparing for University Average of 12 hours of ‘formal contact time’ Lectures Classes/seminars/tutorials Workshops/group study But expected to do at least 3-5 hours in preparation for each class either in the library or at home Self-discipline Exams and coursework Choose areas of specialism

15 Preparing for University  Work experience  Volunteering/Community Work  Outside Interests  Student Shadowing  Summer Schools  Open Days  Offer Holder Days  Save money!  Get hold of a reading list  Keep involved with the subject once exams over  Have a rest

16 Student Shadowing A good way to find out if you like the university – most universities offer this Check Student Recruitment web pages of individual universities Typically 2 – 2.5 hours Lecture Tour Q&A Admissions advice

17 Campus tours Most universities will run these. Check Student Recruitment online for more details LSE Tours run every Monday, Wednesday & Friday during half term week from 3 pm. (27 and 29 May 2009) No need to book – just turn up promptly to the Student Services Centre 30 minute guided tour led by current student

18 Above all  Be supportive but don’t worry too much!  Pass on the info you’ve learnt today and try  and encourage discussions with your child  about what’s going on…  Ask teachers, speak to universities, use the internet, if possible: loads of info out there…  Questions?

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