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From Precinct to President The Elections of Harry S. Truman.

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Presentation on theme: "From Precinct to President The Elections of Harry S. Truman."— Presentation transcript:

1 From Precinct to President The Elections of Harry S. Truman

2 Truman as Missouri farmer

3 Truman as businessman Interior of Truman and Jacobson Haberdashery, ca. 1919.

4 World War I A World War I Color Guard marches down a Kansas City Street, May 1919 (left). HST in uniform (right).

5 Comic Book Harry Trumans life, 1919-1921

6 1922 Jackson County campaign

7 129 th Field Artillery poster

8 1922 Jackson County campaign Poster of Harry Truman

9 1922 Jackson County campaign anti-KKK poster

10 1922 Jackson County campaign Portraits of Thomas Pendergast (left) and James Pendergast, 1955 (right).

11 McKim oral history FUCHS: Why did you feel that he didn't belong in politics? MCKIM: Just felt that he didn't. I felt he was more the business type, but he said things hadn't been going too well in the haberdashery and he was going into politics. I think he'd always had a hankering for politics.

12 1924 Jackson County election Anti-Truman Broadside.

13 Jackson County Judge Truman with fellow judges and clerks, ca. 1927.

14 1926 Jackson County election Truman is elected Presiding Judge of the Jackson County Court.

15 Presiding judge of Jackson County Truman takes oath as judge, 1931.

16 Comic Book Harry Trumans life, 1926-1934

17 Pickwick Hotel diary, 1930s [the other two judges] …used to shoot craps while court was in session down behind the bench while I transacted business….I got a lot of good legislation for Jackson Co over while they shot craps. [the other two judges] …used to shoot craps while court was in session down behind the bench while I transacted business….I got a lot of good legislation for Jackson Co over while they shot craps. I was able to expend $7,000,000 for the taxpayers benefit. At the same time I gave away about a million…to satisfy the politicians. But if I hadnt done that the crooks would have had half the seven million. I was able to expend $7,000,000 for the taxpayers benefit. At the same time I gave away about a million…to satisfy the politicians. But if I hadnt done that the crooks would have had half the seven million.

18 Presiding judge of Jackson County Button supporting Trumans bond issue concerning roads.

19 Roads, court houses, etc. c.1933

20 Presiding judge of Jackson County Map of roads built under Trumans bond issue.

21 Presiding judge of Jackson County Truman with fellow judges at Jackson County Barbeque, 1932.

22 Senatorial Campaign, 1934 Truman gives a speech in Thayer, Missouri, 1934.

23 Senatorial Campaign, 1934 Truman speaks in Webb City, Missouri in 1934.

24 Senatorial Campaign, 1934 Trumans campaign poster for the 1934 Senatorial race.

25 Senatorial Campaign, 1934 Flyer illustrating Labor support for Truman.

26 Senatorial Campaign Trumans letter to Bess Truman, 6/28/1935.

27 1936 Democratic Convention Truman with Tom Pendergast and others

28 Senatorial Campaign, 1940 Banner in Sedalia, MO supporting Truman in 1940.

29 Senatorial Campaign, 1940 The Truman family beneath an FDR banner during the 1940 senatorial campaign.

30 Senatorial Campaign, 1940 Truman letter to Bess regarding Senator Bennett Clarks support for him

31 Senatorial Campaign, 1940 Truman campaign poster.

32 Senatorial Campaign, 1940 A Truman-supporter card.

33 Senatorial Campaign, 1940 Matchbook

34 The Truman Committee

35 Comic Book Harry Trumans life, 1934-1941

36 Vice Presidential Campaign Margaret Truman with newspaper at Democratic Convention, 1944

37 Vice Presidential Campaign Margaret and Bess Truman at Democratic Convention, 1944

38 Vice Presidential Campaign FDR to Robert Hannegan, chairman of the Democratic National Committee

39 1946 Congressional Campaign Truman letter to his Mother, July 1946: I just gave Mr. Smart Alec Slaughter a kick in the pants yesterday….Now we must beat him. Margaret Truman, Harry S. Truman, p. 329. Truman voting in 1946 (with daughter Margaret)

40 1948 Presidential Campaign Trumans World War I actions result in votes thirty years later. Trumans World War I actions result in votes thirty years later.

41 1948 Presidential Campaign Clifford-Rowe memorandum, November 1947

42 1948 Presidential Campaign Trumans election forecast by electoral votes

43 1948 Presidential Campaign Trumans diary relating his conversation with Dwight Eisenhower

44 1948 Presidential Campaign Truman to Ernie Roberts re. civil rights

45 1948 Presidential Campaign



48 Bess Truman, Ronald Reagan, Humphrey Bogart, and Lauren Bacall look on as Truman gives a speech.

49 1948 Presidential Campaign Truman and reporters on train car, Ferdinand Magellan

50 1948 Presidential Campaign Anti-Truman campaign button

51 1948 Presidential Campaign


53 Congressional relations Trumans troubles with a Democratic Congress

54 The Fair Deal

55 1950 Congressional Campaign Unsent telegram from Truman to McCarthy, February 1950: …you are not even fit to have a hand in the operation of the government of the United States. Senator Joseph McCarthy (R-WI)

56 1952 Presidential Campaign Truman greets Adlai Stevenson and Chicago mayor Ed Kelly at Democratic conference, 1950

57 1952 Presidential Campaign Truman and Margaret campaign for Stevenson

58 1960 Presidential Campaign Truman greets Stuart Symington (D-MO), Lamar, Missouri, 1959

59 1960 Presidential Campaign Truman greets John Kennedy (D-MA), Truman Library, 1959

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