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High Performance Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University,

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Presentation on theme: "High Performance Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University,"— Presentation transcript:

1 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 Introduction to Globus Procedures using LONI Resources October 2009 Sirish Tummala LONI HPC Enablement Group Email:

2 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 So Far in the HPC Workshop 10/06/09 About LONI Machines Allocation Procedures Software Environment Linux, Vi Tutorials Using the Batch System (PBS, Loadleveler)

3 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 So Far Computing your Data 10/06/09 Login to the Machine Compile your Code using native compiler on the machine. Write a submit file Submit it to the Batch System (PBS, Loadleveler)

4 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 So Far Data Management 10/06/09 Copy your data to the machine using SCP, SFTP Create directories manually After Computation, archive it without exceeding the disk quotas.

5 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 So Far: Workflows 10/06/09 You write your own scripts to automate everything. Stage in, Preprocessing, Processing, Post Processing, Stage out and Archival Usually, without any fault tolerance (retrial from the point of failure, in case of one)

6 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 AIX Bluedawg Ducky Zeke Neptune Lacumba LINUX Eric Oliver Poseidon Louie Painter Queenbee Unnamed 10/06/09 But…. you can be on only one machine at a time. Ooh !, there are 12 machines to choose from. Yay ! Too many Options?

7 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 Constraint: Using one machine at a time 10/06/09 You are more focused on your work than to use all the machines for your work. You avoid playing with multiple machines and instead work on your code Often, your code is not portable because you don’t use it on other machines. So you end up working with one or very few machines (usually your favorite ones)

8 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 What are you missing out? 10/06/09 Unused computational cycles on other machines. Get your work done fast. No more long queues. Spread your risk of machine failure while you need to get your results in time. See how your code scales on different machines and use that for improvement.

9 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 Use Globus Toolkit ! 10/06/09 Using Globus you can: There are 12 supercomputing machines on LONI. Use them all. Submit jobs to all the machines, without going to each one. When a machine goes down, throttle jobs to a different machine. Get more computational throughput in a given amount of time, by spreading your allocation/computation over multiple machines. Automate your data management. No more manual data peddling, disk quota exceeding = “no more annoying emails from us.”

10 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 LONI Grid Service Nodes B LUEDAWG. LONI. ORG P AINTER 1. LONI. ORG U NNAMED ( NEW ) L ACUMBA. LONI. ORG N EPTUNE. LONI. ORG P OSEIDON 1. LONI. ORG O LIVER 1. LONI. ORG Z EKE. LONI. ORG L OUIE 1. LONI. ORG D UCKY. LONI. ORG Q B 1. LONI. ORG E RIC 1. LONI. ORG

11 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 Your Globus Grid Certificate Globus uses the Grid Security Infrastructure (GSI). –Based on the Public-key infrastructure –All Entities use certificates to estabilish trust and identity. –A certificate contains: Entity's identity Public Key Certificate Authority Identity –Delegation Services can act on behalf of users so that grid tasks can be automated and do not require entering a passphrase manually. –GridMap File A list of Certificate subject entries and corresponding local unix accounts to correctly map certificate owners to local accounts.

12 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 LONI MyProxy Service “” MyProxy is an online credential repository. Users having certificates can store their credentials in the MyProxy repository with a password of their choice. Used for delegating grid credentials to other resources. – You can have your certificates in one place and obtain the delegated proxy on other resources.

13 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 GridFTP Protocol Basic Transfer One control channel, several parallel data channels Basic Transfer One control channel, several parallel data channels Third-party Transfer Control channels to each server, several parallel data channels between servers

14 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 Reliable File Transfer Service Reliable File Transfer: RFT provides a management layer over GridFTP to provide reliability and fault tolerance. – Uses a database to maintain state. – All file operations in the Web services implementation of globus use RFT.

15 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 Globus Pre-WSGRAM DELEGATE, DELEGATE, DELEGATE !!! A uniform service interface for remote job submission and control – Includes file staging and I/O management – Includes reliability features – Supports basic Grid security mechanisms – Available in Pre-WS and WS forms

16 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 Language of Pre-WS GRAM GRAM uses the Resource Specification Language (RSL) to describe execution tasks that need to be submitted to GRAM. The GRAM service endpoint is called the gatekeeper.

17 High Performance Computing @ Louisiana State University - LONI HPC Enablement Workshop – LaTech University, October 23, 2008 10/06/09 Globus & PBS, Globus & Loadleveler, Globus & Workflows You submit Jobs and Data transfer tasks using Globus It uses PBS/Loadleveler on the machine for Computation It used GridFTP to manage your data Gridway, DAGMan(Condor) to schedule your workflows.

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